PTL Draft

Team 2 looks strongest to me... solid Pg with 2 good bigs

The thing I like about all of these teams is how they will allow all of our bigs: Woody, Olaseni, even Meyer, to shine on their own. Although having UNI in the mix was more competition, it didn't allow this as much because 2-3 stringers were always on teams with 1st stringers from other teams. I'm looking at team 4 right now. It plays right to Olaseni's strengths. With Dev and AF providing the firepower, all he needs to do is rebound and defend. We'll get a chance to see how much he really has improved this spring.
anyone have any thoughts on which team looks the best from the draft? i am still trying to decide which combos i like the best.

I'm liking team 1 with McCabe, Uthoff, Oges and Andre Murphy. If Woodbury contributes that's a bonus, but I think McCabe is a handful in PTL this year. Andre Murphy is a stud in pickup games like the PTL.
i think team 2 looks the best. but the combo i would enjoy seeing the most...i think...would be the white and clemmons combo from team 3. i think those will be some good pick and roll & pick and pop combos. not to mention some alley oops and fastbreaks.
i think team 2 looks the best. but the combo i would enjoy seeing the most...i think...would be the white and clemmons combo from team 3. i think those will be some good pick and roll & pick and pop combos. not to mention some alley oops and fastbreaks.

Also from that team we'll see if May has really recovered.

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