Pierschbacher Looking Around?


Well-Known Member
As we've known for awhile, Iowa OL commit Ross Pierschbacher claims to be a Hawkeye, but he has also publicly reserved the right to look at other schools should Iowa's 2013 season go down the drain. Now, it seems that he might be looking around in the next few weeks. Stanford's Rivals site has a premium article right now with the headline, "Pierschbacher previews visit." According to his profile on 247Sports, that Stanford visit will take place from July 26-28, but it will come on the heels of a visit to Alabama from July 23-25, a visit that will be his second to Tuscaloosa.
Meh, not real concerned yet.

Multiple people have said if KF is the coach, Pierschbacher will be a Hawk.

Are these official visits?
I'm worried. Bama is hard to say no to. If only stand ford I might not worry as much but you Bama will be in the hunt for the nc.
I'm worried. Bama is hard to say no to. If only stand ford I might not worry as much but you Bama will be in the hunt for the nc.

I get what you are saying but the kid grew up a Hawk fan. Hard to say no to your favorite team, especially since you have already told them yes.
As we've known for awhile, Iowa OL commit Ross Pierschbacher claims to be a Hawkeye, but he has also publicly reserved the right to look at other schools should Iowa's 2013 season go down the drain. Now, it seems that he might be looking around in the next few weeks. Stanford's Rivals site has a premium article right now with the headline, "Pierschbacher previews visit." According to his profile on 247Sports, that Stanford visit will take place from July 26-28, but it will come on the heels of a visit to Alabama from July 23-25, a visit that will be his second to Tuscaloosa.

Pat Harty tweeted at about 20 minutes ago:

"Just spoke with Iowa recruit Ross Pierschbacher; he said he has no regrets about committing early, but will visit Alabam and Stanford".

Pat Harty tweeted at about 15 minutes ago:

"Pierschacher: I feel like I didn't get to see all that wanted. I wasn't sure at that point, some school hadn't jumped in yet".

Pat Harty tweeted at about 10 minutes ago:

"Pierschacher: I think it's only right. I've never been to California and it sounds great. Andy They're both great programs. So why not?"

Everyone is going to read into this however they want to, but IMO the kid wants to keep is options open if KF does get fired and honestly, I don't blame him. He grew up a fan of Iowa football and respects KF and BF. I haven't read anything that would make me believe that he would decommit based solely on the teams success or "lack there of" unless it gets KF fired.
I don't blame him and frankly it's smart to know where you want to go if he decides Iowa isn't for him. He's a kid so he should enjoy this experience. However, it is concerning if Iowa loses an instate OL recruit yet Iowa State is able to keep the #1 WR recruit in the country. That would hurt big time. Just inflate Cyclone egos as well and they don't need it.
Lazard is the #1 WR by one recruiting service. Lets not get over dramatic Ryno.

Okay then one of the top, if not the best, WR in the country. Regardless, a skill position player of that caliber that Iowa State, heck even Iowa, desperately needs. I'd love Iowa to get the top skill player at their position. Ross P. is great at his position but Iowa produces top OL all the time. Iowa would fill Ross P.'s offer with another capable OL if he doesn't come to Iowa. WR, RB, QB is a different story.
If I was a small town kid from Iowa with talent, I sure as heck would visit Alabama and other schools. If he decides to go to Alabama, I wouldn't blame him. I would definately be disappointed though. We all should be used to the fact by now that Iowa gets commits from 3 star athletes with the occasional 4 or 5 star. And who cares about Iowa State. I sure don't.
Okay then one of the top, if not the best, WR in the country. Regardless, a skill position player of that caliber that Iowa State, heck even Iowa, desperately needs. I'd love Iowa to get the top skill player at their position. Ross P. is great at his position but Iowa produces top OL all the time. Iowa would fill Ross P.'s offer with another capable OL if he doesn't come to Iowa. WR, RB, QB is a different story.

I get your point of skill position players, however as for Lazard and ISU this is where ISU fans need relax. If Lazard's dad didn't play for ISU in the past and his brother didn't play there now and most of his family didn't go there and his immediate family weren't ISU boosters and he didn't grow up an ISU fan his whole life, he wouldn't be going there. I'm sorry but Paul Rhoads averaging 6 wins at ISU over 4 years isn't going get the number 1 WR in the nation (or one of the best) without all that help from Lazard's family.

As for Pierschbacher, if KF got fired today I think he would decommit after taking official visits to Stanford and Alabama. KF's record over the past 4 years is about the same as Rhoads, however Iowa is known for getting OL into the NFL, ISU isn't known for getting WRs into the NFL, huge difference.
I don't think any Hawk fan should like the fact he's looking around when schools like Stanford and Alabama are involved. Bottom line is this kid is probably the most highly sought after high school football player from Iowa in a long time. No one will know what he wants to do until he decides. There isn't any reason to get bent out of shape about it. If he goes elsewhere so be it. There's nothing that can be done to change it.

