Post Game Reaction - UNI/UI

That's just not football, yes....not basketball.

Basketball is based on numbers. The RPI matters tremendously. When you have a loss to a team who is #4 RPI (obviously as of now...hopefully we can stay in the top 50 or so), it's a good loss. It's a GREAT opportunity for you guys when we are good. Now if we are bad, of course it's a losing situation for you. Fortunately, that hasn't been the case for a while.

It may help in teh computers a bit, but like you acknowledge you may not even be in the top 50 by the end of the year.

the thing is people still look at wins. When they look at wins and losses a win over UNI just isn't that good in the public view. Wins over B10 teams, a good ISU team, an ACC team are things that get noticed. Losses to Drake and UNI can be overlooked if they are really good, but if they are average it is considered a bad loss by the national audience.
CedarFalls, your post would have been much better received had you started with "Panther fan here" not "I hate everything about the Hawkeyes".

But getting past that your assessment was dead on. Congrats on being a Panther State in basketball, at least it isn't a Cyclone State if it isn't going to be a Hawkeye State. Also congrats on the awesome basketball atmosphere and student supports, hopefully they will be able to repeat this against Creighton (I might buy tixs for this).

I for one do not want this series to end, it is good for the W'loo/CF area and the state. Iowa is not going to be the best if they cannot beat the best and this includes beating the best in our own state. But you and I both got robbed of a fine basketball game last night, the first T was justified but the official should have walked away. It would have been fun to watch the final 10 minutes to play out instead of watching free throw after free throw.

Good luck the rest of the year!
CedarFalls- what you don't get is if we beat UNI it doesn't help us in the national spot light. Everyone just says it is a mid-major that we should have beat.

Not true, ever since UNI beat Kansas they have earned the respect of the national media.
There's at ton of hawk fans that go to uni, also isu fans. It's a place where they can come together and cheer for their school but still cheer for their favorite team, ia/isu. I would say that real panther fans, like fans who cheer for no one else but uni, are the minority at uni. So I really don't see why u have to come on our site and try to talk smack. Your just a dumb a## for doing so.
There's at ton of hawk fans that go to uni, also isu fans. It's a place where they can come together and cheer for their school but still cheer for their favorite team, ia/isu. I would say that real panther fans, like fans who cheer for no one else but uni, are the minority at uni. So I really don't see why u have to come on our site and try to talk smack. Your just a dumb a## for doing so.

Not talking smack...just trying to talk some sense into the fans who want the series cancelled.

Anyway, I am a Panther fan...always have been, always will be. I agree that Panther "only" fans are definitely in the minority, but they are there.

I probably should've started with Panther fan here, so sorry for that.

As much as I hate Iowa, I hope you can pull off some upsets. Obviously, not for you, but so that it boosts our of the most important rankings when it comes to basketball.
It may help in teh computers a bit, but like you acknowledge you may not even be in the top 50 by the end of the year.

the thing is people still look at wins. When they look at wins and losses a win over UNI just isn't that good in the public view. Wins over B10 teams, a good ISU team, an ACC team are things that get noticed. Losses to Drake and UNI can be overlooked if they are really good, but if they are average it is considered a bad loss by the national audience.

We might not be top 50...mainly because I don't think we are that good of a team. I am hoping we are in the at-large conversation at the end of the year.

PEOPLE look at the names. You see a win against Baylor or Providence as better than a win against UNI because of the NAME. Fortunately, that isn't what decides who goes to the Dance. The committee looks at Quality Wins = Wins against top 100 RPI and Bad Losses = Losses to teams below 150. The numbers matter....not the name.

For the public view, I agree that it probably doesn't help much that you play UNI because the name doesn't sound great. Thankfully, the public doesn't get to vote on who makes the tournament.
I am going to say this first...I hate everything about the Hawkeyes. There, I said it.

Now, to the game.

I think that it was a physical and emotionally challenging game. This is my no mistake. That is the problem when you play the Panthers. They are always going to have great defensive teams that get in your face. It's tough to deal with, and a lot of players become frustrated when playing against it. The Hawkeyes were no different last night.

Do I think that the technicals should've been called? Probably not. I think the referees could've handled themselves better, but as a Division 1 coach, you have to understand the situation. You know that you're in a hostile environment...the crowd is going to feed off of your reaction...there is a better chance of getting a Technical on the road than at home because of the reaction from everyone else (including the refs).

I agree that games can be difficult to watch when the refs start making a lot of calls. However, the shoe was on the other foot last year. You guys were +15 in the free throw department. I'm sure there was complaining on our side.

Either way, this is one game. Let's get to the bigger picture. You guys want the series to end????? Now, I understand that you feel you SHOULD be better than us, but you're not. You haven't been for quite some time. Typically, we have a much higher RPI than the Hawkeyes at the end of the season. I know that this is only over the last 8-10 years so please don't come back with things from twenty years ago.

This series is a great thing for the entire state. It's great having the Big 4 play each other. This game helps your RPI (as of late) and hurts ours (as of late). If anyone should be complaining, it should be the Panthers. However, we see the benefit of having 2 BCS conference schools in our state, so regardless of whether it hurts our RPI or not, it is a great opportunity for both teams.

