Predict the size of the meltdown

Whose job is it to make sure the players execute correctly? Just wonderin'.

ever heard the way people talk about iowa practices? one of the BTN guys said its the most educational practice he attends from the big 10. that's the only time the coaches can make sure players execute correctly. during the game, its the players that have to take what they have learned and apply it to the field.

what you're basically saying is its the coaches fault if a player gets called for a false start. mental and physical mistakes are going to happen in college football
They need to win!!! I can't take another weekend like last weekend. It took a lot of Coors light to get me back to normal.
Pitt sucks. There should be real concern and prolly resignation to a crappy non-bowl season if we lose to Pitt.
Anyone who watched the ISU game and says that loss is on the players instead of the coaches is crazy.

I'm glad practice is so educational. Great. Make them students of the game. But it might be good to remind the coaches the goal is to win games and not simply prepare players for the next level.
Does anyone think KF will take the handcuffs off the offense this week and let KOK run 12 plays instead of the usual 7?

Does anyone think Norm will do anything different regardless that he does not have the players to run his "typical" defense?

Does anyone think the Iowa coaching staff will do anything different against a new wide open offense that they haven't seen.

Does anyone think the Iowa coaching staff will change their gameplan to confront this new offense.

Does anyone think the Iowa coaching staff will take advantage of Pitt's weaknesses or will the staff use the same exact gameplan they have used for the past 13 years.

Does anyone think Pitt will take advantage of any Iowa weakness and exploit the hell out of it?

Does anyone think Pitt will go for 4th and 1 or try to get into field goal range with 1:20 left to try to win the game or will they take the safe route and kick a field goal or take a knee?

Does anyone think KF and the staff could do something even more less risky this game than last?

91.7% Chance that NewMexHawk has the biggest and ugliest meltdown. I kinda think its already started.
ever heard the way people talk about iowa practices? one of the BTN guys said its the most educational practice he attends from the big 10. that's the only time the coaches can make sure players execute correctly. during the game, its the players that have to take what they have learned and apply it to the field.

what you're basically saying is its the coaches fault if a player gets called for a false start. mental and physical mistakes are going to happen in college football

Ask Kirk who's responsible for getting players to execute correctly then get back to me with his response.
so according to you guys who want to put blame on coaching. when can you put the blame on a player. Not trying to start an argument just trying to figure out how that's possible, that its always a coached fault.
so according to you guys who want to put blame on coaching. when can you put the blame on a player. Not trying to start an argument just trying to figure out how that's possible, that its always a coached fault.

Not saying it is "always" the coaches fault. Players make mistakes.

But things like: playcalling, overall play of offense/defense, playing for OT instead of a win, not going for it on 4th and 1....that's coaching.

Also...not having quality players at some positions, no depth, or players that make a lot of mental errors...that's coaching, too.
When the players have the authority to decide to lay on the ball with over a minute on the clock and 2 timeouts, it'll be their fault.
my point is this. in the first It we had a chance to win if Castillo had mad a better play we would have won. in the second over time if our d line hadn't stood straight up we would have won. if Keenan Davis catches the pass on 3rd and 6 we're not arguing about 4th and 1. those things are on players not coaches. I understand what your saying about play calling. I have never liked koks play calling. we do better with the first 15 plays because there scripted than we do the rest of the game. as far as depth though. that's not always coaching.
my point is this. in the first It we had a chance to win if Castillo had mad a better play we would have won. in the second over time if our d line hadn't stood straight up we would have won. if Keenan Davis catches the pass on 3rd and 6 we're not arguing about 4th and 1. those things are on players not coaches. I understand what your saying about play calling. I have never liked koks play calling. we do better with the first 15 plays because there scripted than we do the rest of the game. as far as depth though. that's not always coaching.

You can't play the "what if" card. EVERY game has dropped balls, missed assignments, etc. That's football. You have to look at the big picture.

There has never been a college football game in history in which every player on a team played perfect every down for the entire game. I'll bet even in Georgia Tech's 222-0 victory over Cumberland College, not everyone on Tech played a perfect game.
I guess my point is that I can cut college kids some slack for not performing like they're in the NFL. No players has a flawless game. On the flip side, we have a veteran coaching staff that seems to be willing to call "uncle" at the drop of a hat.

Listen, I love Iowa football. I have sung the praises of this coaching staff for years. I've met almost all of them and they are incredibly nice and engaging people (for the most part). My hope is that Ferentz retires here. All of that said, they need to shift their focus from preparing kids for the NFL and concentrate on actually putting them in a position to win ballgames.
and no coach is ever going to be perfect. the game isn't always lost by a coach which is my point. players make mistakes Just as much as coaches. overall in last weeks game we missed some opportunities, on the players and coaches ends of things. so to put blame solely on coaching doesn't make sense to me.
and no coach is ever going to be perfect. the game isn't always lost by a coach which is my point. players make mistakes Just as much as coaches. overall in last weeks game we missed some opportunities, on the players and coaches ends of things. so to put blame solely on coaching doesn't make sense to me.

Well...this will be my last response to this.....

There were 2 critical points where the game could have been won (or at least "not lost") that many fans feel were handled poorly by the coaching staff: not playing to win in regulation and 4th and 1 on overtime.

All blame isn't being laid on either the coaches or players.....but many are blaming Kirk for not taking advantage of these situations.
Depends if we play poorly, or
Make stupid coaching mistakes, or
Lose to a better team, or
Lose on a fluke

depends on the score
Bigger or smaller than last week?

Nuclear, or just a dirty bomb?

Who will remain the calmest? Who will go the most insane? I want odds and numbers here.

What will the reaction of OK4P be?

How many threads calling for Ferentz to be fired?

[ame=]Apollo 13 / Leadership, Conviction - YouTube[/ame]
You can't play the "what if" card. EVERY game has dropped balls, missed assignments, etc. That's football. You have to look at the big picture.

There has never been a college football game in history in which every player on a team played perfect every down for the entire game. I'll bet even in Georgia Tech's 222-0 victory over Cumberland College, not everyone on Tech played a perfect game.

This is a historical fact. Tech's Elmer Huxtable was penalized for possession of illegal snuff.

You could look it up.

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