What the NCAA needs to do is make officials full-time and nationalize them. Get a single officiating body with people who do nothing but call basketball games for a living. The NFL does it and they've got probably the best officials in all of sports.
Give them pension plans and force retirement at 65. To stay licensed, officials must pass yearly physicals as well as tests on the rules using both written exams and video analysis (watch plays and make the correct calls as determined by the NCAA) -- to pass those exams, officials must get it right at least 90% of the time. All of this comes in addition to off-season assessments of their performances in games. Should an official fail to meet any of these requirements, they are placed on 1-year probation and barred from officiating any Division I games in that time. Should they meet the requirements the following year, they can resume Division I-level officiating.
Very little of that will come to fruition, I'm afraid. But I think that would be the ideal way to handle officiating in college basketball (and football, for that matter).