please Hawks...


Well-Known Member
Don't change your helmet.

Maybe I'm way out if touch with the "swag". But does anyone else think this (1000 helmet/uniform combo thing) is hokie. A little modernizing or occaisional "special" uni...sure (loved the american flag/tiger hawk combo).

Again, I very well could be wrong...just don't like it.

Does this really give an advantage in recruiting?
Agreed. Maybe I'm a homer, but I feel like we're in a place where we have a great helmet. Although it's Iowa, it's recognized and tried and true.
Don't change your helmet.

Maybe I'm way out if touch with the "swag". But does anyone else think this (1000 helmet/uniform combo thing) is hokie. A little modernizing or occaisional "special" uni...sure (loved the american flag/tiger hawk combo).

Again, I very well could be wrong...just don't like it.

Does this really give an advantage in recruiting?

Agreed...stay with what we have and switch it up for special occasions.
If they decide to do anything different, don't let the same individuals that designed last years alternate uniform anywhere near the next design.
A whippersnapper here. Personally, I have a disdain for most things Nike. I prefer keeping the current uniform (maybe a few changes- I wouldn't mind having the cursive Iowa logo on the front of the chest where the tigerhawk is). However, I wouldn't mind wearing some dumb "pro elite swagmaster 3000" uniform once a year.
Don't change your helmet.

Maybe I'm way out if touch with the "swag". But does anyone else think this (1000 helmet/uniform combo thing) is hokie. A little modernizing or occaisional "special" uni...sure (loved the american flag/tiger hawk combo).

Again, I very well could be wrong...just don't like it.

Does this really give an advantage in recruiting?
I agree I love our helments and our unis I hope they don't change anything
Only old people think like you. And everyone knows old people are good for nothing.

Now hold on there, er, oh crap forgot what I going to say.....Golly G..what the hell was I doing before I read this....Honey, where's that damn remote? Oh, and could you make me some more of that creamed spinach.....Oh, well never mind...I totally lost my train of thought....
I would hate to see the Hawks change much to the helmet. But my son loves the combat style, especially Oregon.
I would hate to see the Hawks change much to the helmet. But my son loves the combat style, especially Oregon.

I don't mind the uniforms for special ocaissions once in a while, but I love our uniforms and don't want to see any huge changes. Some of these univerisites make so many changes from week-to-week that they're almost unrecognizable. I've turned on games before and look at the scoreboard and said to myself - "that's not right, thats's not so-and-so playing" because it didn't even look like them. There's no mistaking Michigan, Penn State, Ohio State or even Iowa. The colors and uniforms are very consistent and don't change much over time - and the traditions in college football are one of the reasons I love it so much.
Being a Hawkeye AND Steelers fan, I like the unis (and helmet) just the way they are, but I don't mind a game a year with something new...I've just never liked Oregon's 8,250 combos of crap...they have a good one every now and again, but a few years into it they have no "WOW" factor going on anymore.

One thing I would like to see out of Iowa for one game, would be a matte black helmet with a larger bold gold (like Notre Dame's helmets) Tigerhawk logo on one side and a larger "ANF" logo on the other...not sure what I'd do with the unis to match up with it though...I'd have to think longer and harder on it and being one of the old worthless guys (44), I'm sure I'd do it all with my left blinker on...
I don't mind the uniforms for special ocaissions once in a while, but I love our uniforms and don't want to see any huge changes. Some of these univerisites make so many changes from week-to-week that they're almost unrecognizable. I've turned on games before and look at the scoreboard and said to myself - "that's not right, thats's not so-and-so playing" because it didn't even look like them. There's no mistaking Michigan, Penn State, Ohio State or even Iowa. The colors and uniforms are very consistent and don't change much over time - and the traditions in college football are one of the reasons I love it so much.

I could learn to love just about any uniform if it brought better players here and it got Iowa back to the Rose Bowl.
A gold helmet with black tigerhawk or a white helmet with the fighting herky logo are 2 they could do.

I don't mind occasional alternates but what they have done is mostly crap
I believe in a progressive way of thinking and having the ability to evolve, all within reason; however, I would hate to see Iowa get a little to nutty on this.

Old-fashioned helmets gave us a 4-8 season, and lost us multiple 4-star recruits.

Just another example of how the game has passed Kirk Ferentz by.