Dear CedarFalls,

As a UNI alum, I understand that inferiority complex runs deep for Panther fans and athletes. The series is stupid, and nobody outside of Cedar Falls gives a rat's fat @$$ about playing UNI in anything. These series benefit UNI way more than they do Iowa or Iowa State.
one would think that a team would want to keep a road game versus a good program that sees a ton of their own fans in attendance.
one would think that a team would want to keep a road game versus a good program that sees a ton of their own fans in attendance.

I understand what you're saying, but this is an honest question: when was the last time you've seen Illinois traveling to Southern Illinois, or Indiana traveling to Butler? Just two examples I pulled off the top of my head. I honestly don't know. If it's never happened, then I rest my case.
We might not be top 50...mainly because I don't think we are that good of a team. I am hoping we are in the at-large conversation at the end of the year.

PEOPLE look at the names. You see a win against Baylor or Providence as better than a win against UNI because of the NAME. Fortunately, that isn't what decides who goes to the Dance. The committee looks at Quality Wins = Wins against top 100 RPI and Bad Losses = Losses to teams below 150. The numbers matter....not the name.

For the public view, I agree that it probably doesn't help much that you play UNI because the name doesn't sound great. Thankfully, the public doesn't get to vote on who makes the tournament.

yeah, that's how the BCS is supposed to work too. It is complete ignorance to believe that a name does not matter. Seriously completely ignorant.

If UNI is a top 50 RPI, it is still not going to be considered a quality win.
I still like UNI. I graduated from there and root for them when they aren't playing Iowa. That won't change just because of some crappy officiating. UNI has earned plenty of respect over the last several years.

I don't understand why anyone would want this series to end. Honestly I don't. At this point, the game does more to hurt UNI than it does Iowa. UNI is the better program right now. I want to see if Iowa can topple them once Caff gets all of his recruits in here. I think it could become a really intense series.

Congrats to UNI. I think until we can figure out how to guard the perimeter, we're gonna struggle against good shooting teams. But I think we are making strides. It will be interesting if, at the end of the season, we look back at the UNI game as the game where this team started to come together. Hopefully that will be the case.
I understand what you're saying, but this is an honest question: when was the last time you've seen Illinois traveling to Southern Illinois, or Indiana traveling to Butler? Just two examples I pulled off the top of my head. I honestly don't know. If it's never happened, then I rest my case.

This is an excellent post.
I understand what you're saying, but this is an honest question: when was the last time you've seen Illinois traveling to Southern Illinois, or Indiana traveling to Butler? Just two examples I pulled off the top of my head. I honestly don't know. If it's never happened, then I rest my case.

I don't know if they do, or if they ever have.

That being said, wouldn't it benefit Indiana to play Butler? The game would draws TONS of fans, it would help Indiana's RPI, and it would begin to extend a good rivalry.

If Southern Illinois was good, it would do the same for Illinois.

Now I agree that if UNI falls off and begins to struggle year in and year out, this can only hurt Iowa. That hasn't been the case as of recent memory.

As for inferiority complex....we understand that we aren't going to be thought of in the same light as Iowa. We would be dumb if we felt that way. However, to actual college basketball fans or people who have an impact on the game, we are definitely closing the gap.
I am going to say this first...I hate everything about the Hawkeyes. There, I said it.

Now, to the game.

I think that it was a physical and emotionally challenging game. This is my no mistake. That is the problem when you play the Panthers. They are always going to have great defensive teams that get in your face. It's tough to deal with, and a lot of players become frustrated when playing against it. The Hawkeyes were no different last night.

Do I think that the technicals should've been called? Probably not. I think the referees could've handled themselves better, but as a Division 1 coach, you have to understand the situation. You know that you're in a hostile environment...the crowd is going to feed off of your
reaction...there is a better chance of getting a Technical on the road than at home because of the reaction from everyone else (including the refs).

I agree that games can be difficult to watch when the refs start making a lot of calls. However, the shoe was on the other foot last year. You guys were +15 in the free throw department. I'm sure there was complaining on our side.

Either way, this is one game. Let's get to the bigger picture. You guys want the series to end????? Now, I understand that you feel you SHOULD be better than us, but you're not. You haven't been for quite some time. Typically, we have a much higher RPI than the Hawkeyes at the end of the season. I know that this is only over the last 8-10 years so please don't come back with things from twenty years ago.

This series is a great thing for the entire state. It's great having the Big 4 play each other. This game helps your RPI (as of late) and hurts ours (as of late). If anyone should be complaining, it should be the Panthers. However, we see the benefit of having 2 BCS conference schools in our state, so regardless of whether it hurts our RPI or not, it is a great opportunity for both teams.

You suck.
Wow. Interesting post.

Didn't we BEAT UNI last year in Iowa City in basketball? I think we did.

Here is the good news, Hawk fans:

1. We play UNI in football in Iowa City. Let's give them a real warm reception.
2. We play UNI in basketball next year in Iowa City, and we should have a better team with the new recruits. Let's see if we can turn the tables on them in that game as well.

Yes, let's make it a rivalry and beat the crap out of them. I think we can do it.

One other thing: UNI fan better be careful. Call attention to your mid-major program and you'll lose your coach, because he is grossly underpaid. Be careful what you wish for.....