Potential Penn State players to Iowa


Well-Known Member
Does anyone know the names of the players that have contacted the Hawkeyes? I know a few recruits over the years have had Iowa on their radar. Those players would already have a relationship with the staff. My wish list would be a RB, a WR & a DL or two. Make that 3 RBs to combat AIRBHG, that would be nice.

If the players are going to leave PSU, they might as well be Hawkeyes. I think keeping the talent in the B1G is not a bad thing. It beats giving the talent to the SEC, big12, etc.
My hopes are not that high on this. We have a couple scholarships, so who knows.... But if you were a Penn State player/recruit, knowing that your entire career will be as a practice team player meaning nothing, would you stay?? That's not even mentioning the dark shadow that is now Penn State football, and will be for a generation to come...
Like I said in another thread, I think KF and staff are hot onto someone. The way he avoided questions over PSU players yesterday makes me think that he's being overly careful. Doesn't want any undo pressures on the players, or cause problems with their current team if the player would choose to stay after talking to the Hawks.
My hopes are not that high on this. We have a couple scholarships, so who knows.... But if you were a Penn State player/recruit, knowing that your entire career will be as a practice team player meaning nothing, would you stay?? That's not even mentioning the dark shadow that is now Penn State football, and will be for a generation to come...
Scholarship does not count for PSU players transferring this year.
Iowa is at 85 for this Fall. AS Loess said, it doesnt matter for Fall 2012. I dont think the exact policy for 2013 has been set yet. I have read it may stay at 85 and that NCAA is considering having schools taking PSU player this year having to make adjustment in coming year, i.e., if you take PSU guy and have 86 this year, you will be limited ot 84 in 2013.

I dont think specifics have been decided yet but under discussion.

Talk is that Lynch has approached Iowa but no decision has been made yet. It is not all that easy for a player to make the change in 10 days time, especially if already living in State College.
It sounds like there has only been one player to contact Iowa so far. Think that is what Barta said yesterday.
Anthony Zettel, OL

Zettel has confirmed that he is staying at PSU. I must admit that I am pretty impressed w/ the job O'Brien is doing w/ getting the guys to buy in to the program. He seems legit, and the older players, especially Mauti have been very impressive as spokesmen for the program...much better than the trustees.

That said, I want Lynch. He is special. I've admittedly only watched highlights on youtube but it appears that he has the feel/knack/look of a RB. Of course the speed is there, but it is more than that. When I compare his vids to Garmon's vids, there is a clear difference-w/ Lynch appearing much more natural. I think he would bump any RB on IA's roster out of starting by mid-yr.
It is not all that easy for a player to make the change in 10 days time, especially if already living in State College.

True, and is why I think we will see more players leave at the end of the fall semester than we will in the next 10 days. That way they can take their time to find the right fit and be able to participate in spring practice at their new school to get ready for the 2013 season.
I have posted the exact policy in three other threads. I won't look for them fro. my phone. But, you can either checkout the NCAA website, which is where they are, or loom through the other threads for the link.

If a school takes a PSU transfer, it will not count against their first years' limit of 85. However, the second year, they will only be allowed 84 (or less depending upon how many PSU players they pick up) and 24 that season.
If players don't take advantage of the transfer now can they transfer without penalty the next year?

IIRC, once they see action in a game this year, they cannot transfer until the season is over, but can still do so without penalty until start of 2013 season. They are free to transfer in season this year if no playing time prior to transfer.
Just gonna have to have a little bit more patience. If they are going to transfer then they are going to have to announce it very soon. There has been no names released and Iowa usually does a good job of keeping things under wraps until they are official.

However, at this point I must say I would be surprised if we get anyone. Which is fine with me. Something just doesn't feel right about it. Although Akeel Lynch would be an awesome addition to the depth in the backfield. If we were able to land him it would be worth it.
I know one cant have to many running backs, but id perfer that we stick with garmon and hill. How do we know lynch would be anybetter?

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