Paterno, Ditka Lobby to get rid of facemasks

facemasks also protect your face from incidental or non-incidental contact from your opponent. Like getting a forearm across the bridge of your nose. but i agree, in general, with what these guys are saying.
Im sure they would also like to go back to 1985, "the glory years". This is nothing more then 2 old men bit**ing about something. What old man doesnt?

I ask again, What does the NFL expect to happen when you put the biggest, strongest, fastest freaks of nature and put them on a field and let them go all out? If i want to watch people lollipop around and have flags for touching another player on ever snap i can watch the NBA or WNBA. Either way the point of my post is the NBA sucks.
Im sure they would also like to go back to 1985, "the glory years". This is nothing more then 2 old men bit**ing about something. What old man doesnt?

I ask again, What does the NFL expect to happen when you put the biggest, strongest, fastest freaks of nature and put them on a field and let them go all out? If i want to watch people lollipop around and have flags for touching another player on ever snap i can watch the NBA or WNBA. Either way the point of my post is the NBA sucks.

I don't know if I disagree fully on their comments, they seem to make a little sense. What I've been saying for a while is that if you want to lessen the amount of concussions in college and especially NFL, make them wear equipment that fits them properly and force them to wear mouthpieces! Helmets should not be flying off their heads as easily as they do. Make them tight and strap them up!
Im sure they would also like to go back to 1985, "the glory years". This is nothing more then 2 old men bit**ing about something. What old man doesnt?

I ask again, What does the NFL expect to happen when you put the biggest, strongest, fastest freaks of nature and put them on a field and let them go all out? If i want to watch people lollipop around and have flags for touching another player on ever snap i can watch the NBA or WNBA. Either way the point of my post is the NBA sucks.

Maybe we should just cut to the chase and do what the real old men did back in the gladiator days and just let them kill each other with swords, lions and spears. Would that satisify your vicarious blood lust? The problem is this 'technique' and 'behavior' bleeds down into college, highschool, and even pee wee football.

The NFL has a responsibility to stop it now. If I want to see Roman coliseum activity I will go watch an old Spartacus movie. That ain't real football.
Maybe we should just cut to the chase and do what the real old men did back in the gladiator days and just let them kill each other with swords, lions and spears. Would that satisify your vicarious blood lust? The problem is this 'technique' and 'behavior' bleeds down into college, highschool, and even pee wee football.

The NFL has a responsibility to stop it now. If I want to see Roman coliseum activity I will go watch an old Spartacus movie. That ain't real football.

It doesnt matter in the end though does it? The NFL has been working for years to take defense out of the game. Every rule put in place in the last 10 years has been to protect the offense.

Lets be honest, High scoring games attracts the casual fans and thats what the NFL wants. This is just the next step in taking defense out of games.

"Ditka said the hit on Philadelphia Eagles wide receiver DeSean Jackson by the Atlanta Falcons' Dunta Robinson on Sunday was legal." That hit was 100% legal but it looked bad. How does the NFL make a new rule about hits and then fine someone for a legal hit?
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Im sure they would also like to go back to 1985, "the glory years". This is nothing more then 2 old men bit**ing about something. What old man doesnt?

I ask again, What does the NFL expect to happen when you put the biggest, strongest, fastest freaks of nature and put them on a field and let them go all out? If i want to watch people lollipop around and have flags for touching another player on ever snap i can watch the NBA or WNBA. Either way the point of my post is the NBA sucks.

What does the NBA have to do with any part of this thread?
It doesnt matter in the end though does it? The NFL has been working for years to take defense out of the game. Every rule put in place in the last 10 years has been to protect the offense.

Lets be honest, High scoring games attracts the casual fans and thats what the NFL wants. This is just the next step in taking defense out of games.

"Ditka said the hit on Philadelphia Eagles wide receiver DeSean Jackson by the Atlanta Falcons' Dunta Robinson on Sunday was legal." That hit was 100% legal but it looked bad. How does the NFL make a new rule about hits and then fine someone for a legal hit?

This is not a move to take defense out of the game. Defensive players get hurt by these hits, too. This is about player safety. And the NFL is the highest level of football; what happens there eventually trickles down the ladder. I'm pretty sure I don't want to see 9 year old pee-wee players emulating the hits that their idols deliver on Sundays right now.

If you've got a problem with trying to eliminate these DELIBERATE blows to the head (and by making NO EFFORT to use fundamental form tackling, they are deliberate), then you should write Goodell and let him know you just want to see sandlot ball: no helmets, no pads, no penalties. Anything goes. Or you can try and find some old XFL highlights on YouTube.
Everything Kobe. Everything. ;)

35 broken noses/game later and they would rethink this. This is not the same football as having a guy that is 6'1", 180lbs playing left tackle.

believe me when I tell you that a 6'1" 180# guy can break an opponents nose with his forearm just like a 6'6" 300# man can.
Considering the fact that its mostly offensive players that end up with concussions, I think its a horrible idea.
Tough guys dont care.
Not having facemasks never stopped hockey players from throwing bare knuckles
on the ice.
I dont think it would stop injuries.
Let the league office review all questionable hits and hand out suspensions for the following game or 2. Unpaid.
That would put a stop to it.
Hand down 3-4 game suspensions for repeat offenders.
Sooner or later, they would get the hint.
John Lynch (of D. Broncos and TB Bucs fame/ now FOX analyst) had a web chat this afternoon on this subject and concurred with the Ditka thought, but did say it wouldn't happen. Perhaps softer, lighter helmets and more focus on keeping the head up and arm wrapping fundamentals. He said the NFL while being a bit on the hypocrite side by wanting to protect players and yet wanting to extend the season to 18 games, should take the initiative and spend some $'s and do some serious research studies to find a better helmet too.

He went on to say that the spearing and helmet cap hits were pretty well brought to a minimum, and that the qb's today were also at fault for "leading" the wr's through the zone pockets and into coverage more now than a few years back.
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I had the feeling for a while now that I will see NFL/NCAA football played with soft pads in my lifetime ... eliminate the hard plastic and players won't feel invincible

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