PSU Rumor from Hawkeyereport Free site


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For what its worth...

A former associate of mine, who is a PSU grad, tells me that Penn State people close to the situation are floating a voluntary 'near death' penalty to the Big10 in hopes of averting a NCAA punishment.

The plan goes something like this....PSU will voluntarily cancel all non-conference games in 2012 & 2013. All conference games will be played on the road only during 2012 & 2013. Penn State will voluntarily removed itself from contention from any possible Big10 Championship games and bowls games at the conclusion of both the 2012 & 2013 seasons.

Penn State will also voluntarily accept a reduction of 10 scholarships per year in each of the next three years.

I'm uncertain is a plan like this would be acceptable to the NCAA but it makes sense that both PSU and the Big10 would be frantically working behind the scences to put this thing behind them. Switching conference games from Happy Valley to other conference venues would be a very easy fix logistically in most cases.
For what its worth...

A former associate of mine, who is a PSU grad, tells me that Penn State people close to the situation are floating a voluntary 'near death' penalty to the Big10 in hopes of averting a NCAA punishment.

The plan goes something like this....PSU will voluntarily cancel all non-conference games in 2012 & 2013. All conference games will be played on the road only during 2012 & 2013. Penn State will voluntarily removed itself from contention from any possible Big10 Championship games and bowls games at the conclusion of both the 2012 & 2013 seasons.

Penn State will also voluntarily accept a reduction of 10 scholarships per year in each of the next three years.

I'm uncertain is a plan like this would be acceptable to the NCAA but it makes sense that both PSU and the Big10 would be frantically working behind the scences to put this thing behind them. Switching conference games from Happy Valley to other conference venues would be a very easy fix logistically in most cases.

I don't understand this.

never mind, see that you explain that in the last paragraph. No way they do that this year.
If PSU tries something like this, it will be as effective as Paterno saying he will retire at the end of the season.
I would think the big10 would also want some sort of TV ban. I cannot think of a reason the conference would want the possibility of this being brought up during every game. Perhaps the BTN could keep their commentators from discussing it so maybe they could do dome sort of tier 1 and 2 ban, but you know ESPN will be all over it if the games were shown there. It just seems to me that the big10's PR team would love to keep PSU out of the spotlight.
I would think the big10 would also want some sort of TV ban. I cannot think of a reason the conference would want the possibility of this being brought up during every game. Perhaps the BTN could keep their commentators from discussing it so maybe they could do dome sort of tier 1 and 2 ban, but you know ESPN will be all over it if the games were shown there. It just seems to me that the big10's PR team would love to keep PSU out of the spotlight.

The problem with a tv ban is it unfairly punishes the other teams in the conference when they play them. Why should Iowa have to miss out on primetime national tv exposure because Happy Valley is a haven or pedophiles?
that is a lot more then I thought they'd be willing to do. that may be enough to stem the B1G, but I doubt the NCAA. there will atleast have to be an out for all current players to transfer anywhere with a full ride.
This is the biggest issue that must be wrangled with..

The problem with a tv ban is it unfairly punishes the other teams in the conference when they play them. Why should Iowa have to miss out on primetime national tv exposure because Happy Valley is a haven or pedophiles?

and why the NCAA hasn't handed down TV bans in a long, long time. The nature of today's TV contracts end up penalizing not only the team/program who has done wrong, but their opponents as well.

If it is determined that the NCAA won't shut down the PSU program for 1-2 years, then the options floated in this thread MIGHT be a decent alternative. I would perhaps add on additional years for post-season ban and allow any current player to transfer immediately and be eligible immediately at another school.
I also think the B1G teams getting an extra home game would agree to donate all ticket sales and proceeds to a child abuse awareness charity. Not that I would care but what are the 8 teams that are scheduled to play them in the OOC schedule going to do just be short a game?
Yeah i got that, was wondering how they were going to re-venue every home conference game a month and a half before the season.

Yeah, it definitely seems a little too late in the year to get everything figured out. I'm sure the B10 teams won't mind trying to figure it out though for that extra revenue.
For what its worth...

A former associate of mine, who is a PSU grad, tells me that Penn State people close to the situation are floating a voluntary 'near death' penalty to the Big10 in hopes of averting a NCAA punishment.

The plan goes something like this....PSU will voluntarily cancel all non-conference games in 2012 & 2013. All conference games will be played on the road only during 2012 & 2013. Penn State will voluntarily removed itself from contention from any possible Big10 Championship games and bowls games at the conclusion of both the 2012 & 2013 seasons.

Penn State will also voluntarily accept a reduction of 10 scholarships per year in each of the next three years.

I'm uncertain is a plan like this would be acceptable to the NCAA but it makes sense that both PSU and the Big10 would be frantically working behind the scences to put this thing behind them. Switching conference games from Happy Valley to other conference venues would be a very easy fix logistically in most cases.

I'd like this, but the statue must go and let players transfer without losing a year.
I'd like this, but the statue must go and let players transfer without losing a year.

I think I prefer throwing a pure white cover over the statue for 14 years, and having an engraving saying "The man who did nothing" displayed the same length of time. getting rid of the statue is too humane, it would be forgotten. Covering it up would serve as a reminder.
Re: This is the biggest issue that must be wrangled with..

and why the NCAA hasn't handed down TV bans in a long, long time. The nature of today's TV contracts end up penalizing not only the team/program who has done wrong, but their opponents as well.

perhaps PSU should also pay the projected revenue loss too?
The problem with a tv ban is it unfairly punishes the other teams in the conference when they play them. Why should Iowa have to miss out on primetime national tv exposure because Happy Valley is a haven or pedophiles?

Local blackout like they do in the NFL? I realize there are PSU alum all over the country but if there was a blackout in Pennsylvania and an area around the state. . .
Only road games for 14 years sounds more appropriate to me. The scholarship. reduction should be one for every victim that comes forward and, again, last for 14 years as well. All athletes in all sports can transfer without restrictions and can be recruited by any school.
The problem with a tv ban is it unfairly punishes the other teams in the conference when they play them. Why should Iowa have to miss out on primetime national tv exposure because Happy Valley is a haven or pedophiles?

Because Happy Valley is a haven pedophiles and we should want nothing to do with them.
Unfortunately, a specific NCAA rule was not broken by Penn State. It will be reasoned by the NCAA that it has no "bone to pick" and therefore, the NCAA will not give the death penalty.

The Big 10, the Pennsylvania House/Senate/Governor, and the Board of Trustees should get involved immediately. (Actually, the Board of Trustees should all be fired as this occurred under their watch).

I would:

1. Eliminate the employment of anybody at Penn State remotely involved in the cover-up. If you were there (and knew or suspected anything) and choose not to act, you are gone.
2. Anybody on the football staff (down to the equipment managers) there during the time of 1998 and later is automatically gone.
3. The entire Board of Trustees should be replaced immediately (lack of oversight and control).
4. The Big 10 should suspend Penn State from conference football participation for several years to let Penn State reset the culture. No Big 10 Network coverage of any Penn State football until the restitution process is complete. Projected revenue loss would be paid by Penn State.
5. At a minimum, assuming football is played, the NCAA should allow no post season participation for 10 years. No television coverage of any Penn State football games will be allowed. Again revenue losses would be paid by Penn State.
6. The NCAA should allow immediate transfer, without penalty, of current football players/recruits. Penn State will be liable for any and all costs related to the education of these transfers.
7. Any money Penn State makes from football games it does play goes directly into an outside fund to be used for victim compensation.

I could go on and on. It would be easiest in the NCAA had the balls to give them the death penalty but for legal reasons I don't think they will.

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