F that.
A word has never hurt anyone in human history.
It's your PERCEPTION of spoken word that "hurts" you, and if the INTENT of the person who spoke it doesn't match up with your PERCEPTION, then there's no guilt to be placed anywhere, and definitely no apology required.
If you said "Hi Fryowa, how are you today?" and I was hurt by it would you feel bad? F no you wouldn't. It's the INTENT behind words, not your PERCEPTION that counts.
But nice try bringing your social justice to the room and trying to beat us up with it. You paid way too much for that liberal arts degree, friendo.
Soooooo...'m just going to sit here and wait for your weak-ass shaming attempt (I'll help you out, though...I'm generally not shameable and I ain't apologizing). Let's hear what you've got to say, Dr. Phil.
What a fucking tool you are to come here and demand that people learn to apologize for "hurt" that they didn't cause. You're an arrogant fool.
Fry's right. You're fucking insufferable.I see what you're saying. It's a good point. And as far as apologizing and laughing about it later.... so long as you werent laughing with the intention of hurting anyone, or you werent doing it in a highly visible platform (news, social media, etc), then I dont think there's anything wrong with that.
I'm mainly speaking out against the people doubling down and saying there was literally 0 problem with what he said.
No uFry's right. You're fucking insufferable.
I'm not sure if you are serious. If you are, you're the biggest snowflake ass NPC I've ever seen.Most racially insensitive remark I’ve ever heard!!!!!!
If you're old like me you probably remember Howard Cosell describe a running back as "bouncing around like a monkey" on a kick off return. He meant no offense but it forced him out of Monday night football. Howard was instrumental in helping Ali's career and all that was washed out the window when he was canned. Dolph should have known better, but this is PC vigilantism at its worst.What I'd like to see happen is if someone could play what he said for Fernando. Let him hear it and then see what he thinks. If Bruno isn't in the least bit 'offended' then let that be it. Just because something 'could be' offensive doesn't mean it is. I'm not a fan of Dolph by any means I thought he should have been done 5 plus years ago. But this is a BS way to get forced out...
"Wow I never thought this would be the kind of place i'd type out a long form political reply!"Well, there are studies of this sort of thing, various cultural studies courses as well as sociology. It's all out there available to be read too, by all sorts of academics over history.
Speaking frankly, I do think being aware of how words affect others and consciousness about class, race, sex, etc, is generally a good thing. My personal belief is that considering how what we say and do affects others, we can all move towards a place where we all live together in mutual understanding and just enjoy life.
And as far as unintentionally saying something you later find out is problematic/insensitive, you just learn about why it's considered as such, and try to apologize and move on, I don't think it really warrants a person being suspended or losing their job, like this situation.
Where it gets tricky is when it's harder to separate out intent from words/actions. Which is where I think a lot of the controversy from things like blackface comes from. It's not so much that I want to crucify people for doing something they truly thought was harmless, I just want them to learn why it does upset some people and apologize for it.
The conservative ideas of "f***you, got mine" and "I dont care if my words or actions hurt you" just have never really sat true with me.
Wow I never thought this would be the kind of place i'd type out a long form political reply!
I as a white man, I have been the victim of racism before. A few years out of college I moved to a small town in the deep rural south. For the most part the racism targeted at the blacks was unfathomable compared to relationships I had with my black college teammates. Unless you have seen what takes place in these small towns in the rural south, you would not believe it possible in the modern USA. It is like 1861 down there even now, but back to my story. I made friends with one of the operators at the chemical plant I worked at. He was a local who had gone on to play college hoops and then come home and got a job at this plant. He and I were able to forge a friendship based in part on our shared college hoops background. I told Slim that I had noticed in a local park there was a pick up basketball game going on just about every time I drove by the park. I asked my friend Slim if he would like to go with me there the following weekend. We arrived together and Slim received a heroes welcome. He introduced me, said that I had played ball in college, and the two of us wanted to get into the game. He was told they would be glad to have him play, but that I was not welcome there. I had not really noticed until that moment that all the players were black. Slim tried to plead my case, but the locals would not listen. I was a white man and was not welcome there.Its a controversial subject, but the consensus among academics who study such things as racism have found that racism isn't so much direct actions of intolerance but more referring to specific power structures in place that systematically hold back minorities.
So while a white person can participate in the racism or not, it's hard for a minority to actually be racist to a white person because whites are the color that is in power (look at almost all leadership roles today, although some companies are selecting token minorities/women).
Was King Kong there?I as a white man, I have been the victim of racism before. A few years out of college I moved to a small town in the deep rural south. For the most part the racism targeted at the blacks was unfathomable compared to relationships I had with my black college teammates. Unless you have seen what takes place in these small towns in the rural south, you would not believe it possible in the modern USA. It is like 1861 down there even now, but back to my story. I made friends with one of the operators at the chemical plant I worked at. He was a local who had gone on to play college hoops and then come home and got a job at this plant. He and I were able to forge a friendship based in part on our shared college hoops background. I told Slim that I had noticed in a local park there was a pick up basketball game going on just about every time I drove by the park. I asked my friend Slim if he would like to go with me there the following weekend. We arrived together and Slim received a heroes welcome. He introduced me, said that I had played ball in college, and the two of us wanted to get into the game. He was told they would be glad to have him play, but that I was not welcome there. I had not really noticed until that moment that all the players were black. Slim tried to plead my case, but the locals would not listen. I was a white man and was not welcome there.
Don't get me wrong, I can understand them not wanting to accept a white player based on the way they were treated their entire lives by the local white population. But to say minorities cant be racist is simply not true.
I think Rob Brooks would get serious consideration.Man. I don't know why I expected this thread to be better than this. I probably should have known better. We have everything from evolution denial to calling blackface a compliment. C'mon guys.
In context it is clear Dolph was trying to pay a compliment and said the wrong thing. Do I think the reaction is a little knee-jerk. Yeah. But I also think you have to know to be better than that on live radio. Especially when you are representing what has been a very liberal university for a very long time.
The best thing to do is move on for this. If Dolph comes back that will be great. Never cared for his basketball play-by-play, but I am too young to remember any other voice of the Hawkeyes for Football, and can't imagine anyone else doing football play-by-play.
Though if Dolph is gone I'm not sure who would replace him in Football. Could we get Chuck Long away from BTN? Though, if I'm being completely honest, I wouldn't mind Laura on the play-by-play, though I would miss her at-game sideline reporting.
Hahahaha! My two most favorite sitcoms of all time are Seinfeld and It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia. That should tell you if I’m aI'm not sure if you are serious. If you are, you're the biggest snowflake ass NPC I've ever seen.
I think Rob Brooks would get serious consideration.
They're going to want someone equally adept at both sports. And Chuck Long isn't even a play by play man, hes an analyst.
So do you believe the picture that surfaced of the current Virginia governor, who was in extremely exaggerated blackface, standing next to the person in costume of a hooded KKK member, being complimentary or something with his depiction of a black man? I don't get how that is UN-racist?? Please explain.