Stanford is an outstanding school. I can honestly say it would be a tough decision for me if I had to choose between Iowa and Stanford so I can't blame the kid there. He's almost guaranteed a championship if he goes to Alabama. However, personally I would have zero desire to play for Nick Saban. The guy is a jerk, and god knows what a program like Alabama could be up to. I'd wear the black and gold in a heartbeat instead of playing for them.

He has a really tough choice to make. Regardless what he decides I hope people don't blow things out of proportion. It's a teenager trying to make an important decision... anything can happen.
Lets start posting like the embarrassment I read on Cyfan with Lazard. "Hes actually recruiting for Iowa State on these visits" are the best. If Piersbacher goes to Iowa great, if not, oh well.
I like this guy already. He's smart to keep his options open, and he's letting the right people know that he is still committed to Iowa. I'd say the chances are pretty slim he changes his commitment. With the young talent in the trenches for Iowa right now, there is no way Ferentz is going anywhere even if we are a 500 team this year. With the returning lettermen that will be coming back in 2014, the team should compete for the division championship. I think the program is heading in the right direction...and Ross stays the course. The strength of the 2013 team will be the o-line...that should help also.
Frankly, walking away from an Alabama offer and a Stanford offer makes me like him less. I grew up a Hawkeye fan, but if my son told me that he was refusing an offer to attend Stanford to go to Iowa instead, I'd of brained him. In fact, he got a scholarship to a small, East Coast public school, and if he would have refused them to go to Iowa, I'd of brained him too.
I think the card that trumps all other cards in this recruit's decision making is how Iowa's season plays out. Another 4-8 type season and we'll have more to worry about than just a single player by the name of Ross Pierschbacher.
I think the card that trumps all other cards in this recruit's decision making is how Iowa's season plays out. Another 4-8 type season and we'll have more to worry about than just a single player by the name of Ross Pierschbacher.

Bingo. Who could blame a kid for taking these kind of recruiting visits. You're only 17-18 once and it's a great opportunity to see "the world". He owes it to himself to have the experience. If he comes home and still wants to be a Hawkeye, great.

But if he doesn't stay with IOWA, who could blame him. Yes, KFz puts guys in the NFL... but players..competitors...want to WIN. It's not a freaking job...it's sport, fun, passion and yes....winning. It's about the college experience. You have the rest of your life to go to a "job".
I don't blame him and frankly it's smart to know where you want to go if he decides Iowa isn't for him. He's a kid so he should enjoy this experience. However, it is concerning if Iowa loses an instate OL recruit yet Iowa State is able to keep the #1 WR recruit in the country. That would hurt big time. Just inflate Cyclone egos as well and they don't need it.

Inflated egos about what? When your goal is just to make "any" bowl game and you are considered perenially one of the worst BCS teams in the country, not quite so sure what there would be to puff your chest out about. Keep trolling though. Enjoy winning maybe 1 conference game this year. Maybe.
I don't blame him and frankly it's smart to know where you want to go if he decides Iowa isn't for him. He's a kid so he should enjoy this experience. However, it is concerning if Iowa loses an instate OL recruit yet Iowa State is able to keep the #1 WR recruit in the country. That would hurt big time. Just inflate Cyclone egos as well and they don't need it.

This is just an irrational way to look at the situation. It's little brother syndrome. They are two completely different kids with two completely different personalities. If Ross chooses a different school and Lazard stays at Iowa State who really cares? That has nothing to do with Iowa. Absolutely nothing. Traditionally, Iowa has never had issues developing offensive linemen. Would it be nice to keep him? Hell yes it would, but it wouldn't be the end of the world. Heck everyone wanted Iowa to land Seantrel Henderson a few years back, and look how that ended up. Thank god he didn't become a Hawk. I'm not comparing Ross to Seantrel, I'm just saying things will work out regardless.

ISU fans make stupid comments every day. That won't change whether this scenario happens or not. If that's what you're worried about than my advice would be to just get used to it because it isn't ever gonna change.
As we've known for awhile, Iowa OL commit Ross Pierschbacher claims to be a Hawkeye, but he has also publicly reserved the right to look at other schools should Iowa's 2013 season go down the drain. Now, it seems that he might be looking around in the next few weeks. Stanford's Rivals site has a premium article right now with the headline, "Pierschbacher previews visit." According to his profile on 247Sports, that Stanford visit will take place from July 26-28, but it will come on the heels of a visit to Alabama from July 23-25, a visit that will be his second to Tuscaloosa.

Is there a limit on the total number of official visits a school can provide during a season? I know these aren't official visits, but if we were to take official visits at these schools, would Stanford and Alabama be giving anything up, such as an official visit by someone else?

I know there is a limit on the number of official visits a player can make, but can schools offer as many official visits as they want?

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