Pat Harty laid off


Well-Known Member
It's all over Twitter this afternoon. The guy seemed to rub Hawk fans the wrong way sometimes but it's still sad to hear. Kind of a lousy deal.
Unfortunate. Gone are the days when journalists could be controversial. Our country has given in to the all powerful politically correct way of life, except for the politically correct calling out others. Weak kneed, self absorbed politicians are carriers of this dangerous disease. isufb is another one for calling out my views of cyfan.
Unfortunate. Gone are the days when journalists could be controversial. Our country has given in to the all powerful politically correct way of life, except for the politically correct calling out others. Weak kneed, self absorbed politicians are carriers of this dangerous disease. isufb is another one for calling out my views of cyfan.

Was he laid off for political incorrectness, or are you just airing a general beef you have with society?
I didn't read him very much the last couple years, but I found him to have changed, and was very complimentary of the Hawkeyes.
I work for a company that lays off thousands every single year. I live in almost constant fear of it and I have some very good friends that I would call family get laid off. It can be a horrible thing, if you let it. The way corporate America just purges humans to the curb is horrendous. And don't give me that fiduciary responsibility crap. That was devised a long time ago by, guess who? The rich. Ok, off the soapbox. I hope he and everyone that has felt this, lands on his feet.
Sad to see but the newspaper business is not healthy ... lots of pressure from internet sources and new media for information (like HawkeyeNation and this message board).
Sad to see but the newspaper business is not healthy ... lots of pressure from internet sources and new media for information (like HawkeyeNation and this message board).

You bet it is not healthy, how can that model compete with digital newsites or digital web news. Just the idea of the model of a newspaper now where you spend 24 hours leading up to print the next issue, crazy compared to editing and constantly updated online news.

The big problem with online "news" is verifying the source but I like to just look at the Associated Press website because many of the international and national stories you see in the Des Moines Register are AP stories, but they are old compared to when they came out by the AP.
I work for a company that lays off thousands every single year. I live in almost constant fear of it and I have some very good friends that I would call family get laid off. It can be a horrible thing, if you let it. The way corporate America just purges humans to the curb is horrendous. And don't give me that fiduciary responsibility crap. That was devised a long time ago by, guess who? The rich. Ok, off the soapbox. I hope he and everyone that has felt this, lands on his feet.

I presume you don't have a 401K with stock in it.
I work for a company that lays off thousands every single year. I live in almost constant fear of it and I have some very good friends that I would call family get laid off. It can be a horrible thing, if you let it. The way corporate America just purges humans to the curb is horrendous. And don't give me that fiduciary responsibility crap. That was devised a long time ago by, guess who? The rich. Ok, off the soapbox. I hope he and everyone that has felt this, lands on his feet.

they are no more loyal to employees than employees loyal to a corporation. goes both ways. and forget about a 'lifetime contract'. ain't happening. time to dust off that resume if you go to work and fear getting fired on a daily basis. doesn't sound like a place i'd want to be.
That sux for him. What a terrible thing to happen. I've never experienced it myself, but friends and family who have all seem much happier once they pick up a new job.

Things will work out. Rough road getting there, but he'll get there.
Newspapers are in free fall and honestly Gannett, with its unrealistic obsession with 22-24 percent ROI, is a big part of the problem. Virtually every paper it has touched in the last 25 years has turned to crap. And then they wonder why people don't read their newspapers and, worse, why advertisers don't spend money with them.

Myself a victim of the industry, I feel bad for Pat. I hope he lands on his feet.

This is bad news for HawkeyeNation in a couple ways:

- His departure marks one less reporter devoted to largely or exclusively covering the Hawkeyes. Gannett will not fully replace that commitment to covering Iowa sports.

- Most stories linked here and on other message boards are written by newspaper reporters and edited by professional editors. How many of Pat's stories have been shared and commented on here? Quite a few, I'd bet. Those are now gone.

Sad day for Pat. Sad day for Hawkeye sports.
I presume you don't have a 401K with stock in it.

You'd be wrong. But A) not every employee has that option, B) no all 401k's are the same and some are mismanaged and expensive, and, C) If you're laid off at 40 or even 50, you still have 10 to 20 years or more of paying bills that can't be done by using the 401k without getting raped by penalties.

But it goes beyond that. I work for a company that realizes $billions...with a "B" in profits each year. But, somehow, they play the "we're so poor" card and lay off folks who want to do nothing more than to work their *** off to have a house and raise a family. You see, this is where the greed of others directly affects many, many people. And, rightly or wrongly, many, if not most, folks wrap their self worth into "doing a good job, being a hard worker and being able to provide." And that all gets flushed down the ******* so the stock price can go up a 1/4 point. Now, the dudes with millions of shares certainly care about that 1/4 point. But thousands actually live the reality of being valued at a 1/4 of a penny.
they are no more loyal to employees than employees loyal to a corporation. goes both ways. and forget about a 'lifetime contract'. ain't happening. time to dust off that resume if you go to work and fear getting fired on a daily basis. doesn't sound like a place i'd want to be.

Yeah, it's just that simple.
Yeah, it's just that simple.

you control your own destiny. yes you do. i pulled the plug on a 'job' at one point in my life - to do something 'solo'. i understand what you are saying, but if you are seriously in constant fear of getting the can, time to reevaluate.
I presume you don't have a 401K with stock in it.

401k is just another good example of how big companies exploit employees. Colluding with political elements and special interests in the government to destroy defined benefit pension plans . To the only end that company executives can ultimately earn a larger piece of the economic pie at the expense of the working class. But because everybody does it so some people rationalize it as being an acceptable. Especially lawyers.
401k is just another good example of how big companies exploit employees. Colluding with political elements and special interests in the government to destroy defined benefit pension plans . To the only end that company executives can ultimately earn a larger piece of the economic pie at the expense of the working class. But because everybody does it so some people rationalize it as being an acceptable. Especially lawyers.

From each according to his ability, to each according to his need, right Comrade?

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