Pat Chambers Postgame Video

Another losing coach calls Iowa an elite team. He was very gracious. Accepted the loss with class similar to Coach Pitano after the Minnesota loss.....
The B1G's got some damn solid coaches. I believe I had him ranked 10th out of 12, just behind the trio of Pitino, Miles and Collins; when I think about that, 10th sounds too low for Chambers. The only reason I've got him that low is because I think he's just a slim shade below that trio. Thank God he wasn't able to keep Jermaine Marshall; PSU would be pretty deadly with him in the mix this year.

I don't like how the media asks coaches about the reffing when they know they will not say anything. Just trying to bait them into a fine. Very complimentary of Iowa.

To be fair on the officiating, that wasn't quite ref-baiting, IMO. It wasn't like after the BTT last year; but the flow of the game was definitely off for both teams because of how the first half seemed to be, no blood no foul, while the second half sounded like a marching band practice.
Class act...calls it like he sees it. I love the comment, "yeah we knew they were going to even out the fouls...we just hoped they would space it out"....B10 officiating at it's best. White got mugged two or three times going to the hole...Uthoff got absolutely hammered going to the calls...then they call some ticky tack stuff. I think the B10 needs to invest in some offseason skills for officials. It's been pretty bad all year.
The B1G's got some damn solid coaches. I believe I had him ranked 10th out of 12, just behind the trio of Pitino, Miles and Collins; when I think about that, 10th sounds too low for Chambers. The only reason I've got him that low is because I think he's just a slim shade below that trio. Thank God he wasn't able to keep Jermaine Marshall; PSU would be pretty deadly with him in the mix this year.

I watched the Arizona at Arizona State game last night, Jermaine had 28 points and 5 rebounds, I believe, in the upset....

Would have been a different game with him at Penn State.....

Class act...calls it like he sees it. I love the comment, "yeah we knew they were going to even out the fouls...we just hoped they would space it out"....B10 officiating at it's best. White got mugged two or three times going to the hole...Uthoff got absolutely hammered going to the calls...then they call some ticky tack stuff. I think the B10 needs to invest in some offseason skills for officials. It's been pretty bad all year.

What the NCAA needs to do is make officials full-time and nationalize them. Get a single officiating body with people who do nothing but call basketball games for a living. The NFL does it and they've got probably the best officials in all of sports.

Give them pension plans and force retirement at 65. To stay licensed, officials must pass yearly physicals as well as tests on the rules using both written exams and video analysis (watch plays and make the correct calls as determined by the NCAA) -- to pass those exams, officials must get it right at least 90% of the time. All of this comes in addition to off-season assessments of their performances in games. Should an official fail to meet any of these requirements, they are placed on 1-year probation and barred from officiating any Division I games in that time. Should they meet the requirements the following year, they can resume Division I-level officiating.

Very little of that will come to fruition, I'm afraid. But I think that would be the ideal way to handle officiating in college basketball (and football, for that matter).
What the NCAA needs to do is make officials full-time and nationalize them. Get a single officiating body with people who do nothing but call basketball games for a living. The NFL does it and they've got probably the best officials in all of sports.

Give them pension plans and force retirement at 65. To stay licensed, officials must pass yearly physicals as well as tests on the rules using both written exams and video analysis (watch plays and make the correct calls as determined by the NCAA) -- to pass those exams, officials must get it right at least 90% of the time. All of this comes in addition to off-season assessments of their performances in games. Should an official fail to meet any of these requirements, they are placed on 1-year probation and barred from officiating any Division I games in that time. Should they meet the requirements the following year, they can resume Division I-level officiating.

Very little of that will come to fruition, I'm afraid. But I think that would be the ideal way to handle officiating in college basketball (and football, for that matter).

The NFL doesn't do this. There are a handful of officials now who are full time employees but the vast majority are just part time officials and have other jobs as well. The NFL doesn't want to commit to the cost of making all official positions into full time jobs.
The NFL doesn't do this. There are a handful of officials now who are full time employees but the vast majority are just part time officials and have other jobs as well. The NFL doesn't want to commit to the cost of making all official positions into full time jobs.

I could swear I'd read the NFL did it, but now that I look back at some articles I see it's just some of them. The basic point of my post still stands, though.
The NFL doesn't do this. There are a handful of officials now who are full time employees but the vast majority are just part time officials and have other jobs as well. The NFL doesn't want to commit to the cost of making all official positions into full time jobs.

This is correct. The NFL wanted to do this but the refs wouldnt agree to it. Hence the strike a couple years ago.
Ed Hockalee has long been and still is an active insurance defense attorney. I believe in Arizona.
I could swear I'd read the NFL did it, but now that I look back at some articles I see it's just some of them. The basic point of my post still stands, though.

I agree that it's the best way to do it and I also think it's the ridiculous that the NFL doesn't do it with how much money they make and how much lip service they give to player safety. It would be a whole lot harder to implement in college due to the number of officials needed to ref 300+ D-1 teams each playing 30+ games a year.
The NFL doesn't do this. There are a handful of officials now who are full time employees but the vast majority are just part time officials and have other jobs as well. The NFL doesn't want to commit to the cost of making all official positions into full time jobs.

