possibly unpopular: discussion about the fans

I'm sorry, but as a Hawk fan, pouring your heart and soul into games, tickets, gear, websites every single week, I think you earn the right to boo. The players are going to school for free. They ARE getting paid to do what they're doing. When you do something like throw 4 INT's that are all bad decisions and aren't even close, you deserve to be booed. I'm sure he would be the first one to tell you that he should be booed. It was disgusting. The players are there because of the fans. Without them, the players don't get to play. I would've been calling for the backup too if I was at the game. He threw FOUR interceptions. This garbage about players shouldn't ever be booed and they're just kids is absolute trash. If you're an elite athlete and you go to school for free because of it, if you don't perform you get booed. Period.
The players are going to school for free. They ARE getting paid to do what they're doing. [...] If you're an elite athlete and you go to school for free because of it, if you don't perform you get booed. Period.

They're getting their scholarships to play a game for the sport of it and to represent the University of Iowa's interests, not to sell tickets to self-entitled fans. That just happens to be a positive bonus. They are there to impress no one.

I'm sorry, but as a Hawk fan, pouring your heart and soul into games, tickets, gear, websites every single week, I think you earn the right to boo.

No, you don't. The opinion of the fans on logistical matters (play calling, individual performance, etc.) has zero impact on anything that Kirk Ferentz and his team do. They don't want the criticism of the fans, and they certainly don't need to listen to the ignorant morons that boo them.

The team is not the fans and the fans are not the team. If you pour your money, heart and soul into something you have absolutely no connection to and absolutely no control over, perhaps you should consider finding a more constructive hobby. I can guarantee that you'll be a lot happier with the quality of your life.
I'm not saying he coached to the fans during the game. Not at all. But he sure did during spring ball and when the fall came around by opening up every position. When had he ever done that in the past? He knew he had to shake things up. With those pricy stadium renovations and the three year ticket lock ups for the club and suites, everything is fine if the team is good (competitive and exciting to watch), but if they start dropping to a perennial 6 win team that gets rolled 4 times a year like they were in 2007 and the University can't charge the "donations" for tickets and still sell huge chunks of the stadium out, the entire athletic department could find itself in serious trouble.

That my friend is truly delusional, if you really think that Kirk changed anything because of fans booing. So if you don't boo that day, then Kirk doesn't have the stones to let Stanzi compete for the QB job? You either think very little of Kirk, or very highly of yourself.
I was a little shocked at the speed at which the booing came out. I'm not a real fond of booing your own team yet I've done it. There's a fair number of Cardinal hitters over the years that have had to deal with my wrath. Albeit, my wrath from the left field bleechers is pretty ineffective. I generally reserve booing for officials. And certainly, yesterday there was absolutely no reason to boo them....unless you're from Indiana.

But, I really REALLY hate holier-than-thou sports fans who whine about:
-people standing up
-people not standing up
-people not cheering

There's 70k people at the game. And they all have opinions and they all have an idea on how they want to enjoy the game. And if you can't deal with it, don't go.
Then like I've also said, you were probably in the minority yesterday.

Then our fan base knows much, much less about our head coach and his tendancies than I'd every thought possible.

Your question wasn't asking if fans themselves thought Stanzi might have been pulled. I'm sure MANY fans felt themselves that he should be on the bench. Rather, your question was asking if our fans entertained the notion that Ferentz might pull him...and again, if any of our fans thought KF would bring in one of our two redshirt freshmen, in that situation, with the season on the line and with neither of them having any meaningful game experience whatsoever, then they simply haven't been paying attention the past 10+ years.
They're getting their scholarships to play a game for the sport of it and to represent the University of Iowa's interests, not to sell tickets to self-entitled fans. That just happens to be a positive bonus. They are there to impress no one.

No, you don't. The opinion of the fans on logistical matters (play calling, individual performance, etc.) has zero impact on anything that Kirk Ferentz and his team do. They don't want the criticism of the fans, and they certainly don't need to listen to the ignorant morons that boo them.

The team is not the fans and the fans are not the team. If you pour your money, heart and soul into something you have absolutely no connection to and absolutely no control over, perhaps you should consider finding a more constructive hobby. I can guarantee that you'll be a lot happier with the quality of your life.

Obviously Iowa football is not my life. But it's a big part of it. Much like the big alumni donors who have every right to say whatever they want in regards to the program that they're funding, I feel entitled to some of the same principles. If I'm putting money, time and effort into the Iowa Hawkeyes, when they don't perform I can boo. When they do perform I can cheer. It's never any ill will, it's just called being a fan. If you think division one athletes can't take that you're extremely dellusional.
As for the crowd today said:
I thought the whole game was weird too. Everything seemed off. I ended up getting there very late...which I never do...just in time to see Indiana make their first TD. I was happy to see the stadium full, but thought as full as it was it seemed quiet. It was very windy so I wondered if that somehow was a factor. The fans in my section are normally pretty rowdy but seemed subdued...until 4th quarter. People actually got into the band at halftime, the hot chocolate couldn't have been colder or more watered down, Jesus sat behind me, PinHead and Jason sat in front of me, I lost a Hawk hat I just bought last home game, ...just weird. After seeing all the other weird Big Ten action, I decided it must have had something to do with Halloween and an almost full moon.
If you thought KF was going to pull Stanzi it is you that is in the minority. It was never a possibility. It was Stanzi's game to win or lose. If he had thrown 10 interceptions he was still not coming out.

