Peterson: Ferentz annoyed by questions.

Well Im not out attacking people on this board....and they are not the face of the Football program as is KF, if he cant handle being asked some questions maybe he should find another profession. He is smug and arrogant and its rubbing off on the program in a very bad way. Its becoming more and more apparent some players don't respect him or his authority and they are continuing to make poor decisions. I know not all of that is on KF but it does start at the top.

im not singling anyone out, just commenting on the tone of the board in general. I know that there is a difference between the way fans on this board and Kirk handles rumors about his job performance and his program. I just think there is a severe lack of respect between posters. If i was out in public and i stumbled upon a bunch of Hawkeye fans having a conversation that went along the lines of many of these threads i would be appalled how these people were talking to each other. instead i am lurking on message boards eavesdropping on anonymous people bickering and it is supposed to be normal
Here is another little tidbit to chew on... the only person reporting that it was "expected" that Kirk would address rumors before the Q&A session has Randy Peterson. I don't follow Randy much, but "two-bit" might be how I describe his work. Its all about expectations... and he set poor ones... you might even say he's setting Kirk up. I don't think it should take someone very long to figure out that Kirk doesn't talk about "rumors". He then followed-up with a tweet that led with something about Kirk being annoyed. He's also the guy that cold-called Mikail...

My point... choose your media carefully. There are biases everywhere, both ways. And don't fall hook line and sinker
big deal.

i'm sure one slip up (if that is what you consider this to be) in 13 years gets a pass. Fry was way more arrogant to the press than KF ever dreamed of being. Somehow revisionist history is in effect for that part of Fry as well.

I'm remembering now.....yes, yes he was.....:cool:
1. Randy Peterson is a hack, and he's a big reason I don't read the Register for my Hawk coverage (I'll stick with the Gazette for as long as Morehouse and Dochterman are there.).

2. Kirk DOES do this sort of thing a lot. Any time there's something even remotely resembling a tough question, he gets sarcastic like this. This was perhaps a bit more aggressive than usual, but it's not like we haven't seen/heard similar stuff before.

While I have little doubt Peterson is a hack and was setting things up to rail on Ferentz, I highly doubt he misinterpreted the Captain's response in that presser. He was clearly annoyed, and he got sarcastic about it. Peterson was setting him up, but that doesn't mean his interpretation was wrong.
You're just now coming to this realization? Wow. Where have you been?

You get paid almost 4 million a year, but you're offended if you have to answer tough questions. Sounds like a great gig if you can get it?

Really a clone fan in this thread. How many issues you guys handled internally this year...yeah I thought so. Anything else.....the cardinal and gold hypocrisy always gets me charged up.
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This is why he will never be an NFL coach. He wants to run a program like it should never interact with the media but that's a thing of the past. The more media time and info you make available the more your program gets nation wide coverage.

I'm guessing you are kidding right.....ever seen Lovie Smith, Bill Belichik, Rex Ryan, et all interviewed after a game or before hand for that that matter. Ryan is at least funny, but you’d get more meaningful info out of a rock and get less sarcasm and disdain from Charles Manson.

Really are you guys watching these coaches in a parallel universe…?!?!?
im not singling anyone out, just commenting on the tone of the board in general. I know that there is a difference between the way fans on this board and Kirk handles rumors about his job performance and his program. I just think there is a severe lack of respect between posters. If i was out in public and i stumbled upon a bunch of Hawkeye fans having a conversation that went along the lines of many of these threads i would be appalled how these people were talking to each other. instead i am lurking on message boards eavesdropping on anonymous people bickering and it is supposed to be normal

Well you are indeed entitled to your opinion and can feel however you want to feel, but lumping my comment about KF in a presser with how people act on this board really didn't make much sense to me. You just said something to attack peoples attitudes and behavior and piggy backed it on to a comment that wasn't anywhere near that ball park.
I hope you realize that he answered the question...

He answered about Prater, saying it's possible he was in the hospital at some point since they got there, but he's fine now.

But he didn't exactly answer the question about a player being sent home for disciplinary issues. Just perpetuated the rumor by saying it's possible.
He answered about Prater, saying it's possible he was in the hospital at some point since they got there, but he's fine now.

But he didn't exactly answer the question about a player being sent home for disciplinary issues. Just perpetuated the rumor by saying it's possible.

You realize it would be easier for him to tell you the players name... Meaning he's making it more difficult for himself out of respect to his current players, the exiled players family, and the exiled player. He's protecting his team. You call it ego-centric, I call it being a leader of his team.
Well Im not out attacking people on this board....and they are not the face of the Football program as is KF, if he cant handle being asked some questions maybe he should find another profession. He is smug and arrogant and its rubbing off on the program in a very bad way. Its becoming more and more apparent some players don't respect him or his authority and they are continuing to make poor decisions. I know not all of that is on KF but it does start at the top.

Please, please, please for the love of God, tell me you just watch Iowa and have no idea how other coaches talk or act. Please because I am losing all hope in people’s ability to critically evaluate anything outside of their own yard.

I’ll tell you this…..most of the high energy, successful people I know. If they were continually asked, without merit, for info that was NOT public knowledge did NOT pertain to football and the immediate team (i/e: not giving the other team an advantage) you’d draw back a bloody stump.

Heck I can be a tick surly when questioned period and so can my boss and MOST of my best employees and we are quite successful, so I honestly have to question either the honesty of those who have issues with it, or their drive at the least.
I love it! To hell with the press. All they do is stir up **** anyway, especially Peterson. The register sucks and he is a big reason why.
I think it's fair to criticize KF about the on-field performance, but to claim he is arrogant is ridiculous, IMO. I have lived in Big12 territory (Texas), SEC territory (Atlanta), and Big10 territory (Iowa and Michigan) and I follow college football pretty closely. KF is relatively tame in comparison to what I've seen from his peers in responding to the press.

Here's an example. I live in Atlanta now and there are two large sports talk stations. These stations have SEC and ACC coaches on all the time. When Iowa played against GA Tech in the Orange Bowl, KF was on both stations. The hosts for both shows were complimentary towards KF in how his interviews compared to the typical ones they have with ACC and SEC coaches.
And if you're the best coach alive you can pull off the arrogant act, but if you're not, well it can wear on people pretty quick.

Please stop................Big Bill has his detractors AND he is HARDLY the poster child for surly behavior behind a mic. I know that runs contrary to your argument, but KF is pretty typical of a head coach being questioned. Anything else of enlightenment you’d be able to add…..
I love it! To hell with the press. All they do is stir up **** anyway, especially Peterson. The register sucks and he is a big reason why.

I know you are being sarcastic but you've clearly never dealt with the media. I've spent a good deal of time managing the media and I'll never take anything at 100% face value again.

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