I agree that it's the best way to do it and I also think it's the ridiculous that the NFL doesn't do it with how much money they make and how much lip service they give to player safety. It would be a whole lot harder to implement in college due to the number of officials needed to ref 300+ D-1 teams each playing 30+ games a year.

It would be interesting to see. If they could pay them enough it could be done. Have tiers of officials that handle specific conferences in specific regions. They could do a game a day at least and for sure double up on Saturdays and possibly Sundays. Unfortunately it will never happen and its only a job for 5-6 months. Would be a pretty solid gig for a retiree at 50 who was still fit.
It would be interesting to see. If they could pay them enough it could be done. Have tiers of officials that handle specific conferences in specific regions. They could do a game a day at least and for sure double up on Saturdays and possibly Sundays. Unfortunately it will never happen and its only a job for 5-6 months. Would be a pretty solid gig for a retiree at 50 who was still fit.

I think when the tournament inevitably goes to 128 teams, they could use that extra revenue to ensure that there is at least one full-time official working every game (we'll say 75 refs). I'm not sure how many crews they have, but I'd bet there would usually be two on the floor in almost any given game.
Walter Anderson who was the white hat in the Super Bowl a couple of years ago used to be a dentist and owned a group of clinics. He sold those and basically turned into a full time official. But he could afford to do that as he was well off after he sold the clinics. Thats someone who could do it full time.

Willie Spencer who I know used to be in the NFL. But he had a big job in Houston Independent School District. He had to quit the NFL as it started to compromise his job(especially Monday night games). He returned to HS football and officiated quite a few more years. Friend of mine was on his HS crew. Like he said NFL or his job, there was no choice. He could not have been a full time official.

If all the NFL officials were required to be full time, I would believe there would be a lot who wouldnt do it.
Walter Anderson who was the white hat in the Super Bowl a couple of years ago used to be a dentist and owned a group of clinics. He sold those and basically turned into a full time official. But he could afford to do that as he was well off after he sold the clinics. Thats someone who could do it full time.

Willie Spencer who I know used to be in the NFL. But he had a big job in Houston Independent School District. He had to quit the NFL as it started to compromise his job(especially Monday night games). He returned to HS football and officiated quite a few more years. Friend of mine was on his HS crew. Like he said NFL or his job, there was no choice. He could not have been a full time official.

If all the NFL officials were required to be full time, I would believe there would be a lot who wouldnt do it.

If they were full-time, they'd be getting paid more. It wouldn't be like choosing between the job that pays the bills and an internship or a hobby. Hell, the way you just described it, it might as well have been a full-time gig anyway, considering the time constraints and conflicts with his day job. It's forcing people to juggle the two that would keep people from joining, IMO. If it were a viable full time job, I doubt that would be an issue.
Class act...calls it like he sees it. I love the comment, "yeah we knew they were going to even out the fouls...we just hoped they would space it out"....B10 officiating at it's best. White got mugged two or three times going to the hole...Uthoff got absolutely hammered going to the calls...then they call some ticky tack stuff. I think the B10 needs to invest in some offseason skills for officials. It's been pretty bad all year.

I thought the first half they let both sides play. Then in the 2nd half Iowa got called for everything and Penn St. as you said, was still hammering Iowa, but not getting called. I think the refs realized it when Penn St. was in the bonus like 5 min. into the 2nd half, and Penn St. has like 2 fouls. Right after that they started "evening" it out, as Chambers said.

I don't like how the media asks coaches about the reffing when they know they will not say anything. Just trying to bait them into a fine. Very complimentary of Iowa.

Thx for th video. I thought his words were very right on the money. His team took a shot at us; and played very well (and almost took it). He/they should be proud of their effort. I'm not sure I'd wanna match up with them in the BTT. If some more of those shots fall, it turns into a whole new game late. I was surprised to see PSU start to extend the game by fouling so early (just inside 3 minutes left). At that point we were dreadful from the line; and it almost worked for them.

The officiating was wildly inconsistently called. But, that's par for course in the Big Ten.
Chambers saying same things I am....

Iowa unbeatable when they stick 3's

Officials went Jekel and Hyde 1st to 2nd half.
I could swear I'd read the NFL did it, but now that I look back at some articles I see it's just some of them. The basic point of my post still stands, though.

Gene Saratore (sp) does both NFL and B1G games. I recall he was reffing one of our games then had to do an NFL playoff game the next day, or something like that. But, I think TM is on the right track. I do believe conferences "make suggestions" on how games "can" be called. The PSU game was called exactly like the MSUx game.
Chambers saying same things I am....

Iowa unbeatable when they stick 3's

Officials went Jekel and Hyde 1st to 2nd half.

Almost, although they did make 11 out of 24 threes against Villanova. But making threes and hitting free throws is the difference for Iowa. In the 6 losses they have shot 29% from the 3 point arc, 23% in the 4 conference losses. Iowa is also a team that normally makes more free throws than the other team attempts, outside of the MSU game this did not happen in the losses.

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