OT: Steve Lavin


Well-Known Member
First Steve Forbes, and now Steve Lavin has his own problems. You may remember that many in these parts were harping on Barta for aiming too low for McCaffery and not considering "sure things" like Lavin.

Sure the ineligibilities don't fall squarely on the coach, but they do speak to the culture and to the kind of athlete some coaches are willing to bring in to win.

Look at Woodbury and Gesell. Two academic superstars. And character guys all around. Sure we had the Hubbard thing, but even then, Fran tried to give a kid a chance, and when it didn't work out, he was gone before trouble came.

All I am trying to say is it becomes clearer with each passing day that Iowa made a quality hire, and a character hire. Sometimes, the flashy name or the fast talker isn't the way to go.

Link: St. John's has 3 players ruled ineligible for fall semester - ESPN New York
You would never hear from me to have any support to ever think about having a coach like Lavin at Iowa. He is a good fit for St. John's, he is a glam show and it is NYC. Thank GOD he is there and is not on Iowa's sideline, the player turnover would be high and it will be high at St. Johns, give it time. It is so funny that he is a Keady deciple and he runs such a loose ship. Can't blame everything on the coach, but where there is history of similar issues, it shouldn't be a surprise. Lavin is a joke and will be run out of SJU because of various issues, like unrealized expectations...that has already started with the three players getting ruled ineligible. One would think he would have learned something after being away from the sideline for a while.
Well, when you play in a conference with slimey UCONN, I suppose the student part of student athlete goes out the window. Somehow Calhoun got some dude in 2-3 weeks after classes started and he can play this year. The NCAA needs to establish real guidelines, or just stop the hypocrisy of pretending they are going to mandate academic standards.
Well, when you play in a conference with slimey UCONN, I suppose the student part of student athlete goes out the window. Somehow Calhoun got some dude in 2-3 weeks after classes started and he can play this year. The NCAA needs to establish real guidelines, or just stop the hypocrisy of pretending they are going to mandate academic standards.

Coincidentally,I was reading today that DePaul(another Big East school) just got a juco pg into school this week,and he is going to play this year. Classes started like three weeks ago....hmmmm...must be a Big East rule thought up by Bobby Huggins.

Lavin pulled in the #3 rated class in the country for 2011, with 6 in the top 100. Now three of those six are ineligible. I thought it seemed a bit too good to be true. 9 recruits in one class? How in the heck would he convince that many recruits to come to the same school...didn't they want to play? Well, turns out that they may not have had any other choices,with their academic issues. Nice job,Stevie!
The NCAA needs to establish real guidelines, or just stop the hypocrisy of pretending they are going to mandate academic standards.

The NCAA is too busy enforcing political correctness by removing the names of sporting teams they deem offensive to waste any time making sure any of these athletes are capable of being college students.
I gotta admit I was (am) a Lavin fan who would have loved Iowa to sign him. I still think that he, with Keady on his staff, will return SJ to a power position in the Big East. All of that said, I am the first one to admit that Coach McCaffery was a helluva hire for us.
Hawk fans shouldn't be pounding their chests on this issue. First Fran brought in Hubbard which has been talked about enough. Secondly, keep an eye on Ingram. I read on TOS that the only reason they are still talking to Clemmons is because they could have issues getting Ingram into Iowa. Lastly, Fran was also targeting Thurman who has grade issues.

Like it or not, taking at risk kids is the quickest way to rebuild a program like St. John's or Iowa. So I wouldn't go around throwing stones just yet.
Hawk fans shouldn't be pounding their chests on this issue. First Fran brought in Hubbard which has been talked about enough. Secondly, keep an eye on Ingram. I read on TOS that the only reason they are still talking to Clemmons is because they could have issues getting Ingram into Iowa. Lastly, Fran was also targeting Thurman who has grade issues. Like it or not, taking at risk kids is the quickest way to rebuild a program like St. John's or Iowa. So I wouldn't go around throwing stones just yet.

So you use speculation to make an argument(Ingram/Thurman) against facts(3 ineligible) for SJU. I smell me a troll...
So you use speculation to make an argument(Ingram/Thurman) against facts(3 ineligible) for SJU. I smell me a troll...

Agreed. First off, I acknowledged Hubbard. And yes, it was a mistake but apparently whatever was the issue was addressed before he played a game. Second, how many academic ineligibles has McCaffery had thus far? Right, I thought so. There is a big difference between not signing a guy because of grade problems or moving on because a recruit cannot make grades on one hand and having three who had played for you on your roster no longer eligible. Triton is right and the troll is, well, a troll.
Agreed. First off, I acknowledged Hubbard. And yes, it was a mistake but apparently whatever was the issue was addressed before he played a game. Second, how many academic ineligibles has McCaffery had thus far? Right, I thought so. There is a big difference between not signing a guy because of grade problems or moving on because a recruit cannot make grades on one hand and having three who had played for you on your roster no longer eligible. Triton is right and the troll is, well, a troll.

