Penn state vs Hawkeye

He's probably like Trent Dilfer. We would win in spite of him. If he can only be in a position to manage, we might be ok. If he has to win games...jury's out. Here's the first test. Great ones don't make excuses. It's on Spencer now. Pain heals. Chicks dig scars. Glory lasts forever.
Have to do something tricky like a flea flicker. Hand off to Goodson, lateral back to Petras, and bomb to an open receiver.

They are selling out on the run.
Whole new defensive gameplan for the 2nd half. But I'd much rather be creating a new defensive gameplan than an offensive gameplan.
See how well their offense runs with a backup QB. We can’t do that because we show them the same twenty plays every game. Yeah but we do what we do well.