PAC12 OOC games and drop ISU...thoughts

I will take that a step further and say the ISU game, if it is at Kinnick, is usually the most expensive ticket of the year (minus this season with Nebraska). I have been to a lot of games at Kinnick and paid a lot of money in tickets outside of just the Iowa State games and the ISU is always the most expensive buy, just like the Iowa game is in Ames.

iirc, Iowa ticket prices between games tend to be pretty balanced. Nothing more then about $15 above the average price.

ISU's iirc, was $50 above the average.
Laughable. Take a look at the projects Barta has raised funds for since he has been here and rethink your statement. You are an idiot.

The BTN is building those facilities, not Barta. Im not saying hes a bad AD, but he is at a top 25(if not higher) revenue producing school, and thats due to a great tv deal. That money would be there no master who was AD. Maybe he schmoozes the Drs/Lawyers like no other, I don't know, but Pollard is selling ketchup popsicles to eskimos in white gloves.
The BTN is building those facilities, not Barta. Im not saying hes a bad AD, but he is at a top 25(if not higher) revenue producing school, and thats due to a great tv deal. That money would be there no master who was AD. Maybe he schmoozes the Drs/Lawyers like no other, I don't know, but Pollard is selling ketchup popsicles to eskimos in white gloves.

Iowa is 2nd in the big ten in donations. That reflects extremely well on Barta.
iirc, Iowa ticket prices between games tend to be pretty balanced. Nothing more then about $15 above the average price.

ISU's iirc, was $50 above the average.
I would like to see where the $50 is coming from. I believe its more in line of $30 more for the Iowa game, I could be wrong since I dont buy single game tickets. And with the $15 for Iowa, I believe I paid over $20-$30 more for the ISU ticket 4 years ago in IC than I did over the 2 Big 10 games I went to that season. And 2 years ago, I went to a non conference game Iowa game and a Big 10 game and paid around $30 less for the non con game and $20 some less for the Big 10 game. I go to a ton of football games in the state, so I remember what I pay.
No, we don't.

I do think in a way it's honestly hurting more than it's helping.

While I think there is a portion of the fanbase that is obsessed with Iowa and certainly does circle the game, IMO the bigger problem is the casual fans. I think ISU has a great core of absolute diehards. I think there are about 30k-35k diehard fans that will purchase tickets and attend games even if we went 2-10 the next 5 years. I think there are about 20k more people who will buy tickets and attend as long as we don't suck balls.

There are more people than that in the area that are interested in the Clones and would love to see a game, but absolutely will not care if they think we won't be good.

Here is where the Iowa game is a problem IMO. There are years like last year, where we get a nice bump because of the Iowa game win. We won a very exciting game against an Iowa team a lot of people thought would be pretty good. It's a game that even the most casual of observers was watching. I think it has a positive effect on attendance and fan excitement through the rest of the season as a result, although I've never really checked the stats.

However, if we get our butt kicked, I think that's a cue for the casual fans to tune out. We got beat by Iowa, we obviously aren't on a competitive level with them, so we probably won't be good this year, wake me when next season starts.

IMO the positive feelings have a much better chance to exist consistently if we play 3 cupcakes all at home before conference play. The fans get to see their team play, there is positive media coverage/word of mouth, and everybody is happy with their team.

The best era in ISU football was the 70s, when we won at a high level within the conference, and went to bowls when it actually meant something. That also coincided with not playing Iowa.

I don't think not playing Iowa will automatically return to that, but I think the chance is better and I don't know why ISU fans are afraid of that possibility. As much as the 6 wins to a bowl thing is borderline embarrassing, I'd like to see a 4 year period where we hit that mark every year and have all the players experience that those extra 15 practices going into the bowl games every year. I want to see what kind of effect that can have on our program.

That said I'm a dual fan (although I obviously swing way more to the ISU side) and the game honestly isn't that much fun for me. I enjoy to win, I enjoy well played games when they happen, but I hate the office smack talk and the fact somebody has to lose.

Edit: holy crap this is long.

The casual fan argument is spot on.....I think 8-4, 7-5 and going to mid-tier bowl games is more important than playing Iowa. College football is an arms race, going 6-6 every other year at some point won't be good enough.
I have been going to the Iowa/ISU game since I was 5 in both Kinnick and Jack Trice and have only missed one in 25 years. I also go to every ISU home game and at least 2 Iowa home games. BOTH SCHOOLS raise ticket prices for the Iowa/ISU game depending on who the home team is.

^^^totally false, where are your Iowa ticket stubs to prove this assertion. I have never noticed a difference in ticket prices for this game at kinnick for season tickets since 1979 when it resumed.

You are probably thinking of the ticket prices you paid to scalpers.
I would like to see where the $50 is coming from. I believe its more in line of $30 more for the Iowa game, I could be wrong since I dont buy single game tickets. And with the $15 for Iowa, I believe I paid over $20-$30 more for the ISU ticket 4 years ago in IC than I did over the 2 Big 10 games I went to that season. And 2 years ago, I went to a non conference game Iowa game and a Big 10 game and paid around $30 less for the non con game and $20 some less for the Big 10 game. I go to a ton of football games in the state, so I remember what I pay.

you'll have to forgive me since it was a while ago. I believe it was Chiziks 1st year. With a terrible home slat, single game Iowa @ ISU tickets were announced as $90 a piece. Maybe there was a backlash and it changed but I remember it being discussed heavily about how poor of taste that was by Pollard and that Iowa should sell ISU @ Iowa tickets for $1.
thinking about it further perhaps that was just how the price fell when broken down from Pollard's season ticket stunt.
Love this topic.

