I don't buy that. At all. When you're mostly getting 3* recruits or NR's, your recruiting classes just are never going to be highly rated no matter who you are. Name some top recruits we've gotten whose rankings have dropped after committing to Iowa.. I'm having trouble thinking of any. We have gotten a few 4* guys.. It seems like their ratings stayed where they were after we landed them. And we've had a few guys turn out better than their rankings, but were not heavily recruited to begin with. Aaron White for one.
I do agree though that Fran has done just as good of a job recruiting as his predecessors. Better than Lickliter obviously, and Alford got a few nice players but wasn't exactly raking in the blue chip recruits. There was Tyler Smith, Brunner, Horner, etc. but there were also some JR Angle, Seth Gorney and Alex Thompson types. Like Fran, Davis got some good recruits and missed on others. LaFrentz being the main one that comes to mind, but my memory is starting to get a little sketchy on the late 80's and 90's recruiting stuff.