PSU Outrage, this is just beginning

The 4 mil was only to the library. He probably donated much more than that spread out through the university.

im cool with that. as long as its more than 500,000 per child ****ed in the *** i think its all good. that seems like a reasonable amount to clear ones conscience and cleanse ones soul.
Just because the talk about PSU seems to be dying's an interesting viewpoint. (I didn't want to start another PSU thread)

Let Penn State Keep Playing Football - Yahoo! News

From the article. You should read the entire thing however. I just grabbed from the middle.

"College football coaches are powerful, because people make them that way. Let's be clear: What Joe Paterno did was a grave abuse of power and privilege and there is no excuse for that. But that power was not unearned. Football has provided tremendous benefits to Penn State and State College over the last five decades (as it does at so many other schools across the country) and Paterno was primarily responsible for that. He was the most important person on that campus, because no individual was more important to its success — and few people had a problem with that before they learned about what Sandusky had done.
(It's also worth noting that Paterno's 45-year reign at the head of one program was an anomaly. With or without the scandal, it is unlikely to be repeated in the modern era of sport.)
If you want to sign onto the idea that everyone who works at Penn State or worshiped Nittany Lion football is as responsible for these crimes as Paterno was, then (as The Nation's Dave Zirin has suggested) so is every journalist who ever wrote a glowing article about him, every shoe company that ever gave him an endorsement, every TV station that ever broadcast one of his games, and every fan who ever rooted for any college football team anywhere. Didn't we all have a hand in inflating the importance of his game?

Many people who amass that kind of power have a tendency to abuse it, whether they're a football coach, a teacher, a CEO, or a senator. That does not mean it's always our fault for giving them that power. Or that no one should be allowed to have power again. We don't disband governments because some of our leaders become corrupt. We didn't eliminate banks because some bankers created economic problem. We didn't eliminate the Catholic Church, because some priests committed the same crimes Jerry Sandusky and Joe Paterno did. We can't eliminate college football because some coaches or players come to believe they are above the law. We punish the offenders and we make corrections. We don't take away what we believe can be fixed."

What do you all think about that? (as I the whole thing)

Just one of many trying to rationalize away giving PSU any severe penalties in all this. To me the idea of turning Beaver Stadium into a cow pasture sounds better all the time.
I wouldn't give Penn States troubles to a monkey on a rock...

Heard Letterman use this a few times in the past and never really understood it. Seems apropo now.
Letting them keep football is like allowing a drug addict to have more drugs. Football is what drove these horrible crimes to be covered up and Football is why so many people are in denial. If you allow them to keep playing then you are proving that football is king and it is more important than life. Take it away from them, perhaps then they will understand what Joe Paterno did was wrong and he is not to be admired for anything. Hopefully the Board of Trustees will do the right thing and punish themselves so that the healing can begin.
To a large degree those responsible are either dead in the cold cold ground, gone, going to prison for a very long time, or facing the possibility of serious charges.....

Many should spend time behind bars for a while besides losing their positions.....

I believe they should take the statue down and rename the library. Why penalize the students and athletes who had nothing to do with this horrible tragedy and subsequent coverup.....
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Definitely a book burning in order here.
Let it begin, Mn.....



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