PG Dickerson & PF Atwood a packaged deal

I know Dickerson is high on Nebraska too according to his tweets. Now while I don't think Nebraska is better than Iowa they have the best facilities in the Big Ten at the moment and you can't underestimate that to a kid. They are very materialistic and it's visible evidence Nebraska can sell at this moment over others. Where progress and a plan aren't immediately visible. Tim Miles is a d@mn fine coach as well and has Nebraska primed for a move already.

I think it comes down to Iowa and Nebraska for TD. Fran hasn't proven he can close the deal yet in recruiting. This class so far is very blah and adding BOTH Atwood and Dickerson would be huge. Hopefully Fran can do that. But won't surprise me if he lands neither.
tm, this is a losing battle... actually it's over

I'm coming to realize that. I'll rephrase and say I think that if Marshall stays at WSU, they'll be on that same level, if not higher. And he's got them playing at a very high level right now.
No. Gonzaga's made fifteen NCAA tournaments in a row, including thirteen conference championships, five sweet sixteen appearances, an elite eight appearance, was the #1 seed overall last year and has five alumni in the NBA.

Wichita State has three NCAA tournament appearances during the same period, including two conference championships, two sweet sixteen appearances and have two alumni in the NBA. They did go to the Final Four last year.

Gonzaga>Wichita State. By a Great Plains mile.

I think he means they are better at their height than gonzaga was at their height. If that is what he meant I agree with him. If he meant they are a better program then I disagree.
Well, it's not like the Final Four is a guarantee for Iowa (or any team in the country, for that matter), either. But Wichita St. has gotten plenty of coverage this year, and exposure is one of the biggest perks to playing in a conference like the B1G. Unless Marshall takes a power conference job, I think we might have to get used to Wichita St. being pretty darn good. They're a better version of Gonzaga.

I know but still tough to pass on the opportunity to play in one of the top conferences in college basketball. I know it is possible they end up at WSU, Cleanthony Early passed up on some offers to play in power conferences as well. Gregg Marshall knows how to recruit, but will he even be at WSU after this season? After this season Early is gone who is their best player, although there is some good talent returning.

I don't know, I can see it both ways. A couple of years ago I don't think Iowa would even be on the radar with recruits like this. But with what Iowa has coming back next season I think they could be contenders for the B1G title. I guess we will find out some time next month where they want to go.
I'm coming to realize that. I'll rephrase and say I think that if Marshall stays at WSU, they'll be on that same level, if not higher. And he's got them playing at a very high level right now.

I don't know if you saw my post in the recruiting thread, but one thing Dickerson absolutely CANNOT stand is losing. He was waiting on pins and needles for the Iowa offer, and when I was linked to his Twitter feed to hear the scholly offer I noticed he had 3 or 4 posts of bewilderment that he lost the game. He seemed far more agitated about that than he was at getting the offer he waited all this time for. Besides, what's the point of transferring to D1 if you're taking that big a risk of not seeing the NCAAs?

He knows Wichita St. is a Johnny Come Lately; either a George Mason or Davidson type. On top of that, every year some MVC team comes on and makes a lot of noise before taking little time in reverting back to their old ways. Creighton always used to do it, UNI caused a big ruckus beating Kansas that one year, which was a better win in SPADES over Gonzaga and OSU. And I think Wichita St. fans know deep down this won't be any form of sustained thing. Dickerson definitely knows it...
I don't know if you saw my post in the recruiting thread, but one thing Dickerson absolutely CANNOT stand is losing. He was waiting on pins and needles for the Iowa offer, and when I was linked to his Twitter feed to hear the scholly offer I noticed he had 3 or 4 posts of bewilderment that he lost the game. He seemed far more agitated about that than he was at getting the offer he waited all this time for. Besides, what's the point of transferring to D1 if you're taking that big a risk of not seeing the NCAAs?

He knows Wichita St. is a Johnny Come Lately; either a George Mason or Davidson type. On top of that, every year some MVC team comes on and makes a lot of noise before taking little time in reverting back to their old ways. Creighton always used to do it, UNI caused a big ruckus beating Kansas that one year, which was a better win in SPADES over Gonzaga and OSU. And I think Wichita St. fans know deep down this won't be any form of sustained thing. Dickerson definitely knows it...

Wichita St isn't going anywhere as long as Marshall is there. WSU getting to the Final Four was much, much bigger than UNI-knocking off KU in the second round, that's not really debatable.
Looks like Stevie is somewhat interested.

Rick Brown‏@ByRickBrown·8m
“@JucoRecruiting: UCLA is the latest school to show interest in Trey Dickerson (6-1/G/2014) of Williston State.” Hummmmmm...
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Wichita St isn't going anywhere as long as Marshall is there. WSU getting to the Final Four was much, much bigger than UNI-knocking off KU in the second round, that's not really debatable.

This. Marshall knows what the hell he's doing. Dude took WINTHROP to seven NCAA Tournaments. Wichita State is a much better program than Winthrop, historically and currently.
This. Marshall knows what the hell he's doing. Dude took WINTHROP to seven NCAA Tournaments. Wichita State is a much better program than Winthrop, historically and currently.

I don't see what the big deal is I mean Duke is a national pow...oh wait, you said Winthrop, ok yea I guess that's impressive.
I know Dickerson is high on Nebraska too according to his tweets. Now while I don't think Nebraska is better than Iowa they have the best facilities in the Big Ten at the moment and you can't underestimate that to a kid. They are very materialistic and it's visible evidence Nebraska can sell at this moment over others. Where progress and a plan aren't immediately visible. Tim Miles is a d@mn fine coach as well and has Nebraska primed for a move already.

