PSU Outrage, this is just beginning

Can we get one more PSU thread on the main page?!? There isn't enough of 'em!

What we really need are more posts claiming that though the situation looks bad now, it will be much worse in the future.

This iceberg has had so many tips, it's beginning to look like Bart Simpson's head.
The library and the statue are not the same thing and can't be treated as the same thing.

The statue is a direct representation of Joe and who he was as a person and what he did for the Penn St. football team. It was meant to put him on a pedistal and show their devotion to him.

The library is for the students and has his name on it because he gave money to build it, nothing else. If someone would have donated more money, their name would have been on the building. The you can change the name of the building and in a couple of years nobody remembers.

Change the name on the building and tear down the statue, it's that easy.

You can change the name, but it was still built with money donated and raised by a man who enabled child rape for years and years. You need to tear it down, no question. Without JoePa winning football games you think he would have been able to raise as much money?
who cares? Pedo St. will be scott-free of penalties.
You don't think firing their coach - AD - chancellor - etc. is a penalty? You don't think a billion $$$$$ worth of negative publicity is a penalty?

yes, its such a penalty they signed a top ten recruiting class and almost set a record for AD and University donations, and the coach they fired died within months... how silly of anyone to think they havent paid their.pennance yet...
yes, its such a penalty they signed a top ten recruiting class and almost set a record for AD and University donations, and the coach they fired died within months... how silly of anyone to think they havent paid their.pennance yet...

Who is they? Everyone directly involved with this will be dead or in jail by the time the investigation is over.

Except of course the cowardly janitors who did even less than McQuery.
I'm cerial bra. frequent death threats in bomb threats, people vandalizing penn state property... this is gonna get ugly

Won't happen. Perhaps some isolated incidents by the lunatic fringe, but most people realize that this was a situation created and fostered by a dozen or so people and that PSU as an institution and most of the people associated with it are in no way associated with Jerry Sandusky or his crimes.
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death threats and vandalism is less.extreme than flying a plane around campus with a banner message imo.
yes, its such a penalty they signed a top ten recruiting class and almost set a record for AD and University donations, and the coach they fired died within months... how silly of anyone to think they havent paid their.pennance yet...
Who is they? Everyone directly involved with this will be dead or in jail by the time the investigation is over. Except of course the cowardly janitors who did even less than McQuery.

they as in the psu ad. THEY havent come close to paying the price yet.
You know it's serious when Duff takes time away from golf to comment.
Who is they? Everyone directly involved with this will be dead or in jail by the time the investigation is over.

Except of course the cowardly janitors who did even less than McQuery.

The NCAA's punishments have almost always punished the people who came after them. It's just the way it is. If they get shut down, every student should be allowed to transfer without having to sit out or stay if they wish. The coaches and employees who work for the program would have to deal with the problems their employer is having. Just like any employee who gets laid off from a company that goes under. And yes, the janitors were cowards.
Just because the talk about PSU seems to be dying's an interesting viewpoint. (I didn't want to start another PSU thread)

Let Penn State Keep Playing Football - Yahoo! News

From the article. You should read the entire thing however. I just grabbed from the middle.

"College football coaches are powerful, because people make them that way. Let's be clear: What Joe Paterno did was a grave abuse of power and privilege and there is no excuse for that. But that power was not unearned. Football has provided tremendous benefits to Penn State and State College over the last five decades (as it does at so many other schools across the country) and Paterno was primarily responsible for that. He was the most important person on that campus, because no individual was more important to its success — and few people had a problem with that before they learned about what Sandusky had done.
(It's also worth noting that Paterno's 45-year reign at the head of one program was an anomaly. With or without the scandal, it is unlikely to be repeated in the modern era of sport.)
If you want to sign onto the idea that everyone who works at Penn State or worshiped Nittany Lion football is as responsible for these crimes as Paterno was, then (as The Nation's Dave Zirin has suggested) so is every journalist who ever wrote a glowing article about him, every shoe company that ever gave him an endorsement, every TV station that ever broadcast one of his games, and every fan who ever rooted for any college football team anywhere. Didn't we all have a hand in inflating the importance of his game?

Many people who amass that kind of power have a tendency to abuse it, whether they're a football coach, a teacher, a CEO, or a senator. That does not mean it's always our fault for giving them that power. Or that no one should be allowed to have power again. We don't disband governments because some of our leaders become corrupt. We didn't eliminate banks because some bankers created economic problem. We didn't eliminate the Catholic Church, because some priests committed the same crimes Jerry Sandusky and Joe Paterno did. We can't eliminate college football because some coaches or players come to believe they are above the law. We punish the offenders and we make corrections. We don't take away what we believe can be fixed."

What do you all think about that? (as I the whole thing)
people have already been silenced over this. it aint a joke.
If the Governor of Pennsylvania who appointed trustees and may be complicaint. Who can?

is this english?

seriosly brah a d.a. is already missing over this jimmy hoffa style. no one else thinks its "convienent" joe ped went **** up three months after getting canned despite being in great health?
You can change the name, but it was still built with money donated and raised by a man who enabled child rape for years and years. You need to tear it down, no question. Without JoePa winning football games you think he would have been able to raise as much money?
I will just say it now that anyone who advocates tearing down a library that is fairly new and fully functional because of who gave SOME money to it is probably not very intelligent in their thought process on this matter. You act like he was solely responsible for the entire amount. I don' know, but I am betting that wasn't the case. But what the heck,tear it down anyway.

Let's see, you have this facility that is doing all kinds of good but you want to tear it down and then, in theory, one would have to raise a lot more money than the original amount to build the same thing now as what you are wanting to tear down. If they have to raise that amount of money it could go to some new project that would also do a lot of good. But instead, why don't you let that not happen and instead penalize a great many people that had nothing to do with the football program, just because someone that was with the football program donated money to the building. And they probably donated a relatively small portion of the amount that funded the library.

That logic is beyond idiotic. I don't have a problem penalizing the football program and the institution as a whole. But I wouldn't cut off the nose to spite the face. Isn't that how the saying goes? Heck, I wouldn't even have a problem with suspending the football program for two years and letting players go to wherever they want and play immediately. But at some point you have to realize, like someone else said, that there were a dozen or less people that were in charge that were the problem and you shouldn't penalize a student population and an entire institution UNREASONABLY for the actions of a few.

Everyone over here talks real big when it isn't their school that did something wrong. Just know that if this could happen at a place like that or a religious institution. It could happen in a LOT of other places that might be near and dear to your heart.
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