Personal foul was not on Clayborn


Well-Known Member
I am not sure if this has been posted, but I have seen some folks mention Clayborn's personal foul.

I was at the game and I rewatched it on TV. It was on Klug. He and the center were getting into at the line of scrimmage. That's where the flag was thrown as well (you can't see it on TV).

Also, if you listen the ref says it was on #95. Bob Davie was misinformed.
Doesn't really matter who it was on though. Either way, one of them had a mental lapse that cost 15 yards. If there's one unit I'm ok with getting a penalty here and there, it's the Dline. They more than make up for any mistakes. Pick 6 by Binns anyone?
Even if it wasn't, it could/should have been. Either way it was bad judgment by Clayborn. That just means 2 guys used bad judgment.
You want to know what I hate. I hate when refs call a personal foul when the ball carrier is just heading out-of-bounds. I can't stand when they anticipate a late hit. IMO, they shouldn't even call it if they are out of bounds by one step. If I were a referree, I wouldn't call if they player was still on the white chalk unless it was very blatent.

The refs become part of the game too much & these players are flying around a mile a minute & can't slow down fast enough. There is no brake where they can stop on a dime & these refs need to realize it. If the QB takes the risk of not getting out-of-bounds sooner, than so be it. He took the chance. Let the game be played.

"This is college football, college football. This ain't intramurials man".
It was on Klug, I was at the game and Klug and the center were in eachothers face and I watched as the ref standing right there threw the flag, it was right in front of me and would bet my life on it. It was marginal at best as there was alot of late whistle action going on all game. That game was one of sloppiest officiated games i've been to in along time, bad calls BOTH ways.
#95 or #94, who cares, the game is over can everyone just move on? A penalty was called as it should have been, but who it was on doesn't matter.
#95 or #94, who cares, the game is over can everyone just move on? A penalty was called as it should have been, but who it was on doesn't matter.

It does matter when individual players get "beat up" on sites like this for a big penalty they didn't commit. If it bothers you that much then don't open the thread and post on it.
Watch the tape again. Clayborn goes taxi cab driver all over Foles. If it wasn't on him, it should have been.
It definitely could have been on Clayborn as well. But, as has been said, why does it matter now?
It does matter when individual players get "beat up" on sites like this for a big penalty they didn't commit. If it bothers you that much then don't open the thread and post on it.

It doesn't bother me, I just find it stupid and childish people are fighting over who it was on. Show me where Clayborn was getting "beat up" on this site?
It does matter when individual players get "beat up" on sites like this for a big penalty they didn't commit. If it bothers you that much then don't open the thread and post on it.

Yea. I always get a kick out of people when threads annoy them, BUT, they take the time to read & respond. I know when I read a SUBJECT LINE & the thread doesn't interest me, I don't go in & move on. I figure it might interest someone else, though.

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