Ott denied, going pro.

What a waste. Basically denied because he toughed out an injury too long. Ridiculous. This is something the NCAA could have said MONTHS ago.

Good luck, Drew! Always a Hawk!
Sucks this took so long. As always the loser who is gunnerclone at cyfan had his delusional post.
Re: Drew Ott Appeal Denied
Too bad. If this kid were an ISU player he would have gotten good advice and been told to forget about it and move on from the off. Now he's behind the 8 ball with the NFL.
The NCAA is a fraud. They denied Ott's medical hardship waiver in spite of two operations. He only played in 20% of the snaps.

But, they allowed a school that committed academic fraud for twenty years, North Carolina, to compete for the national championship in basketball.

The NCAA is no better than FIFA.
Good luck to him. Hope someone gives him a chance. Crappy news.

Sucks. This was kind of a death sentence to his football career. NFL teams are totally impartial to the guy unlike us, and other than a workout invitation somewhere down the line I don't see good things happening. There have for sure been storybook endings in the NFL but odds aren't in his favor. If you look at it from a pro team's perspective it would be a huge risk putting him on a roster and I'd hate to watch him bounce around on practice squads for two or three years (the money would be awesome for him, though). Hope I'm wrong.
Drew Ott=Class Act, good luck young man, and thank you for what you've done here as a Hawkeye.

NCAA=Lahoo-za-her (in my best Jim Carey typed impersonation)
Man that about makes me want to cry. I think he'll get a fair shake in the NFL in the sense that it only takes one team to bring him in. I don't think he'll get drafted which sucks. But I think he'll be brought in and allowed to get healed up and see what he can do
F*** the corrupt NCAA.

What is the problem? Ott didn't meet the requirements to receive a medical hardship waiver. Why did Ott even apply for one? It is a joke that Ott even tried to get a waiver. Please describe to me how the ruling is corrupt.

If I ever get picked up for DUI, a good argument would be: What's the problem? If I had one less beer I would have not been over the limit!

Surely, a good lawyer would be able to use prior and future similar situations of the NCAA granting extra years to pad Ott's bank account. Seems odd that we don't hear about the NCAA getting sued more often.
What is the problem? Ott didn't meet the requirements to receive a medical hardship waiver. Why did Ott even apply for one? It is a joke that Ott even tried to get a waiver. Please describe to me how the ruling is corrupt.

If I ever get picked up for DUI, a good argument would be: What's the problem? If I had one less beer I would have not been over the limit!

Maybe because the NCAA has granted 5th and 6th years to several student athletes over the years that didn't meet the requirements set forth...
Maybe because the NCAA has granted 5th and 6th years to several student athletes over the years...

Please give me examples & facts. Your statement is not supported by any substantial evidence. Give me evidence for conviction. Substantiate your statement by giving the names of players that were given a fifth or sixth year without meeting the requirements.

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Good luck to him. Hope someone gives him a chance. Crappy news.
Two things. 1) Why did the NCAA take this long? 2) Why have an appeal process? If they want to set a standard of 30%, then either you're within the standard or not, and be done with it. A great waste of time for Ott (and any one else who cared, which did not include those at the NCAA).
Two things. 1) Why did the NCAA take this long? 2) Why have an appeal process? If they want to set a standard of 30%, then either you're within the standard or not, and be done with it. A great waste of time for Ott (and any one else who cared, which did not include those at the NCAA).

The request was frivolous. It was a wing & a prayer that the waiver would be granted.