OT: Penn State

The Penn State truthers that come out of the woodwork on Twitter are a special breed of animal. I took up the hobby of trolling them for a while but it was just exhausting. They’d literally look you in the eye and say that grass is blue and 2+2 is 5.
Rite of Entitlement Runs Deep. Like USC Trojans.A Sad Ugh.
I have to wonder what Kirk Ferentz, who I believe with all his shortcomings and maddening tendencies as a coach deep down is a decent man, thinks when he has to shake hands with a snake like Franklin?
You are known by the company you keep. The B1G presidents really need to debate whether to keep a school with such a (continuing) degenerate athletic program in the conference.
You are known by the company you keep. The B1G presidents really need to debate whether to keep a school with such a (continuing) degenerate athletic program in the conference.

Well, in this case, it is limited to the team, i.e., no outside-the-team "victims". Look at MSU, where numerous everyday students have been victimized.

The overriding factor needs to be legitimate staff awareness. In the case of MSU, they actually had meetings about whether a recruit was a risk, or worth the risk. That's foreknowledge, so when a pre-known risk commits major no-no, B1G needs to consider that.

The other issue: B1G needs to be "bigger" than NCAA. Just because NCAA doesn't impose probation, doesn't mean B1G shouldn't. ACC has had multiple schools in Final Four with major clouds hanging over them. I'd like to think our conference is better than that.
You are known by the company you keep. The B1G presidents really need to debate whether to keep a school with such a (continuing) degenerate athletic program in the conference.

I think you just answered the question. B1G presidents are known by the company they keep. MN, PSU, OSU, MSU, Maryland, Nebby, IU (Bob Knight), UM (Harbaugh has some really weird stuff)...

Rutgers at least dismissed a bunch of players (https://www.nj.com/crime/2018/11/rutgers_football_arrested_2018.html) and look where they are. Purdue expelled more than a couple....

Wisconsin.... Have I left anyone out? In fairness to IU, the in recent years suspended a player and barred from setting foot on campus for 2.5 years as the result of an IU investigation.

Iowa maybe at least learned from earlier problems. Of course in 07 (yes a long time ago and Iowa seems to have learned), didn't suspend the players for over a month although the U was informed within 36 hours (Oct 15th) and pressured the victim not to report to police which was finally done Nov 5th and the suspension occurred Nov 13th. Some of you selectively forget that someone ordered the players to vacate and the room was cleaned up after the U being notified and before the police brought in. Of course we know about Pierce.

IL brought in Beckman knowing some history. IU brought in Wilson knowing some about his past.

So what you have:

Rutgers...paying a price
Purdue....maybe showing a down year due to paying a price
Iowa....seemingly learned from mistakes

Wisconsin...who knows what to think about that one.

So yes, the evidence supports BIG Presidents do hang out with like-minded company.

It's a dirty business.

If 07 repeated itself today....KF would likely not survive. KF would likely not make the same mistakes so there would be nothing to survive.... I would hope.

Maybe Iowa should leave the BIG...except the issues are pervasive throughout the industry. Just like in real life.