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You still never stated how he is racist or divisive. So because I may not agree with you or have a different opinion we couldn't hang out. I've seen you state this on a few occasions to people. I guess that's where you draw the line in the sand. It doesn't get more divisive than drawing a line in the sand.

Bill Clinton got hummers in the Oval office in the White House by an intern. Were you fine with that? That's a pretty POS thing to do as a human.

Personally, didn't bother me as I care how he ran country. Whatever politicians choose to do in that regard is between (s)he or the higher above. I found it funny.

This will be my last post on this as I will honor your guidelines and rules. Also, I sincerely appreciate you offering us a platform to discuss topics and often times giving us a bit more rope than we deserve.

It's too bad you draw the sand in the line, as if we were ever able to share a pint of brew together I'd hope to think you'd enjoy our discussion.

Google Trump and racism. Then go listen to his Tulsa speech. If you don't understand then you don't want to see it.
I'll throw my two cents in here.

With regards to politicians, I try as best I can to separate my personal views of them from their policy decisions. It's not always easy, that's for sure.

As I've posted before, I didn't vote for Trump and I don't care for him as a person at all. Never did (in fairness, I also find some of his opponents, such as Pelosi and Schumer, despicable as well).That said, I don't necessarily have an issue with some of his policy decisions. For example, I applauded his decision to pull out of the Iranian nuclear deal, which was a complete farce to begin with, and I'm appreciative of his stance on other foreign policy oversights that have resulted in economic damage to the U.S. and/or resulted in the U.S. footing the bill all of the time (i.e., NATO spending).

If one good thing comes out of this presidency, I hope it's that politicians come to the realization that the American people don't want our leaders to put the American citizens in the back seat for the benefit of maintaining relationships with foreign governments that enjoy taking advantage of us. Clinton did it. Bush did it. Obama did it in spades.

My take is that people that personally support Trump have decided to put aside the dignity of the office in favor of brashness and theater. Having a "businessman" in office does have some positive benefits, yes, but what we need is someone that also understands the importance of the office itself, and what it represents. Some brashness is acceptable and can be refreshing, but Trump has crossed the line. Posting statements on Twitter that are on par with an upset teenager, sparing with the media without tact or strategy and using sophomoric nicknames for opponents that wouldn't be acceptable in the hallways of middle school all serve to degrade both him and the dignity of the office itself, and frankly it's embarrassing.

Nice post! Great points.
C’mon guys. I wasn’t expecting this thread to go political. I just wanted to share some ideas on how the football team can move forward. I was kinda hoping on some input and what your ideas might be. Can we get back to that? I’m not advocating for anyone to be fired. Just want to see the results of the investigation and then what he can do to move forward. I do not want to go into the football season as a distraction for the team. They need to be focused or this can turn out bad.
All I will say is that most politicians are corrupt. The problem is both parties have policies that are eliminating the middle class. Under dems the poor are somewhat better taken care, but the politicians get rich. When the GOP is in office the rich get taken care of, and the politicians get rich. Both of these things come at the expense of the middle class.

Get rid of PACs, create term limits, get rid of the 2 party system,. These are 3 things that would make the country better over night.

Like everyone, we all have pur own agendas. For example, I believe we should have a flat tax rate, free health care gun rights. Legalization of drugs, a border wall, less aid to foreign countries when our own country is suffering, less reliance on China.

Im all over the board, and no one politician can meet what I would love to see.

What I want to see is, if I chose, I could run for US Senate. I want teachers and small business owners and lawyers to be able to hold national offices like they could way back when. How in the world could I run for a national office making the little amount of money I make? Impossible. You need millions to do it. And this continues to create an economic divide.

Trump is smart in how he established his base. He got out the right amount of voters in the right areas. What he spurred negated the urban areas.

I think he is a buffoon and I thought HRC was the worst person on the face of the Earth. So I voted for neither.
This time is the buffoon vs. a man well past his prime that has no business running the country.

And while I think Biden has a better chance than I thought HRC did, I doubt he wins.

The Dems need to throw a young, dynamic candidate with ideas. Obama won because he was a young, dynamic person with ideas. If the dems keep throwing old whites dudes out there, they will struggle to win the presidency. You cannot beat the GOP at its own game.

Right, how the hell did the Democrats nominate a 77 year old white male who has been nothing but a career politician and who has profited heavily from it. I just completely do not understand this.
We all have choices.

And my choice is to not sugarcoat how I feel about a guy who helps create issues like this one.

I meant to take a photo of it, but I just saw a sign hanging in a medical facility that stated "Be a Kung flu fighter" with a person dressed in karate type wardrobe and was discussing precautions and the importance of hand washing. I am not kidding.
I meant to take a photo of it, but I just saw a sign hanging in a medical facility that stated "Be a Kung flu fighter" with a person dressed in karate type wardrobe and was discussing precautions and the importance of hand washing. I am not kidding.

That doesn't make it OK and my guess if that sign does exist it will be removed. It's racist. Period.
Just looked at the infection rates across the country following the re-opening. Then I read the report from the CDC that we are likely underestimating infected people and it may be close to 20,000,000. Then I read the article that said many of the infections are in the 30-45 age group. Of course, hospitals in Texas are filling up.

So. How is the primarily Republican plan for re-opening working out for you?

So. How is the federal government’s plan to fight the pandemic working out for you?

So. The Republicans in my home state of WI got the Supreme Court to overturn our Democrat Governor’s more conservative plan.

So. Now we are charging toward the lead in new infections and deaths to follow.

All college sports should be postponed until at least 2021. And, if a reasonable plan from the Feds is not in place by then, extend the postponement for a minimum of six months.

Just added this so you would recognize that my post is not political.
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