Paterno family statement on sanctions

I was thinking how clean the Iowa State and Iowa programs have been by comparison. Kind of proud to be an Iowan right now - we have 2 schools we can be proud of.

If you live in Pennsylvania right now, you are hanging your head in shame. You can't make this stuff up - unbelievable:(
I was thinking how clean the Iowa State and Iowa programs have been by comparison. Kind of proud to be an Iowan right now - we have 2 schools we can be proud of.

If you live in Pennsylvania right now, you are hanging your head in shame. You can't make this stuff up - unbelievable:(

I can agree with this. Both schools will have some issues from time to time but I hope nothing ever happens to either school of this magnitude.
It boils down to credibility of the two sides. On one side, you have a team of very experienced professional investigators led by a judge who used to be head of the FBI.
On the other side, you have a spoiled, sheltered group of family and sycophants who live in a place that is almost completely isolated from the real world.

Which do you choose to believe?
It boils down to credibility of the two sides. On one side, you have a team of very experienced professional investigators led by a judge who used to be head of the FBI.
On the other side, you have a spoiled, sheltered group of family and sycophants who live in a place that is almost completely isolated from the real world.

Which do you choose to believe?

If you don't choose the Investigators side you can not be helped.
I read a suggestion somewhere that the Paternos made this statement (and earlier ones) to try to protect Joe's estate and their own liability from expected civil lawsuits. I suppose if they are seen to be agreeing with any aspect of the Freeh report or the NCAA and B1G sanctions, it could be viewed as tacitly agreeing with the facts and findings, therefore leaving fewer things open to contest in court. Not sure I buy that; seems to me facts is facts, and most lawsuits eventually will be settled for damages of considerably less than originally claimed.

But that idea is out there.
I read a suggestion somewhere that the Paternos made this statement (and earlier ones) to try to protect Joe's estate and their own liability from expected civil lawsuits. I suppose if they are seen to be agreeing with any aspect of the Freeh report or the NCAA and B1G sanctions, it could be viewed as tacitly agreeing with the facts and findings, therefore leaving fewer things open to contest in court. Not sure I buy that; seems to me facts is facts, and most lawsuits eventually will be settled for damages of considerably less than originally claimed.

But that idea is out there.

I don't buy it. Remaining silent would serve the same purpose in that case, but they have chosen to bleat and whine since day one.
They're just idiots who live in denial, nothing more. They should be ashamed of themselves. But they never will be.
Sometime this weekend, ESPN showed a quote from a source close to Sue Paterno where she b!tched and moaned something along the lines of "at least Sandusky had an attorney and was able to call witnesses and cross examine his accusers.....Joe got none of those rights and it's just not fair...."

No ma'am, what isn't fair is that your husband said NOTHING for 14 years while numerous boys were raped and sodomized inside the facilities that your husband helped build and by a monster that worked for your husband. It was a consipiracy of silence that you and your dead husband should be ashamed of. Not once have you apologized for the actions of your husband nor have you offered to donate money to any organization that works with sexually abused children. Instead, you and your dead husband gave your money to Penn State for the furtherence of your own legacies and to satisfy your own sycophantic desires.

Frankly, the Paternos make me physically ill.
I just envision the next communication from the Paterno family to be a call to grab the torches and pitchforks and go looking for revenge...does the University President have adequate protection?

Really, it's done, let the process go a few days before the rhetoric starts. I always heard it wasn't about winning with Jopa...but you take 111 wins away and apparently the family feels different.
I'm just waiting for someone in the family to use the term "besmirched"....for some reason I love that word!
Is the Paterno family speaking of abdication of responsibility with a straight face? Do they really not understand that the fact that their pa covered up for a serial pedophile is not only as reprehensible as the child molestations, in a sense they are more so because he was someone that constantly claimed to do things the right way?

As many have already said, the Paterno family needs to do themselves a favor and STFU.
Man...STFU and GTFO have never been more apropos. These people need professional PR guidance.

Your daddy enabled child rape, you Paterno dooshtools. Be glad none of the victims have decided to take it out on you in a visceral manner and go the hell away.
Is the Paterno family speaking of abdication of responsibility with a straight face? Do they really not understand that the fact that their pa covered up for a serial pedophile is not only as reprehensible as the child molestations, in a sense they are more so because he was someone that constantly claimed to do things the right way?

As many have already said, the Paterno family needs to do themselves a favor and STFU.

This x 1000000.

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