So PSU gets a pass on this? It is all in the past, all the appropriate people have been punished or are dead. Let's just keep it movin......Is that what we are saying?
No, what I'm saying is that the NCAA is a feckless organization, who administers its "justice" in random and arbitrary ways. I wouldn't rely on that organization to do anything productive or reliable. Maybe they could resort to some colonial days-type punishment - hang a scarlet letter on Penn State's otherwise pristine white helmets.
Is there one person at PSU that's still there from when any of this went on? I don't think there are. So why punish their fans or athletes? I've never understood the concept of punishing people that have/had nothing to do with anything. I mean if Joe Paterno was still in charge then that'd be a no brainer. I just don't think attempting to pile on those completely uninvolved serves as any kind of fair retribution. What if your parents committed a crime. Would it be right that you went to jail for them or fined for it? There has to be a line for liability somewhere.
No, but if the parents profited by some illegal activity, then the heirs will be disgorged of those profits. It's complicated, and made moreso by the unevenness with which the NCAA has already handled this matter.
So if Roy Williams retired or was fired, UNC shouldn't get punished? What about USC after Mr. Seahawk left town or the multiple schools after Caliparidouche left?
I absolutely think penalties should follow the coaches in those cases more so then the school. Unless the administrators are involved/enabling. In UNCs case where there's academic fraud going on then yes get to the bottom of that. Then punish them too. I think the NCAA should make coaches unhireable if they were to try changing jobs while in trouble for whatever period of years. And once they come back make a huge chunk of their wages go to charities to where they are about working for regular folks wages. See if they really do love coaching for the love of the game or not... But what your speaking of is right after the fact. This PSU deal we are talking about is retroactively punishing for decades ago crimes where the main players are in jail, dead, and I think some of the other administrators involved with the covering it up have trials pending or have been punished already too. So by punishing todays PSU who is getting punished? I have no problem with how they were fined through the roof either. But again taking away schollies for kids or the coaching staff there now... Only completely innocent people are being punished in that case...
So if Roy Williams retired or was fired, UNC shouldn't get punished? What about USC after Mr. Seahawk left town or the multiple schools after Caliparidouche left?
So if the Des Moines Register uncovered a bunch of evidence that Alfraud tried to suppress evidence or intimidate the victim in the PP case, then the current basketball team should be punished?
So, it appears that schools should not be punished; only the people involved in cheating, pedophilia, etc should be punished. Is this correct? Not saying I necessarily disagree with that, but what do you think about vacating wins/championships from the time period of cheating, pedophilia, etc? Do you feel that would justified?
I absolutely think penalties should follow the coaches in those cases more so then the school. Unless the administrators are involved/enabling. In UNCs case where there's academic fraud going on then yes get to the bottom of that. Then punish them too. I think the NCAA should make coaches unhireable if they were to try changing jobs while in trouble for whatever period of years. And once they come back make a huge chunk of their wages go to charities to where they are about working for regular folks wages. See if they really do love coaching for the love of the game or not... But what your speaking of is right after the fact. This PSU deal we are talking about is retroactively punishing for decades ago crimes where the main players are in jail, dead, and I think some of the other administrators involved with the covering it up have trials pending or have been punished already too. So by punishing todays PSU who is getting punished? I have no problem with how they were fined through the roof either. But again taking away schollies for kids or the coaching staff there now... Only completely innocent people are being punished in that case...
I can definitely agree with that, but letting the university off scot-free is a little hard to swallow. They should at least be vacated of wins, championships, and any other team awards during the time period.
So if Roy Williams retired or was fired, UNC shouldn't get punished? What about USC after Mr. Seahawk left town or the multiple schools after Caliparidouche left?
I agree it's tough for the kids there, but when a school puts sports above everything else, a price has to be paid to prevent future abuse of the rules. This was a cover up for more years than any of us thought. The price should be the death penalty for the same amount of years. A message has to be sent that if you cover up child abuse, you don't get to have football. Period.
I can definitely agree with that, but letting the university off scot-free is a little hard to swallow. They should at least be vacated of wins, championships, and any other team awards during the time period.
Sure I'd have no problem with those being vacated too. I think that's somewhat pointless in the sense that the games were played and what the outcomes were can't really be changed. But as far as the coaches records sure erase them. The vacating of banners/championships don't really do a whole lot other then just give the school less PR going forward to brag about. I'm fine if they do that but it's not nearly as impactful as any kind of sanctions against the current coaches/athletes have been. Taking away more schollies or post season games when the current and future kids and coaches have earned them is punishing the wrong people...
Say you were 18 now and this all went down at Iowa. You worked hard and would like to go there. However due to a reduction in schollarships they can't bring you on just due to math and your bad luck of timing.... And then if you walk on you can't play in any post season games because of things that happened decades ago with others no longer there... I know life isn't fair and that'd be the main argument against me here but this is something that can be easily not done...
The Sandusky and Paterno names are worse then mud now. And always will be. The school will always have this black eye on their history. And they've already been punished pretty harshly I might add (not that there's anything that truly can make things right for those crimes be it committed/or not reported/or flat out covered up cause to me those that enable/cover that up are on the same level as those that are doing it) . I feel we are far enough down the road from it to where piling on anything new now wouldn't have any more of an impact of just keeping it in the news cycle and punishing those not involved.
I think a lot of people here are saying that they should be kicked out of the B1G. It's really a pretty simple and straightforward message... if your football program covers up child abuse for 4 DECADES, we no longer want to be affiliated with you. Especially if you were given an opportunity to hold yourself accountable and failed.

