
Wrong. The D-line is the root of our problems this year. It's not their fault, as they simply are what they are, and they're the best we have. Their best just simply isn't good enough. No pressure, gashed on the ground. Nobody can play well behind them because they simply aren't good enough to eat blocks and generate pressure.

This is the most accurate statement!
Bad D-line + average linebackers + below average corners = bad total defense.

Wrong-bad d-line plus covering slot receivers with slow linebackers plus weak a$$ zone coverage plus no blitzing to make the opposing qb uncomfortable plus the same old crappy defensive philosophy of not being aggressive equals the state of Iowa football
Prater seems to struggle worse each week. He was out of position a bit today..I think the first deep one was on Miller.

This. If you look at the tape, Miller had deep coverage and Prater was underneath. Miller came up and was playing the run...for what reason, nobody knows, but that one was on Miller. That said, Prater has cost himself some dinero this year and he's probably wishing he had turn pro last year.
prater needs to be sat! and why are our corners both playing 10 yards off the receiver i would run spots and short outs on iowa all day even someone with no football intelligence could beat iowa's defense just by watching one driver of film this is pathetic we play 3 ranked teams yet this year and right now it looks as if all of them are going to blow us out!
I am going to get blasted for saying this.....I still think he ends up being drafted in the 3rd or 4th round despite the subpar play.
well is he better than he is playing or are coaches just teaching iowa DB's not to get beat deep!? there are not many plays that happen deep against the iowa D today it did but other than that not many, now short 5-8 yard outs happen weekly and it gets old im to the point where i want to leave the room every time iowas D is on the field! PATHETIC < and thats being nice!
I'm sorry, but this has been consistent all year. Prater has been the weak side of the field. The long reception was over him yesterday. There were numerous plays in the ISU, Pitt, PSU, and NW games as well. I wonder, as some others have, if he is injured this year because he is clearly not the same player as last year.
I wonder if people realize how much your teammates can affect your play. I'm not saying Prater has been great this year individually... but when you have a D-Line that doesn't get much pressure on the QB and mobile QBs are constantly getting outside and are able to run for 1st downs/TDs... it affects CBs and their coverage. He is probably trying to do TOO much and as a result he is dong a lot less.

In my opinion, he would be doing just fine and no one would have any complaints if he was playing with a good defense, but I could be wrong.
Ok,was I watching the same game? I will wait for gamefilm to analyze the tape.
I know that Hyde was burned on the long bomb that KF challenged,right?
I think Hyde had more passes on him than Prater.
The first long one was on Miller.
Prater is still ranked in the top 14 corners in the draft,and probably a 3rd round pick.
The scout on The Next Level on the BTN still has him as the #3 overall best draft eligible player in the Big Ten.

He has not been great,but I think Miller has affected his play...out of position too much. They need to work in concert.
Wrong-bad d-line plus covering slot receivers with slow linebackers plus weak a$$ zone coverage plus no blitzing to make the opposing qb uncomfortable plus the same old crappy defensive philosophy of not being aggressive equals the state of Iowa football
Unfortunately, this is right on the money. I'm sure that if Lowery were healthy, he would be starting. But, even if he were in there, that wouldn't make up for the poor play of the front 7 or the lack of aggressive play calling. When you are under manned, you have to take more chances.
Not to call out Prater, but he is no where to be found. Missed tackles...their first touchdown the tight end was his...he is simply sleep walking. I'd sit him and bring in Lowrey.

This is what has frustrated me more then anything this year. The Iowa defense is young and inexperienced as a whole, and quite frankly overmatched my the majority of their opponents. But I have never witnessed so many missed tackles and poor execution as i have this year.

That being said, as angry and frustrated as I am over this year, I see the near future for Hawkeye football as very exciting.
The thing that kills me with Prater is the things he is doing he should know better.

One of the big things I've seen are the angles he takes. They are just awful.
I hope he can turn things around!
Unfortunately, this is right on the money. I'm sure that if Lowery were healthy, he would be starting. But, even if he were in there, that wouldn't make up for the poor play of the front 7 or the lack of aggressive play calling. When you are under manned, you have to take more chances.


That's SUCH an original thought around here :rolleyes:. We HAVE blitzed this year. A fair amount, actually. And it hasn't worked, either. We still don't get pressure with the blitz, and we have fewer guys in coverage when that happens. That's a recipe for disaster, and we've seen it happen several times this year where we got burned on the blitz.

We've taken some chances, and they just haven't been working.

This is what has frustrated me more then anything this year. The Iowa defense is young and inexperienced as a whole, and quite frankly overmatched my the majority of their opponents. But I have never witnessed so many missed tackles and poor execution as i have this year.

That being said, as angry and frustrated as I am over this year, I see the near future for Hawkeye football as very exciting.

WHY do so many people talk about how young we are? WE ARE NOT YOUNG! Inexperienced, sure. But we have 16 juniors and seniors who start. That's not even close to being "young".

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