Penn State Football: Seven Reasons To Hate Iowa

What a stupid article by a stupid writer. Mocks having the football complex named after Fry when they had/have multiple buildings or spots around campus named for an enabler of a child rapist.

What a doosh.
While the guy just sounds like an angry bitter fan, I gotta agree with him when he says, "if losing to CMU doesn't fire up their team you think my blog as bulleting board material will?"
Usually I don't get too worked up about idiotic blog posts, but since this guy complains about Iowa fans lacking logic (which is true), you would expect him to make even a little bit of sense on his own. For instance, he claims Hawkeye is a synonym for "Pest Bird", to prove it, he links the website of a Toronto based pest removal company called Hawkeye.

Seriously dude, I am not insulted that you are making fun of teh Hox, I am insulted the sauce you're bring is SO FUQIN WEAK!

Also, there is a reason Ham Boy only posted a picture above his shoulders in his bi-line

You would think fans and writer's of a team that has been in the news so much for such dispicable acts would have some decency not to draw attention to themselves.
Typical Penn State lover. The sun sets and rises there. I don't know what anyone expects. I'm glad he doesn't like Iowa, means we don' thave to worry about that idiot coming here.
Seven Reasons to Hate Penn State

#1-jerry sandusky and the way they worship a man who covered up for a known pedophile.

#2- see #1

#3- see #2

#4- see #3

#5- see #4

#6- see #5

#7- see #6