I am not sure why I waste time arguing with people like you. if you ever actually read the basketball board you would understand that I am not a troll but whatever makes you feel good. Lavin had 10 seniors and a freshman transfer last year. That means he had to fill 11 rides while also trying to stay afloat in the Big East.

One of the guys was a surprise to be ineligible and I believe they were all products of the prep school scene where bad advice is the only advice. So far Fran has had one of his recruits, a convicted felon mind you, not make it to campus. I get that you acknowledged it, but LOL at the fact that it is water under the bridge that the convicted felon didn't work out. Fran has a back up recruit ready because Ingram is an academic risk. Fran was also hoping to get Thurman on campus before realizing that he can't waste visits with someone who might not make the grades.

The summary here is that Fran is also going after fringe guys just like Lavin. Hubbard is the poster child for fringe recruit and he didn't make it to the start of class. Lavin will likely get all of the recruits back, whether it is for the fall semester or next season which means he is still adding a lot of top 100 talent. You have to take some flyers when you have to fill almost an entire roster, and Lavin did a hell of a job with it.

As for the troll comment, the biggest trolls on this board are people like yourselves with black and gold glasses on where Iowa is good and the rest is bad. If you can't understand reality which seems to be a huge issue here, well a troll is a troll I guess. It's not hard to get people to back you up when everything you say is Iowa is great.
I am not sure why I waste time arguing with people like you. if you ever actually read the basketball board you would understand that I am not a troll but whatever makes you feel good. Lavin had 10 seniors and a freshman transfer last year. That means he had to fill 11 rides while also trying to stay afloat in the Big East.

One of the guys was a surprise to be ineligible and I believe they were all products of the prep school scene where bad advice is the only advice. So far Fran has had one of his recruits, a convicted felon mind you, not make it to campus. I get that you acknowledged it, but LOL at the fact that it is water under the bridge that the convicted felon didn't work out. Fran has a back up recruit ready because Ingram is an academic risk. Fran was also hoping to get Thurman on campus before realizing that he can't waste visits with someone who might not make the grades.

The summary here is that Fran is also going after fringe guys just like Lavin. Hubbard is the poster child for fringe recruit and he didn't make it to the start of class. Lavin will likely get all of the recruits back, whether it is for the fall semester or next season which means he is still adding a lot of top 100 talent. You have to take some flyers when you have to fill almost an entire roster, and Lavin did a hell of a job with it.

As for the troll comment, the biggest trolls on this board are people like yourselves with black and gold glasses on where Iowa is good and the rest is bad. If you can't understand reality which seems to be a huge issue here, well a troll is a troll I guess. It's not hard to get people to back you up when everything you say is Iowa is great.

I went back and read 20 of your most recent posts. It is cool that Jon's site allows for post history to be read.

You seem to be someone that enjoys to argue the side against Iowa basketball. My opinion is unchanged from my early comment.

Whatever dude, just keep on pressing your points about whatever it is you know about basketball. Just don't press your points by adding speculation against facts.
I went back and read 20 of your most recent posts. It is cool that Jon's site allows for post history to be read.

You seem to be someone that enjoys to argue the side against Iowa basketball. My opinion is unchanged from my early comment.

Whatever dude, just keep on pressing your points about whatever it is you know about basketball. Just don't press your points by adding speculation against facts.

I apologize for being a realistic Iowa basketball fan. We are like moderate Republicans these days.
I am not sure why I waste time arguing with people like you. if you ever actually read the basketball board you would understand that I am not a troll but whatever makes you feel good. Lavin had 10 seniors and a freshman transfer last year. That means he had to fill 11 rides while also trying to stay afloat in the Big East.

One of the guys was a surprise to be ineligible and I believe they were all products of the prep school scene where bad advice is the only advice. So far Fran has had one of his recruits, a convicted felon mind you, not make it to campus. I get that you acknowledged it, but LOL at the fact that it is water under the bridge that the convicted felon didn't work out. Fran has a back up recruit ready because Ingram is an academic risk. Fran was also hoping to get Thurman on campus before realizing that he can't waste visits with someone who might not make the grades.

The summary here is that Fran is also going after fringe guys just like Lavin. Hubbard is the poster child for fringe recruit and he didn't make it to the start of class. Lavin will likely get all of the recruits back, whether it is for the fall semester or next season which means he is still adding a lot of top 100 talent. You have to take some flyers when you have to fill almost an entire roster, and Lavin did a hell of a job with it.

As for the troll comment, the biggest trolls on this board are people like yourselves with black and gold glasses on where Iowa is good and the rest is bad. If you can't understand reality which seems to be a huge issue here, well a troll is a troll I guess. It's not hard to get people to back you up when everything you say is Iowa is great.

Wow- somebody's got a mancrush.:rolleyes:

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