personal Pre game rituals from when you played sports?

Lol no, no knee pads, but definitely short shorts, i.e. Larry Bird shorts.

If you needed spectacles, you wore glasses (contacts were expensive). Low-top Adidas were the rave choice of shoe wear. Haircuts were atrocious.

I will add as an aside....we got a new coach my sophomore year. He advocated against weight lifting (it'll hurt your shot), and forbid us to eat peanuts or ketchup, claiming it "cut our wind." No internet back then to research and dispute so we did what he said. Sheesh.

I heard the same damn thing. No crap. Must have been the wave with coaches back then.
In my first competitive BB game in 7th grade...I was surprisingly paired up against another player who had only one arm...I was unprepared...How do you guard that? I didn't.
For basketball, our team (JV thru Varsity) always prayed the Lord's Prayer in the locker room before every game just prior to going out. I'm curious, anybody else do this? I went to public school in small town HS in NE Iowa. This made me think of that. Was this just my HS team or did many other teams pray the Lord's Prayer? Kind of like dressing up on game day which we did as well. Did everyone dress up. They still do that in schools? Hope so but I could see kid's now in sweat pants on game day.

Is a public school team even able to do this anymore or did the state shut that down as well? If so, sad.

Just an FYI. It is a myth that kids cannot pray in public schools, but its a great sound bite for those who would attack public education. In fact, they can pray anytime they want to. A basketball team gathering together to say the Lord's Prayer is perfectly legal. Or, a group of students can get together at a designated site and hold a prayer group, as long as it is voluntary. Of course, any individual can opt out. Freedom of speech.

What is against the law is for the school to require that students say a common prayer.
Lol no, no knee pads, but definitely short shorts, i.e. Larry Bird shorts.

If you needed spectacles, you wore glasses (contacts were expensive). Low-top Adidas were the rave choice of shoe wear. Haircuts were atrocious.

I will add as an aside....we got a new coach my sophomore year. He advocated against weight lifting (it'll hurt your shot), and forbid us to eat peanuts or ketchup, claiming it "cut our wind." No internet back then to research and dispute so we did what he said. Sheesh.
Peanuts? I read an article that had peanuts or peanut butter in the top 5 for energy foods
If you needed spectacles, you wore glasses (contacts were expensive.
Just want to go on record as saying rec specs were dope.


Taught/coached in a Catholic community public school. The kids led the prayer and was no big deal.
Several things. I pan fried a steak for myself before every home game. I left all jewelry at home, no class ring, no cool 80s gold chain. Then during the national anthem, I envisioned Francis Scott Key on an English ship while he penned the lyrics to the anthem, I then fastforwarded though US history to Dr Naismiths invention of basketball and how that all led up to the game I was going to win that night. It seemed to work.
Just an FYI. It is a myth that kids cannot pray in public schools, but its a great sound bite for those who would attack public education. In fact, they can pray anytime they want to. A basketball team gathering together to say the Lord's Prayer is perfectly legal. Or, a group of students can get together at a designated site and hold a prayer group, as long as it is voluntary. Of course, any individual can opt out. Freedom of speech.

What is against the law is for the school to require that students say a common prayer.

Yea. Thats what I understand. Good to mention.
Several things. I pan fried a steak for myself before every home game. I left all jewelry at home, no class ring, no cool 80s gold chain. Then during the national anthem, I envisioned Francis Scott Key on an English ship while he penned the lyrics to the anthem, I then fastforwarded though US history to Dr Naismiths invention of basketball and how that all led up to the game I was going to win that night. It seemed to work.

But what everyone wants to know, did you take a huge dump?
I wore the same shirt every game my soph. year and I don't think we lost. my junior year, the shirt lost its magic and we went 2-7. Probably because half the team was drunk or high, not the shirt.
Sounds like my junior to senior years. Mom washed the shirt. But my senior class was weak athletically, small physically, but champions on being high.