This doesn't mean they can't have football. They just shouldn't get to have B1G football.
So if the Des Moines Register uncovered a bunch of evidence that Alfraud tried to suppress evidence or intimidate the victim in the PP case, then the current basketball team should be punished?

Do you actually think the DMR has investigative reporters?
I think a lot of people here are saying that they should be kicked out of the B1G. It's really a pretty simple and straightforward message... if your football program covers up child abuse for 4 DECADES, we no longer want to be affiliated with you. Especially if you were given an opportunity to hold yourself accountable and failed.

This doesn't mean they can't have football. They just shouldn't get to have B1G football.
Hmm I'd be interested to see how a vote of that would go. I bet a vote amongst ADs and head coaches around the league would be different then fans... I don't think KF would vote out PSU do you? I think 5 years ago or so fans would have voted them out no sweat. But now I'm not so sure about that fans just let things go in todays 24-7 news cycle that sadly that is almost old news already....
Hmm I'd be interested to see how a vote of that would go. I bet a vote amongst ADs and head coaches around the league would be different then fans... I don't think KF would vote out PSU do you? I think 5 years ago or so fans would have voted them out no sweat. But now I'm not so sure about that fans just let things go in todays 24-7 news cycle that sadly that is almost old news already....

4 decades encompasses a lot of folks and really makes it institutionalized. I think you'd have to vote for moral over opinion. This is the most awful thing you can imagine. A state sponsored place of higher education the den for pedophilia.

For this to continue for 4 decades, I find it hard to believe just one sick-o was involved. But that is just speculation.
Cut their scholarships by 1/3 but allow them to be bowl eligible for 10 years. Student athletes that still attend PSU could still go bowling if they were good enough.
What a bunch of freaking sickos.... I mean seriously that SB Nation article said that multiple assistant coaches witness inappropriate acts also along with JoePa.

It makes me sick to think about what these people were hiding... and for what? For football and money? What a disgrace...
I vote to kick them out of the big 10, and for the NCAA to take serious actions against them. At least no bowl games for 10 years, 1/3 scholarships, no TV contracts (if that is possible from a sanction standpoint). Their program is completely disgusting.
They really have to punish the football program with the death penalty for a year or two. It's unfair the to current students and athletes but football is the cash cow. The school is only going to make changes if it affects the money. Either dump football or fine the school heavily like 1 billion to make an effect. Make sure the money goes to victims and programs to help victims. Don't let the money go to the NCAA.
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So if the Des Moines Register uncovered a bunch of evidence that Alfraud tried to suppress evidence or intimidate the victim in the PP case, then the current basketball team should be punished?

I think the basketball program should be punished if this came out and they find out other people were involved. But let's make sure the punishment fits the crime, it's not like Iowa has been allowing rape and covering up for it since the 70s. The players that are going to Penn State are fully aware of what they are going into. I think a big part of the problem is all the PSU supporters are still in denial over what happened. If something like that happened at Iowa it would be a death sentence as it would make recruiting almost impossible.
If this happened at Iowa, who here believes that Iowa fans would have rioted in the streets in defense of Kirk Ferentz like Pedo fans did in defense of Joe?

You would hope they wouldn't. But it isn't exactly an apples to apples comparison. JoePa was PSU football, KF has been really good for Iowa football, but he isn't Iowa football. Imo, it is much easier to make a rational decision when that's the case, it shouldn't be that way, but it is for some.

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