To any of you pukes that think it is OK to boo a college kid who wants to win more than you do, go jump off a bridge. This team deserves better. Whether they can handle it is not even the point. Obviously they can. If you booed you are no real Hawk fan though. END OF STORY!
I don't get the whole "I paid for my ticket so I have the right to boo" argument.

I mean I get the concept of being able to voice displeasure for something you pay for but you never pay enough to throw comon decent behavior out the window and voice your opinion any way you want.

If you don't like a movie do you boo and ruin the experience of those around you?
If you donate money to the offering in church does that give you the right to boo the sermen if it doesn't move you?
If you buy something that wasn't what you thougt it would be, is it right to go back to the store and start yelling your displeasure?

There are right and wrong ways of behaving and buying a ticket or anything else does not buy you the right to act anyway you please.

And for the record, I get being upset at a game when you are emotionally invested in it. I get moaning and growning at bad plays. I get yelling about poor officiating calls. I don't get booing your own team. That kind of thing negativly impacts the experience of other paying fans. It's flat wrong IMHO. Doesn't make you a bad person or a bad fan, but IMO it makes you a fan who made a decision to be rude.
I have spoked to numerous hawk fans who were actually at the game and they say the fans were booing the play calls not Stanzi. I've never understood how anyone can say they know what someone's intent was when they boo. Seems like a lot of ESP going on.
Sometimes you know what people are booing about.... IE 4 runs up the middle vs a stacked box= booing play call..

Booing as team leaves the field= booing team.

Part of the conversation is not just about "booing" alone it's also about yelling inappropriate things like "You Guys Suck!!!""
I guess some of you are just really positive people, no matter what. I didnt boo during the game, but if you are going to sit here and tell people how great you were and how you werent at all upset about the performance during the game, then congratulations to you. I only yelled one thing at halftime and that was "poor effort". I thought from my viewpoint and what I have come to see from Iowa, that the effort of the coaches and players in the first half was lacking. We had one good drive in that half and that was it. We gave up 21 points. It was very hard to be positive, as bad I wanted to be. I drove 4 hours to get to the game, and a lot people give up their entire Saturday and sometimes weekends to attend these games, and pay a lot in ticket prices, and parking and donations to get seats and whatnot. All they are asking for is a better effort, which they got in the 4th quarter.

And if you werent frustrated by the play calling in the first half, then again congratulations to you. Its human nature to be upset when Iowa's drives constantly were starting with a 2nd and 10 or 2nd and 12 with runs up the middle for loses. However, that play calling paid off in the 4th quarter like Jon said on his post-game radio show because the Indiana defense sold out on the run fakes leaving us opportunities for those huge pass plays. I thought for sure that McNutt's TD was going to be a run to the left. So did Indiana.

It was also hard for fans to see the other invisible opponent going against us in the 2nd and 3rd quarters, the wind. It was not windy at my seat on the west side. So when we see Stanzi underthrowing the ball on passes to DJK, it was hard to know if the pass was underthrown, or if the wind took it. Obviously the wind was a huge factor, as Chappell found out in the 4th quarter.

I also think the fans are just ready for a dominating win, from start to finish. We have not had one all year and usually have by now, and just are really thirsty for one. I think that is part of the frustration some fans were feeling. We know we are capable of doing that, its just a matter of time. I think a lot of people were hoping that was the game it happened, and it didnt. Perhaps its the fans wanting to show the nation some justification of why we belong at #4, because all they hear and read is that Iowa is lucky and just skating by. Maybe we as fans should take a page out of the players playbook and just not care what people say and keep winning along with our team and enjoying it.

Lets hope both the players and coaches, and the fans are ready to go Saturday morning for the huge game against NW, to get us to 10-0. That would be a thing of beauty, no matter how ugly the game is.
If you thought KF was going to pull Stanzi it is you that is in the minority. It was never a possibility. It was Stanzi's game to win or lose. If he had thrown 10 interceptions he was still not coming out.

To any of you pukes that think it is OK to boo a college kid who wants to win more than you do, go jump off a bridge. This team deserves better. Whether they can handle it is not even the point. Obviously they can. If you booed you are no real Hawk fan though. END OF STORY!


You're really no better than any of those fans who were booing.
Ironic cuz I really REALLY hate holier than thou sports fans who whine about people whining

I was a little shocked at the speed at which the booing came out. I'm not a real fond of booing your own team yet I've done it. There's a fair number of Cardinal hitters over the years that have had to deal with my wrath. Albeit, my wrath from the left field bleechers is pretty ineffective. I generally reserve booing for officials. And certainly, yesterday there was absolutely no reason to boo them....unless you're from Indiana.

But, I really REALLY hate holier-than-thou sports fans who whine about:
-people standing up
-people not standing up
-people not cheering

There's 70k people at the game. And they all have opinions and they all have an idea on how they want to enjoy the game. And if you can't deal with it, don't go.
I think booing has its place...how else are you supposed to let your team know they are not meeting your expectations...The players are not stupid and if you asked them, "how does it feel to be booed by the home crowd?", they would say, "we deserved it, and it motivated us to better things". Thats what you do when you don't like something, change it.
I think booing has its place...how else are you supposed to let your team know they are not meeting your expectations...The players are not stupid and if you asked them, "how does it feel to be booed by the home crowd?", they would say, "we deserved it, and it motivated us to better things". Thats what you do when you don't like something, change it.


Well said...
Thank you. The fan-team relationship is symbiotic. When the players feel like the fans aren't giving enough love or want more love they let the crowd know...and when the crowd wants more love from the team they let the players know...

These are MEN out there..they can handle it

We shouldn't have to baby them
I would call touche and laugh that you got one on me if I was either self-righteous or whining.

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