Penn State will beat Iowa in Iowa City

transative property / or

A beat B

and B beat C

so C will be A.

This is disproven every single season.

No that isn't the point in looking at CMU's scores the rest of the season. It just continues to show how absolutely horrendous that loss was.
The CMU loss was bad but the 2009 team almost lost to UNI (I don't see how the rest of that season is any different if UNI makes the last second field goal) and rebounded to beat some good teams. It's not a death blow.
So much for the devastating penalty Penn State suffered that would set their program back for years. If Iowa was only going to win 1 more game the rest of the year I wish it would be against them. After what happened everything about Penn State makes me sick.
Maybe there's a chance JVB gets hurt or something and someone who can actually play quarterback magically appears by then???

And no, I don't actually want anyone to get hurt, so don't get all sensitive on me.
So much for the devastating penalty Penn State suffered that would set their program back for years. If Iowa was only going to win 1 more game the rest of the year I wish it would be against them. After what happened everything about Penn State makes me sick.

Penn St. is going to be pretty bad once all that senior leadership is gone. The recruiting punishments haven't even kicked in yet...
I'm shocked another thread about Iowa losing _______ (insert team). Can't it at least wait until after MSU. If only the games were actually played and not determined based on what people think.
Penn St. is going to be pretty bad once all that senior leadership is gone. The recruiting punishments haven't even kicked in yet...

Keep buying that. "Experts" predicted Penn State to struggle as of this year and obviously that is not the case. Even with the limited scholarships Penn State has a highly ranked recruiting class committed for next season. Granted they cannot afford to many misses but it sure looks like to me they will remain competitive. The Penn State community learned nothing, they covered up for a pedophile and got off with a slap on the wrist. Wait until they get to Kinnick, the "we are penn state" chants will make you throw up especially if they come in and beat Iowa.
Dude -

So far Central ******* Michigan and The Ames Academy of Anal Agriculture have beaten Iowa at home.

You really put yourself out on a limb there.

We have the worst QB in the conference, with maybe the worst receiver group in the conference. Until we can make teams pay for putting 8-9 in the box, we will not win another game ALL YEAR.

There isn't another Minnesota on our schedule the rest of the year.

Dude what are you talking about, why do you talk out of your *** and why do you keep referring to "we" when you post about the Iowa football team?

Along with not knowing anything.. "the worst QB and maby the worst receiver core in the Big Ten" you are some self-hating lunatic fanatic.

Yet.... you are only another moron that is the 80% that post on a message board.
Dude what are you talking about, why do you talk out of your *** and why do you keep referring to "we" when you post about the Iowa football team?

Along with not knowing anything.. "the worst QB and maby the worst receiver core in the Big Ten" you are some self-hating lunatic fanatic.

Yet.... you are only another moron that is the 80% that post on a message board.

I can't dispute a couple of indisputable facts:

1) Not knowing anything
2) Yet... another moron...

But, as ...yet...another moron, I stand by my statement.
No that isn't the point in looking at CMU's scores the rest of the season. It just continues to show how absolutely horrendous that loss was.

It you're looking for a pure example of "transitive property" in sports, you'll rarely find it. Though it does exist.

BUT... there is some validity in looking at comparative scores in a broad sense. And in this case... the fact that Toledo can put up 50 on CMU does say something. Though it's something we already knew...Iowa's offense is predictable and anemic.
I can't dispute a couple of indisputable facts:

1) Not knowing anything
2) Yet... another moron...

But, as ...yet...another moron, I stand by my statement.

AT least you are a self aware moron... and at times a funny one at that....

But c'mon you can do better than that post.
Maybe there's a chance JVB continues to improve each game and makes us all forget about the Central Michigan game. Maybe there's a chance that true Hawk fans will appreciate how he never gave up and turned the season around as he's taking a knee to win the Nebraska game. Maybe there's a chance you'll get banned for such a dumba$$ comment.

Sensitive enough for ya?
I agree that we need to focus on MSU first, but let's not act like this Penn State team is anything like they have been in the past. They still lost to Ohio and Virginia. They pasted an Illinois team that was itself pasted by ASU and Lousiana Tech. The only reason they beat Northwestern is because Northwestern doesn't have a defense near as good as its offense. I wouldn't say they are worlds better than we are at this point.

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