Per Mike Hlas: Adam Robinson is back in DSM


Well-Known Member
and has left Division II powerhouse Duluth.:

"Adam Robinson’s football career at Minnesota-Duluth is over, with no games played"

Adam Robinson’s football career at Minnesota-Duluth is over, with no games played | TheGazette

I hope he can find it in his soul to get his education at least, and still do something good for himself. I'm sure he's shaking his head right now wondering what the heck happened....on top of the world...... to back in Des Moines. That's a tough wake up call.
Good luck Adam.
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Re: Per Mike Hlas: Adam Robinson is back

Your title is, shall we say, hugely misleading.

But, best wishes to Adam, with hopes he gets his life together.
Re: Per Mike Hlas: Adam Robinson is back

Your title is, shall we say, hugely misleading.

But, best wishes to Adam, with hopes he gets his life together.

Yeah kind of crappy imo....on an Adam Robinson note, he is one of my favorite all time Hawks and I truly enjoyed watching him play. Very underrated and he gave great effort on the field. Off the field apparently not so much......:eek:
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Re: Per Mike Hlas: Adam Robinson is back

Crazy, both wehger and robinson ruin their careers and never play a down again. Two great players with great potential, talent wasted. Thats just sad, I was looking forward to seeing wehger play all four yrs before all that crap happend, he wouldv been somthing else. Oh well.
Re: Per Mike Hlas: Adam Robinson is back

Your title is, shall we say, hugely misleading.

But, best wishes to Adam, with hopes he gets his life together.

Sorry guys. I don't mean to be crappy about it.
It's just kind of a pisser that he had so much going for him (and BW) and now being back home must really suck.
It's amazing how some decisions can change your life so quickly.
Re: Per Mike Hlas: Adam Robinson is back

I wish A- Rob the best in all his future endeavors.

The thread title was a tad bit misleading.
Re:per Mike Hlas: Adam Robinson is back

Very misleading choice of thread title. On a side note waste of talent both Arob and BW.
Re: Per Mike Hlas: Adam Robinson is back

Any chance? I mean has anything like that happened in college football? Ur kicked off the team, transfer, then two yrs later could you be reinstated from the team you were kickd off of? Probably not, but just wondering if it could happen anywhere.
Re: Per Mike Hlas: Adam Robinson is back

Any chance? I mean has anything like that happened in college football? Ur kicked off the team, transfer, then two yrs later could you be reinstated from the team you were kickd off of? Probably not, but just wondering if it could happen anywhere.

Only if your grades were in order (which Id be shocked if his are) and the team would take him back. Which they wouldn't.....
Re: Per Mike Hlas: Adam Robinson is back

I saw Adam a couple weeks ago in Des Moines at my place of employment interviewing for a job. I hope that he can get things back on track for himself.
Re: Per Mike Hlas: Adam Robinson is back

Remind me again, did he do the same thing that garmon just got caught for? was that ARobs only strike and he was done?
Re: Per Mike Hlas: Adam Robinson is back

I saw Adam a couple weeks ago in Des Moines at my place of employment interviewing for a job. I hope that he can get things back on track for himself.

Me as well. I still remember after the OSU game thinking our next season we would have three RB's, and could possibly redshirt one.
Re: Per Mike Hlas: Adam Robinson is back

Remind me again, did he do the same thing that garmon just got caught for? was that ARobs only strike and he was done?

No there was more......among other unknowns, it seems grades were a problem too.
Re: Per Mike Hlas: Adam Robinson is back

We call that a "Hook thread" in the discussion forum game. Anyway, I like the kid and hope and pray that he gets his life in order.
Re: Per Mike Hlas: Adam Robinson is back

I will be interested in where he's at in his life 10 and 20 years from now, which has me thinking- whatever has become of Tony Collins?
Re: Per Mike Hlas: Adam Robinson is back

Mike can not get anyone to read his stuff unless he uses a trick headline!
Re: Per Mike Hlas: Adam Robinson is back

[ame=]A Bronx Tale - wasted talent - YouTube[/ame]
Re: Per Mike Hlas: Adam Robinson is back

Crazy, both wehger and robinson ruin their careers and never play a down again. Two great players with great potential, talent wasted. Thats just sad, I was looking forward to seeing wehger play all four yrs before all that crap happend, he wouldv been somthing else. Oh well.

Neither Robinson nor Wegher was a "great" player. Neither had great potential. Both are deeply flawed young men.
Let's look forward, not backward.

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