Parker Hesse and Matt Nelson, with their powers combined must become...

Nelson and Hesse have tons of potential, but I think it's meiers time to shine. I think he's somewhat quietly have a great year. If he can really apply that rush Iowa needs against thorson this week, the Ott deficit may be less than we think.
I don't know if possible but use them both at Otts spot, rotating them so they are fresh every play. You would lose the back up for Meier though. Tough times
I don't think there is a single area on the roster where recruiting is "fine". Every position group could use an upgrade in talent and depth. The reason Ott and Smith are SRs instead of RS JRs is because of poor recruiting. Iowa had to play a FB at RB the last 3 years because of poor recruiting. They're currently running their starting RB into the ground because of, you guessed it, poor recruiting.

I'm really hoping the new football complex gives recruiting a boost because it has been a weakness for this staff for a long time.

Attrition and injuries have nothing to do with this?
Along with Kirk being stubborn. We saw it last year with MW getting nearly all the carries. By his own words Kirk will ride the horse till he can't run anymore.
I will say GOOD GRIEF to anyone thinking we're going to change from a 4-3 to a 3-4 in the course of one week of practice. The entire defensive half of the program (design, strategy, recruiting, strength and conditioning) has been designed around the 4-3. They can't just switch it up for one game.
Whoever is in will step up to the plate. They'll be coached up and play assignment football. Hopefully they can at the least keep and protect the edge & let the other playmakers make plays inside.
Everything you say here is accurate, but I hope the "good grief" was not directed at Imported Ankle. Iowa does not have the type of linemen needed to play a 3-4.

Agree. You need 2 JJ's to play DT's and then an even more huge'r dude to play NG. Whoever plays NG in the 3/4 needs to command double-teams and control 2 gaps. Don't think we have that type. Going to a 3/4 is sort of a natural reaction, but upon further review, not likely, or even, a good idea for Iowa.
I will say GOOD GRIEF to anyone thinking we're going to change from a 4-3 to a 3-4 in the course of one week of practice. The entire defensive half of the program (design, strategy, recruiting, strength and conditioning) has been designed around the 4-3. They can't just switch it up for one game.

Your good sense has no place here. Begone!

I admit I'm not a guy who understands all the nuts and bolts of football but any chance of changing to a 3-4 in lieu of lack of DE depth? Just asking?

Obviously not. No you can't just change to a 3-4 defense. You have to teach entirely different technique to your players and while we may have the three down linemen to pull it off, we don't have the right linebackers for it.
Obviously not. No you can't just change to a 3-4 defense. You have to teach entirely different technique to your players and while we may have the three down linemen to pull it off, we don't have the right linebackers for it.

There's always a way to "pull it off"...except in the case of our moving from a 4-3 to a 3-4 :)

While we may not be VASTLY undersized on the DL, we're certainly not built for the 3-4.

Just because Jaleel is over 300, people assume that means we "can" go 3-4.

Frankly, I'm surprised Wisconsin has pulled it off, except for what you mentioned: their LBs. THAT, more than anything, is what made it possible for them.