Paterno family statement on sanctions

oh, and everyone but the paterno family seems to have a pretty good idea how this happened.
Look chief, Louis Freeh and everyone at Freeh Sporkin & Sullivan was clearly engaging in a witch-hunt against poor old kindly Joe. Ditto the NCAA.
They're all just jelly of good ol' Joe and all the good things he did.
I'm sure it is difficult for them to accept, but the family is no longer royalty and won't be treated like it. They are simply the family of the fired football coach at Penn State. Some of the quotes remind of statements released by a dictator's family from the bunker of a compound after the citizens have revolted and the regime has fallen.

They lost me on the first statement: "Sexual abuse is reprehensible, especially when it involves children, and no one starting with Joe Paterno condones or minimizes it."

Seems to me we are at this point because he both condoned it and minimized it.

One could pick that statement apart one sentence at a time. I would ask just "who the he!! do they think they are", but I think their actions/words pretty much sum it up. They believe they've taken over for JoePa as king of all things PSU. The harsh reality is they still have a huge cult following.
I'm sure it is difficult for them to accept, but the family is no longer royalty and won't be treated like it. They are simply the family of the fired football coach at Penn State. Some of the quotes remind of statements released by a dictator's family from the bunker of a compound after the citizens have revolted and the regime has fallen.

They lost me on the first statement: "Sexual abuse is reprehensible, especially when it involves children, and no one starting with Joe Paterno condones or minimizes it."

Seems to me we are at this point because he both condoned it and minimized it.

Well said. The Paterno family needs to get over itself and come to terms with what happened.
I do think the Paterno family just needs to keep a lid on it. Jay Paterno needs to stop appearing on ESPN every time there is news related to the story. I have faith the NCAA and all parties involved did their due diligence. We have to remember the NCAA has 8 months to determine what it would do... The timing of the NCAA's announcement needed to be made now. With football season around the corner the punishment needed to be announced now. I understand the Paterno family wants to defend Jo Pa. But each time they come out and make a statement it is like they are overlooking the horrific happenings that took place.

I am guessing the majority of fans across the country will agree with the punishment. The Paterno family is not going to change the ruling. It's time to turn the mic off ... While maybe the family feels it can dispute some of the claims, it appears pretty evident Joe Pa was was well aware of what was happening and he, along with other prominent officials, did nothing to stop it for fear of how it would impact the university/program. Well... I am guessing the school is in a much worse spot now than if the appropriate individuals took action like they should have taken several years back.
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They act as if JoePa is on trial in the court system rather on trial in the public. They're only making it worse for themselves.
I guess I don't know what they hope to accomplish...

Q Statement from Paterno family about NCAA sanctions | Fox News

the sanctions dont tranish JoePeds reputation/legacy, JoePed did.

with this. Yes, there likely will be more that comes out in the criminal trials. There will be discovery in all these cases should they go to court. It also wouldn't surprise me if at some point Curley or Schultz accept a plea agreement either to lessen their own charges or to testify against one of the others, or both. You can be that these men can certainly provide more context as to what went on during the years in question.

The item that sank all of these guys was following the 2001 incident where they were prepared to go to the authorities, but Curley recommended not doing so after consulting with Paterno. And Schultz and Spanier went along with that decision. 1998 could possibly be construed as they did what they were required to do as the authorities investigated and decided not to press charges. But they were all around in 1998 and then to decide not to report it in 2001 after McQueary reported what he saw is mind-boggling. It wasn't some random person telling you something happened, it was one of your assistant coaches, for crying out loud.
...Well... I am guessing the school is in a much worse spot now than if the appropriate individuals took action like they should have taken several years back.

As the old political cliche goes, "It's rarely the initial event that destroys a career, it's the cover up."
Hearing what their opinion on all of this is, is purely for entertainment purposes only. Not as many people feel the way they do about things. It's pretty predictable that they would feel that way. I just can't believe that they don't realize how it makes them look when they get on their high horse and try preaching to us how it is/was/should be. When we all know better now. Maybe before we would have taken their opinion with more than a grain of salt. Not now.
Posted this in a different thread and figured it would work here as well....

This quote from the family really stands out to me as an example of "They just don't get it, do they?"............."Punishing past, present and future students of the University because of Sandusky’s crimes does not serve justice."

I'm sorry, I was under the mistaken impression that the punishment was due to the coverup of a serial child rapist for a period of 14 years in order to protect the football coach and his football program. I'm pretty sure that Sandusky's crimes were already tried in a court of law and he was found we aren't talking about those crimes anymore. We're now talking about punishing a culture that put wins above children, that put legacy above a rapist, that the football gravy train over the lives of numerous children that were raped inside the PSU football complex.

A wise man once said that it was better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt. The Paterno family would be wise to take this advice
I don't believe for one second that Jay Paterno had no knowledge of what happened. He was on the staff in 98 and 01, my guess everyone on the staff heard at least a rumor what was going on, let alone the coach's son. After Jay Paterno reaction where he was almost in tears when nobody from the staff would be reatained for the new staff, clearly shows that he doesn't get it at all.
I don't believe for one second that Jay Paterno had no knowledge of what happened. He was on the staff in 98 and 01, my guess everyone on the staff heard at least a rumor what was going on, let alone the coach's son. After Jay Paterno reaction where he was almost in tears when nobody from the staff would be reatained for the new staff, clearly shows that he doesn't get it at all.

Yes it would stand to reason that he is the most brainwashed Penn Stater, indoctrinated in it from birth.