"Pro Set" offense

I don't know about that. Maybe a helicopter to a F15 might be a better comparison. Both are designed to fly but 1 does it a whole lot better, faster and higher.

I hope Brian has in him some F15 because this helicopter offense we have had under GD is for the birds.
Agreed. You can get by with an average passing game in college, whereas the professional game requires elite QB play to win a championship.


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Has Eli not already proved he is elite? The guy has two championships, both against the Pats. What else does he have to do?
Tebow, Steven A and Jesse Palmer are discussing DeShawn Watson's NFL projections post NC game. (forget whether you like any of these guys for the moment, in this case they know what they're talking about).

Tebow stated an obvious point (that Kirk and Brian need to hear). The "pro set" offense is no longer the standard in the NFL. Nobody goes under center and runs power right. Duh. You have to pass, you need to use the whole field. Wake up Kirk...you're living in the past. You don't run a "pro set" offense. You run a 20th century pro-set offense.

You can have a diversified passing offense using a pro-set. The pro-set also gives an added advantage of a power run game if you wish. Get a fullback you actually give some touches. That's a whole other option that should be utilized to keep the D just a bit more honest and off-balance. Throw to the FB on occasion. This is what I hope BF does to add diversity to his offense.
If anyone knows what it takes to play QB in the NFL it's Tebow and Palmer.

again.... knowing and being able to do it are two different things. (but I realize we live in a shoot the messenger society) Show me a top NFL coach that was a star player...yeah, you can't. That being said...their points were not ground breaking...merely an observation of where NFL "pro" offenses are today. It's not the old stuff Kirk still leans on.
again.... knowing and being able to do it are two different things. (but I realize we live in a shoot the messenger society) Show me a top NFL coach that was a star player...yeah, you can't. That being said...their points were not ground breaking...merely an observation of where NFL "pro" offenses are today. It's not the old stuff Kirk still leans on.

You keep taking your analysis from someone who was on The Bachelor and another too boneheaded to play TE in the NFL. The rest of us will just use our brains. Thanks for stopping by today!

You keep taking your analysis from someone who was on The Bachelor and another too boneheaded to play TE in the NFL. The rest of us will just use our brains. Thanks for stopping by today!

yep. If only they were as smart, successful and clever as you.
I don't have a problem with Iowa using a pro style offense. Given their personnel most years a pro style offense is probably the best fit. What's frustrating is the lack of creativity within that pro style offense. Football has become a lot like basketball where it is about spacing. It is 2016 and Iowa still wants to play in a phone booth. You can spread people out from a pro set. Yet Iowa wants the box loaded on 3rd and 2.
again.... knowing and being able to do it are two different things. (but I realize we live in a shoot the messenger society) Show me a top NFL coach that was a star player...yeah, you can't. That being said...their points were not ground breaking...merely an observation of where NFL "pro" offenses are today. It's not the old stuff Kirk still leans on.

You're making a bit of a logical leap here. Just because Tebow and Palmer couldn't play in the NFL, doesn't mean they could coach... It's not an either/or skill set. Let me know when either of those two guys coach a championship team and then I'll give two hoots what they have to say about offensive philosophy.
Tebow, Steven A and Jesse Palmer are discussing DeShawn Watson's NFL projections post NC game. (forget whether you like any of these guys for the moment, in this case they know what they're talking about).

Tebow stated an obvious point (that Kirk and Brian need to hear). The "pro set" offense is no longer the standard in the NFL. Nobody goes under center and runs power right. Duh. You have to pass, you need to use the whole field. Wake up Kirk...you're living in the past. You don't run a "pro set" offense. You run a 20th century pro-set offense.

That's funny because there was just a lengthy article on a new league starting up that will take 18 to 22 year olds with lots of backing by former NFL personnel and TV people because colleges are not prepping athletes for the NFL and will be for those who want to do the football thing and skip college and they will be paid $50k each a year. Joe Montana said the same recently on ESPN radio. The college quarterbacks in the spread never learn to read a defense. They go up to the line and stare over at the sideline waiting for the coach to tell him what to do.
I don't have a problem with Iowa using a pro style offense. Given their personnel most years a pro style offense is probably the best fit. What's frustrating is the lack of creativity within that pro style offense. Football has become a lot like basketball where it is about spacing. It is 2016 and Iowa still wants to play in a phone booth. You can spread people out from a pro set. Yet Iowa wants the box loaded on 3rd and 2.

The spread is an offense that allows less gifted teams to compete with more talented teams. Spreads out the defense. That was its purpose. Not much gap in the NFL which is why you do not see it there.
That's funny because there was just a lengthy article on a new league starting up that will take 18 to 22 year olds with lots of backing by former NFL personnel and TV people because colleges are not prepping athletes for the NFL and will be for those who want to do the football thing and skip college and they will be paid $50k each a year. Joe Montana said the same recently on ESPN radio. The college quarterbacks in the spread never learn to read a defense. They go up to the line and stare over at the sideline waiting for the coach to tell him what to do.

I was just going to post something similar. While it is true that terminology like "pro set" or "pro personnel" are used to indicate a formation or a personnel package (due to historical reasons more than anything else), when a college team runs a "pro style" offense, it does not mean they are tied to at TE and a FB.

In my mind, this is what a pro style offense includes:
  • The ability to run OR pass. Pro offenses cannot be one-dimensional. The Patriots are a great example. Some games they throw the ball 40+ times, or some games they run the ball 40+ times, based on opponent, but they have the capability of doing either when necessary.
  • They can work from under center or in shotgun. Anyone watch the end of Maryland's Bowl Game when they lost, as much as anything else, because they could not effectively take a snap under center in a goal-line situation?
  • Above all else, the players are asked to think on the field. Line calls are made based upon D alignment, routes are adjusted based upon coverage, and defenders read keys. Many very successful college systems have eliminated much of this thinking with suped-up tempo, coaches calling plays from the sidelines, hyper-aggressive defenses, and the like. These things are not used in the NFL for various reasons, some pertaining to different rules, and some pertaining to more intelligent players in the pros than at the college level.
A pro-style offense can be as wide-open or as conservative as you want to make it, but the above characteristics are typically present.

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