Poll: How Many Wins in Regular Season?

What will Iowa's regular season record be

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Well-Known Member
OK, seeing all the gloom and doom on the boards today, let's hear how folks think this season will play out. Let's do more than vote-- post on the thread and say what you voted for. It will be interesting to look back in 6 weeks and see who has this team diagnosed correctly.
And I'm going to be the crazy optimist that says this is still a great team that knows how to bounce back from adversity. They'll be on a mission next week against Michigan St., they'll get revenge at Northwestern, and they'll beat Ohio State in an epic showdown at Kinnick. 10-2.
My heart tells me 10-2, my brain tells me 8-4/9-3, so I'll go with the "average" and say 9-3 (8-4 if we don't turn the offense loose). The special teams issues are not going away this season. It's late enough in the year that we just are who we are. The team will look tremendously better in whatever bowl game we end up in, though.
I would LOVE it if the Hawks go 10-2....all but assuring themselves of a Big Ten Title and possible Rose bowl berth if Wisky stumbles. BUT...my brain...is telling me this team has serious issues...and it's going to stumble at least one more time...
8-4...outback or Gator (it is a Big Ten bowl now right?)
people who say 6-6 are smoking some good weed or something but if things don't change with the D, special teams, and overall philosophy of letting those two units take care of business while letting the offense score just enough then 8-4 seems highly likely
To go 10-2 with our remaining schedule, we need to keep improving, and substantially.

Sorry, can you honestly tell me we've improved in all facets of the game at all since ISU?

Nope....neither can I.
To go 10-2 with our remaining schedule, we need to keep improving, and substantially.

Sorry, can you honestly tell me we've improved in all facets of the game at all since ISU?

Nope....neither can I.

So what's your prediction, then? I stand by 10-2.
My original prediction was 10-2 with losses to Zona and OSU...I still think we lose to OSU but win the remaining games to go 9-3
I went 10-2, I have watched a lot of our remaining opponents and they are not without their own issues. Yesterday stings but this is still the most talented team I have seen, possibly ever. You don't expect an Iowa team to put up 30 points and lose. I don't expect that will happen again this season. I guarantee that they beat MSU, Indiana, Minnesota and Northwestern. Ohio State will be the toss up game.

Tarpinian is needed in a bad way. If he returns and stays healthy some of the defenses issues will ease.
Before the season started I predicted 10-2. I will stick with this prediction until another loss occurs (if it occurs), although I admit it's improbable the Hawks will finish at 10-2.
I'll say 10-2, why not. We'll get it figured out defensively and the offense looks good. There is not a lot of difference at all between MSU, Wisky, OSU, and Iowa. They'll get it done.
If the coaching staff keeps playing to not lose, like they always have and not letting the offense loose, I see us going 8-4. For some reason I think we'll beat MSU because they'll probably being playing not to lose as well and for some reason I just see it playing out in our favor. I see us winning a close one at Indiana just because of our superior talent level. We're going to get shredded up and down the field all day at NW, especially with how the defense has looked lately. The offense just won't be able to keep up. And then we lose another close one to OSU because we just don't know how to beat them and once again the coaching staff will lose it for us. There's no way we lose at Minnesota though. I predicted 10-3 at the start of the season so I didn't have some of those absolutely delusional thoughts that some of the kool-aid drinkers had thank goodness.
I went 10-2, I have watched a lot of our remaining opponents and they are not without their own issues. Yesterday stings but this is still the most talented team I have seen, possibly ever. You don't expect an Iowa team to put up 30 points and lose. I don't expect that will happen again this season. I guarantee that they beat MSU, Indiana, Minnesota and Northwestern. Ohio State will be the toss up game.

Tarpinian is needed in a bad way. If he returns and stays healthy some of the defenses issues will ease.

WOw, how can you seriously guarantee any victories the rest of the way after what has transpired through the first 7 games. Terrible special teams and teams knowing how to beat our defense means we need to start scoring 40+. Like another poster said in a different thread...with KF, games against lesser teams are still usually in doubt in the 4th qtr.

My vote is 8-4, and that is being optimistic...hope they prove me wrong!
I voted 9-3 I think we can beat mich st and ohio st. If we lose one or the other I dont think we lose both! Indiana and NW have really not looked very impressive most of the year. I think our talent level and given the improvement of Stanzi we don't lose either Indiana or NW. Then it will probably be a cold, low scoring and boring victory at Minnesota! It may be a dissapointment for may hawk fans but a success non the less!!
10-2 Fiesta Bowl before the season

9-3 Outback bowl, lose either OSU/MSU, and win the rest.

I will be a little disappointed with a 9-3 record, but win the bowl game and finish in the top 15 I'll be content and start looking forward to 2011.

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