Peter Jok


Well-Known Member
The one thing I've noticed with him, and it definitely showed up last night, is that he does not elevate very high on his shot. I believe it was him who was blocked on the perimeter last night. He has a very nice stroke and is a great shooter, but he doesn't seem to go up very much when shooting his jump shot. I noticed in his highlight tapes from last year. It just always seemed to me that when he shot, he just didn't get much air under himself. I'm guessing it might be a side effect of his previous injury, but when he went to dunk the ball a few games ago he looked comfortable doing so. Maybe I'm the only one who has seen this and maybe it's just BS. Has anyone else thought this? BTW.....I think he is going to go on to do great things here. I think he takes Marble's spot as the best perimeter scorer/playmaker next year. I like knowing that we have a core of Gesell, Clemmons, Jok, Uthoff and Woodbury for the next 2 seasons after this year.
Him being a freshman shows,he looks to shoot every time the balls in his hands.Has a lot to learn but if he's patient he will be a good one by the time he graduates.
We all know Fran wants his shooters to shoot. I think Big Pete only needed to hear that once. I think he's going to be an outstanding player. Right now he looks like a freshman...especially has work to do on the defensive end.
Yup. He looks like a freshman but IMO he's miles ahead of where Marble was a freshman and starting out as a much better shooter.
Jok has the kind of fundamentals that don't require him to get a ton of air on his jump shot. He has a quicker than anticipated release and a high release point.

Jok is the most college ready player Fran has recruited to this point. What I like about it above and beyond anything, he doesn't have to be forced into 20+ mpg, like every other player he has recruited in their freshman season. Granted, the 20 min mark is a little high bar there, but think had Iowa had players Gabe would have redshirted.

Jok can develop at a normal pace unlike the Sr's were able too.
Yup. He looks like a freshman but IMO he's miles ahead of where Marble was a freshman and starting out as a much better shooter.

Agree here. You can see why he was once the top recruit in his class. I have high hopes for him. It's just that one odd thing I've noticed for some reason.

It's funny, I remember saying to my friend when Dev was a freshman, why is he on the team? Outside of the ocassional step back midrange jumper, he seemed to have little other B1G basketball talent. His dribbling looked awful, he shot around 50% from the line, and looked like he was playing in slow motion. Boy, how the times have changed. We can only hope Jok improves his game as half as much as Dev has in his time here.
I want to be careful here because I really do like this kid, but compared to the rest of the team, he looks to be in slow motion or a half step slower. I think he is "thinking" the game. Call it part of the growing up process. You can almost see him thinking about whether a shot is a "good" or "bad" shot and, at times, he allows the defender to close in on him, then takes a contested shot, where it would have been uncontested if he'd taken it a fraction sooner. This kid is going to be very good, maybe even this season, late. But he is definitely on the learning curve.
You may be right about this, but you must be watching in person. From the odd angle you get on TV it's tough to tell how much he's elevating on his jumper.

Anyway, I would value a quick release more than elevation for a 3pt shooter. Jok has got "it".
Better shooter clearly at this stage than Marble was but he's not as gifted athletically and his lateral quickness isn't as good. He's always going to be a spot up shooter at Iowa. Nothing wrong with that but fans thinking he is a go to scorer in the future will be discouraged.
As impressive as White was as a freshman with his BB IQ, Peter is at the opposite end of the scale. He has significant talent and will do well, but he's got a lot to learn from shot selection, to defense, to game situations and on and on. I don't expect him to make much of a contribution this year unless he gets streaky hot in a game. If he doesn't I'm not sure how long you can keep him on the floor.
Not real impressed so far.

Good shooter but seems to have no feel for what he can, cant and should do.

No way is he going to be the go to scorer next year with all the veterans that are coming back.
Not real impressed so far.

Good shooter but seems to have no feel for what he can, cant and should do.

No way is he going to be the go to scorer next year with all the veterans that are coming back.

Respectively disagree on this one. I think it is easy to see that he will be a scorer next year for this team. The can shoot it from the outside, has good handles, and has a good pull up game. I think he will continue to develop (only a FR) and has a bright future at Iowa.
Jok has the kind of fundamentals that don't require him to get a ton of air on his jump shot. He has a quicker than anticipated release and a high release point.

Jok is the most college ready player Fran has recruited to this point. What I like about it above and beyond anything, he doesn't have to be forced into 20+ mpg, like every other player he has recruited in their freshman season. Granted, the 20 min mark is a little high bar there, but think had Iowa had players Gabe would have redshirted.

Jok can develop at a normal pace unlike the Sr's were able too.

IDK but it looks to me that White and Oglesby were both more college ready guys that Fran recruited than Jok is.
Better shooter clearly at this stage than Marble was but he's not as gifted athletically and his lateral quickness isn't as good. He's always going to be a spot up shooter at Iowa. Nothing wrong with that but fans thinking he is a go to scorer in the future will be discouraged.

I think you are going to be pleasantly surprised. If Jok stays healthy I have no doubt that he will be a scorer in the future.
Yup. He looks like a freshman but IMO he's miles ahead of where Marble was a freshman and starting out as a much better shooter.

I agree. The talent around Jok is so much better than Marble's freshman year that he looks more lost, etc. Marble would not look like much as a freshman with the rest of this team being what it is now IMO.
I agree. The talent around Jok is so much better than Marble's freshman year that he looks more lost, etc. Marble would not look like much as a freshman with the rest of this team being what it is now IMO.

Marble would have RS as a FR on this team.
I love this guy...Peter buckets baby!!! Love the confidence to shoot as a freshman....think in a couple of years when he has more experience, plays better defense, etc. He is going to be a special player for Iowa. I'd say on next year's team he has a great chance to be in our top 2 or 3 leading scorers.
unlike white and marble, jok is used to be the focus -- his role in hs and aau was "jack it if you're open, or even if you're not."

not being the first option in aau (and for marble, in hs; white was the main guy at strongsville) developed the bb iqs of marble and white. it will take time and coaching for jok to learn -- and this staff has shown they can develop a kid's bb iq.

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