Pinstripe Ticket Sales

Seriously? This team quite often looks like they never practice much of anything. We'll hear so and so really stood out in bowl practice, yet they will never see the field. Better yet, we really had a good 3 weeks of practice and bowl prep, then the team will look lost and lifeless in the bowl game.

Greg Davis never really fit into things at Iowa. One of the places it showed up was the seeming lack of bowl preparation, at least in any way that mattered. The offense utterly failed to implement its bowl game plan during Davis's entire tenure.

I am hoping that changes.

I'm more concerned about wind and rain, than cold or a little snow. I don't think Stanley or the receivers deal particularly well with the wind. Same for the punter and punt returners.
Greg Davis never really fit into things at Iowa. One of the places it showed up was the seeming lack of bowl preparation, at least in any way that mattered. The offense utterly failed to implement its bowl game plan during Davis's entire tenure.

I am hoping that changes.

Greg; KOK and Brian aren't the problem.

How can people not see that?????
I'm more concerned about wind and rain, than cold or a little snow. I don't think Stanley or the receivers deal particularly well with the wind. Same for the punter and punt returners.

good god...the poster child for "too many bowls". Who the hell would want to go to this?
Some people are so ignorant when it comes to football. There is not a coach out there that wouldn't take advantage of having 3 weeks of extra practice.

Bowl teams tend to stay bowl teams and those that don't make bowl games tend to continue to miss bowl season...even with 40 Frickin bowls.

Imagine scott he'd love to have three weeks with his new team.

Extra practice and extra reps is always a good thing despite whatever record the team has the following year. Come on, man!

Like I said, its debatable. Most new head coaches that take over a bowl team seem to have no interest in coaching the bowl game and leave that up to the interim guy to coach instead. That tells me bowl pratices are not the top priority.
I heard sales are up to 1500. at this rate Iowa might sell 2000 tickets!!!!

Lowest Stub Hub ticket is $66! What's up with that? And almost no seats in the upper sections. Looks like Yankee Stadium found a way to limit supply and prop up prices.
So...where are the good seats?
I was feally wanting to take my boys to a bowl game. The game price itself is not the issue. The cost of New York is a big issue. Hotels,food travel cost are absolutely insane. Unless in playoff Bowl games have lost a lot of their luster. Shoot I would be happy driving to Minneapolis to watch a Iowa bowl game. At least it's close and affordable
I was feally wanting to take my boys to a bowl game. The game price itself is not the issue. The cost of New York is a big issue. Hotels,food travel cost are absolutely insane. Unless in playoff Bowl games have lost a lot of their luster. Shoot I would be happy driving to Minneapolis to watch a Iowa bowl game. At least it's close and affordable

It isn't that hard to make the New York trip for the same cost as a Tampa trip. Just fly into Newark, stay at a nice Newark business hotel, and use public transportation.