1. Argue until you're blue in the face, this game isn't going anywhere for the foreseeable future. That's fact.

2. Hawk fans didn't much mind the game when they were winning every season. Funny how losses change people's minds, yeah?

3. Way, WAAAAY more people like the game than don't. That includes the people that actually make the decisions at each school.

4. EVERY school in America jacks-up at least one game's ticket price every season. Stop acting like it's an ISU thing. You sound dumb.
The BTN is building those facilities, not Barta. Im not saying hes a bad AD, but he is at a top 25(if not higher) revenue producing school, and thats due to a great tv deal. That money would be there no master who was AD. Maybe he schmoozes the Drs/Lawyers like no other, I don't know, but Pollard is selling ketchup popsicles to eskimos in white gloves.

This would not be accurate. The revenue produced by the athletic department, including BTN, after expenses wouldn't pay for one week of excavation at one of the construction sites. Donors, bonds etc, pay for these.

Previously on another thread the financials were linked.
I have never scalped an ISU ticket or games I know I am going to. For instance Purdue and Penn State this year. I go to a lot of Iowa games and even an occasional UNI game and every ISU home game and like to hit up one away game a year. I know ticket prices, I dont miss much football in the fall.
I have never scalped an ISU ticket or games I know I am going to. For instance Purdue and Penn State this year. I go to a lot of Iowa games and even an occasional UNI game and every ISU home game and like to hit up one away game a year. I know ticket prices, I dont miss much football in the fall.

I think ISU'er you are really missing the point of many Iowa fans because of where your program has been historically. Your program is much improved but you still have not shaken your emphasis on this in-State game.

What Iowa fans are saying is this game is meaningless in today's college football landscape and potentially hurts both programs going forward. There is little gained outside of some bragging rights at a local water-cooler and it's obvious the rest of the CFB nation does not care about this. Both programs risk a loss which in the new era of super-conferences and playoffs + soon to be dwindling bowl games. One non-conference loss could be crippling so you want to make it count on a larger stage at least.

It would be beneficial for both programs to schedule another BCS opponent from another conference where the exposure is much greater across CFB or another home game that is a potential 'W' (you win at the gates and you put yourself in a better W-L sitaution) Keep in mind no TV market outside of Iowa wants to see Iowa-ISU.

Don't take the talk of dropping this game as a slight from the majority of Iowa fans. We've been fortunate to have some success at various times over a much longer stretch of time and have come to realize there is a whole lot bigger CFB world out there worth exploring. Your game with Oklahoma St last year should have been evidence for what the CFB nation cares about, not Iowa-ISU.

If ISU needs this game for it's psyche then we'll present you with some trophy that says your the greatest program ever. Honestly we really don't care.... let us each program try to do some damage on the grand stage where people care.
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I think ISU'er you are really missing the point of many Iowa fans because of where your program has been historically. Your program is much improved but you still have not shaken your emphasis on this in-State game.

What Iowa fans are saying is this game is meaningless in today's college football landscape and potentially hurts both programs going forward. There is little gained outside of some bragging rights at a local water-cooler and it's obvious the rest of the CFB nation does not care about this. Both programs risk a loss which in the new era of super-conferences and playoffs + soon to be dwindling bowl games. One non-conference loss could be crippling so you want to make it count on a larger stage at least.

It would be beneficial for both programs to schedule another BCS opponent from another conference where the exposure is much greater across CFB or another home game that is a potential 'W' (you win at the gates and you put yourself in a better W-L sitaution) Keep in mind no TV market outside of Iowa wants to see Iowa-ISU.

Don't take the talk of dropping this game as a slight from the majority of Iowa fans. We've been fortunate to have some success at various times over a much longer stretch of time and have come to realize there is a whole lot bigger CFB world out there worth exploring. Your game with Oklahoma St last year should have been evidence for what the CFB nation cares about, not Iowa-ISU.

If ISU needs this game for it's psyche then we'll present you with some trophy that says your the greatest program ever. Honestly we really don't care.... let us each program try to do some damage on the grand stage where people care.

Articulated much better than I. I couldn't agree any more strongly as it regards the above quote.
Thats the best post on this site I have seen. In today's world the game does not benefit either team. ISU has 9 conference games and Iowa has 8 plus the PAC game. 3 patsies in the preseason and 9 real games. I would take it tomorrow. Snyder built a hall of fame career over that model. Would I miss the game? Oh ya Im from Eastern Iowa and half my Eastern Iowa friends and wife's friends are Iowa fan so I would miss the back and forth. But the college landscape is changing.
Most everyone else disagrees with me on this, but Iowa having two winning D1 programs benefits us. I guess a lot of people disagree with me based on some recruiting logic. I don't buy this. Can't be proven whichever side you fall on anyway. Strength of schedule, more regional and national attention here, etc, etc ad infinitum.

I always watch ISU on TV when I get the chance.
Iowa having to play two BCS teams every year is a terrible strategy when 90% of BCS teams are playing only one or even none most years.
Iowa having to play two BCS teams every year is a terrible strategy when 90% of BCS teams are playing only one or even none most years.

Exactly. And I think something as to give. The B1G is going to be locked into an agreement with the PAC 12 so that leaves the ISU game on the chopping block.