Ott denied, going pro.

This blows. First they close ranks with the SEC on the whole satellite camp thing, now this. And the satellite camp announcement took far less time. Time to pay the athletes.
So from the schools perspective going forward I suppose they'll want to lean towards having hurt kids sit out... His high pain tolerance hurt him... To a degree it's hind sight. Cause the knee injury just was what it was... If he would have sat out longer with the elbow he may or may not have ended up ever hurting the knee.. Those can go out on any snap.. It's just too bad that such a good guy got such bad luck and then crapped on top of it by the NCAA...
I get the feeling you're a well know member of cyfan. Have you ever posted a positive comment about Iowa.

I've posted so many Iowa compliments, it is ridiculous. This from a guy who couldn't find Iowa's pro day on the internet.

I've posted so many Iowa compliments, it is ridiculous. This from a guy who couldn't find Iowa's pro day on the internet.

I bow down to your massive intelligence and ego. In your eyes you say compliments. It must have been a long time ago. Based on the way you talk to people on here you come across as an arrogant d-bag.
Please, can anyone on this board give me an example of a player that exceeded the thirty-percent rule & was granted a fifth or sixth year.

The fact a player can get a SIXTH year all but brings home the opposing point. It's four years of "eligibility", with a five-year window in which to complete that eligibility. Ott played as a freshman due to "emergency" circumstances...but only in latter part of season. He played in PARTS of five games this season.

If you can't find "room" there, while others get SIXTH years...I can't really help ya. Sorry.