I think it comes down to Iowa and Nebraska for TD. Fran hasn't proven he can close the deal yet in recruiting. This class so far is very blah and adding BOTH Atwood and Dickerson would be huge. Hopefully Fran can do that. But won't surprise me if he lands neither.

That is BS. He closed the deal on arguably the top 2 recruits of his Iowa era in Gessell and Woodbury. Both of them had their pick of schools. He got a Uhtoff to leave the dark side. Fran is the hardest working recruiter we've had since Ravelling and a damn better coach to boot.
Unless you are implying Fran tampered with Uthoff then this comment makes no sense.

Either way, once Uthoff left Fran convinced him to pay for a year of school, to get 3 years of playing time at Iowa. Any other school he could have gone to school for 4 years free to play 3 years. Pretty good sell job there.
Either way, once Uthoff left Fran convinced him to pay for a year of school, to get 3 years of playing time at Iowa. Any other school he could have gone to school for 4 years free to play 3 years. Pretty good sell job there.

You are implying Fran broke rules as well if you think he directly sold anything to Uthoff.

Uthoff could not have any contact with the coaching staff until his first day of class at Iowa in August of 2012.
You are implying Fran broke rules as well if you think he directly sold anything to Uthoff.

Uthoff could not have any contact with the coaching staff until his first day of class at Iowa in August of 2012.

Selling a kid on the team, by only looking at it from the outside and wanting to be in that program. How much better of a sell job can he do? Selling the program without actually communicating with him at all. :eek:
The program was so bad under Lick that you couldn't pay Uthoff enough money to go there. Then Fran gets ahold of the program and Uthoff pays money to come back. Now that's turning a team around!
And when you consider that team didn't play in the post-season it makes it an even more remarkable sales job.

Seriously, Fran found a back door way to sell Uthoff, or he went on intuition or faith or he was sold by Iowa players (which is most likely, even though technically he wasn't supposed to be talking to them either and said he didn't). With the whole rat face controversy they had to be very careful to avoid any hint of impropriety. Probably all got burners and created fake twitter feeds and came up with code language.

Madison G. Like you should totally hook up with Frank.
Amy W.Like He's totally my mains.
Jamie: Really? He isn't a DB ratchet who just chirps all the time.
Jamie: But like I'll be Moss for a whole year.
Amy: So what? YOLO!
That is BS. He closed the deal on arguably the top 2 recruits of his Iowa era in Gessell and Woodbury. Both of them had their pick of schools. He got a Uhtoff to leave the dark side. Fran is the hardest working recruiter we've had since Ravelling and a damn better coach to boot.

he had too really re-recruit Marble hard too: from Fran's presser yesterday March 4:

COACH McCAFFERY: When you first take over, you reach out to all of the players that you have and all of the players that have been recruited by the previous staff. A lot of times, you get a sense pretty quickly, especially with the guys that had signed, are they coming or not. It was evident early that Cody Lawson and Ben Brust weren’t going to come. It was going to be a struggle and it wasn’t going to happen.
We gave them their releases, and they found other places. It was obvious that Zach was going to come, so he came.
Dev wasn’t sure. Went up there, he re committed to us, and then started wavering again. Typically what happens in those situations, there’s people involved making that happen. And whereas you might think I would be upset about that, you know, that wasn’t the case at all.

I’m very respectful of the importance of that decision in his life, and I wanted to make sure he gets it right. He had just met me and Coach Francis, he was getting comfortable with the two of us, and the recruiting process typically goes a lot longer, and he didn’t have that luxury at that time.
So he was looking at other options, probably his second and third choice the first time he committed to us. And I’m sure that they were working him, those folks.

In the recruiting process today, there are a lot of people involved. You could argue that there’s too many people involved. But in his case, it was a relatively small sphere of influence, his mom, his dad, and his AAU coach were very involved. Fortunately his AAU coach was a stand up guy. I think AAU coaches often get labeled in a negative way; stand up guy. Was honest from the beginning.
And Dev was open minded. So we had to go back up there and make sure that he knew and understood just how important we thought he was, what we were going to try to accomplish what our vision, what my vision was for him; and I think he was intrigued by a number of things. He knew, No. 1, our style of play was going to be perfectly suited for him. He knew he was going to have an opportunity to play right away, and those two things were important for him.

He knew the institution. He already loved the University of Iowa, that’s why he signed in the beginning. He had grown up following the program. I think he was excited about, you know, his father being the all time leading scorer and coming up and doing some amazing things at the same place, which he obviously has done.

And so what I ended up doing after, so we went up the first time, thought it was done, wasn’t done. We go back up, he recommits to us the second time, and then from that day until the day he showed up here for summer school, I spoke to him every day just to reemphasize all the things that we talked about and to continue to develop the kind of relationship that we would have had if I started recruiting 18 months earlier.

As far as Dev and Zach, it wasn’t fashionable to come here then, it just wasn’t. They didn’t know me. Their careers were in the balance. It was in many ways a leap of faith.

I think realistically at the same time they wanted to play in the Big Ten. They understood all the hard work that they put in in their lives, put themselves in a position to be recruited by the highest level; and how great is that. So for Zach, he was all in.
Dev needed a little more convincing. But those conversations had depth to them. It made sense to me and I guess that I felt it was important that I could continue to convince him. I was going to use him in the right way, I was going to take care of him, going to look out for him. We’re going to hold you accountable but we’re going to work with you and we’re going to teach and we’re going to make sure you’re where you need to be academically. We’re going to take care of your health and welfare, all of those things, and those things were important to his mom and dad, as well.

I feel like my staff and I honored the commitments we made to all three of those guys to help them get better and put them in a position to be really good, put them in a position to have an unbelievable college experience which they have had, and I think that’s what you hope when the whole recruiting process starts.

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