Pathetic loss, pathetic court storm

I dont have much of a issue with them storming the court. ISU fans need something to ease the pain of watching there AD run the football program farther into the ground than ever before.

That being said, We have some players who just choke late in games and have since they got to Iowa. I wont throw out names but we all know who..
nothing like storming the court and then breaking someone's leg - and then being Randy Peterson's leg......gotta assume the liability insurer will have something to say to weasel boy about future court-storms.....
We lost this game because of the refs. I hate using this as an excuse but it happens every time an opposing team gets a big lead at Hilton. Iowa rolled in the first half and Uthoff had 30 and Woody had ten. Jok had around 16. In order for ISU to get back into it they have to play super aggressive defense. When you play aggressive defense you foul yet the clowns had what, 5 fouls in the second half and at least two were intentional. Woody get hammered inside the circle under the basket which gets called 100% in every game except tonight. Uthoff only scores 2 in the 2nd half when matt all hands team thomas is on him. As for storming the court it's just bush league and explains fully why ISU is little brother. cyfans always point out how pathetic it is if Kansas storms the field. ISU was supposed to win and they storm the court when they win by one. Another example of how isu is not a blue blood. They call themselves one but they act like a bunch of 5th grade girls only not as tough. Niang initiates contact with every drive but gets the call every time.
We lost this game because of the refs. I hate using this as an excuse but it happens every time an opposing team gets a big lead at Hilton. Iowa rolled in the first half and Uthoff had 30 and Woody had ten. Jok had around 16. In order for ISU to get back into it they have to play super aggressive defense. When you play aggressive defense you foul yet the clowns had what, 5 fouls in the second half and at least two were intentional. Woody get hammered inside the circle under the basket which gets called 100% in every game except tonight. Uthoff only scores 2 in the 2nd half when matt all hands team thomas is on him. As for storming the court it's just bush league and explains fully why ISU is little brother. cyfans always point out how pathetic it is if Kansas storms the field. ISU was supposed to win and they storm the court when they win by one. Another example of how isu is not a blue blood. They call themselves one but they act like a bunch of 5th grade girls only not as tough. Niang initiates contact with every drive but gets the call every time.

I can't tell if you are serious or trying to troll Iowa fans...

...really, you are blaming this game on the refs? No wonder ISU fans make fun of us.
We lost this game because of the refs. I hate using this as an excuse but it happens every time an opposing team gets a big lead at Hilton. Iowa rolled in the first half and Uthoff had 30 and Woody had ten. Jok had around 16. In order for ISU to get back into it they have to play super aggressive defense. When you play aggressive defense you foul yet the clowns had what, 5 fouls in the second half and at least two were intentional. Woody get hammered inside the circle under the basket which gets called 100% in every game except tonight. Uthoff only scores 2 in the 2nd half when matt all hands team thomas is on him. As for storming the court it's just bush league and explains fully why ISU is little brother. cyfans always point out how pathetic it is if Kansas storms the field. ISU was supposed to win and they storm the court when they win by one. Another example of how isu is not a blue blood. They call themselves one but they act like a bunch of 5th grade girls only not as tough. Niang initiates contact with every drive but gets the call every time.

Get well soon Randy. ;)
We lost this game because of the refs. I hate using this as an excuse but it happens every time an opposing team gets a big lead at Hilton. Iowa rolled in the first half and Uthoff had 30 and Woody had ten. Jok had around 16. In order for ISU to get back into it they have to play super aggressive defense. When you play aggressive defense you foul yet the clowns had what, 5 fouls in the second half and at least two were intentional. Woody get hammered inside the circle under the basket which gets called 100% in every game except tonight. Uthoff only scores 2 in the 2nd half when matt all hands team thomas is on him. As for storming the court it's just bush league and explains fully why ISU is little brother. cyfans always point out how pathetic it is if Kansas storms the field. ISU was supposed to win and they storm the court when they win by one. Another example of how isu is not a blue blood. They call themselves one but they act like a bunch of 5th grade girls only not as tough. Niang initiates contact with every drive but gets the call every time.
I'm over it, I don't care if they stormed the court, I don't care if they got more calls during their big run (and I don't even think they did), this is the kind of game you just have to forget about as a fan. For your sanity.
I didn't even notice fouls that should have been called, but to play that aggressive defense and only have 3 team fouls with 1 minute left was either really really impressive or it was "hilton magic".
Sadly for me I just can't get past watching Sr. Woodbury lay egg after egg. I dislike his on-court demeanor sorry just a big turn off for me. I honestly can't wait for him to graduate.
I do hate the "you can't blame refs" crowd though. So they think if the other team holds, pushes, and hammers every players, every time down the floor, that you should be able to play through it and not blame them? I'm not saying it happened here but it does happen, it is an extremely hard obstacle to overcome.

Kinda like the hold on Jewell on the td by MSU. People say you have to make the play anyway. But how can you make the play if you're being tackled? What if MSU held King, Fisher, and Lomax and the guy just walked into the endzone untouched? Is it still not ok to blame the refs? Or does the illegal holds on players stop being ok at one? Or two maybe? Sorry for the untimely rant but I can't stand when refs swallow their whistles late so they don't "decide the outcome of the game". When a player breaks a rule and not calling it changes who wins, the ref did decide the outcome.
Sadly for me I just can't get past watching Sr. Woodbury lay egg after egg. I dislike his on-court demeanor sorry just a big turn off for me. I honestly can't wait for him to graduate.
Yep, me too. The same goes for his little buddy, too. What a complete waste of experience at center and PG.
Yep, me too. The same goes for his little buddy, too. What a complete waste of experience at center and PG.

I would love to see Woody and Gesell not start against Drake. It would be nice to send a message and expect some sort of response from seniors. But they'd probably just pout and whine about how Twitter hates them or something.

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