Bingo! I have been saying this for years. I bet 25% of the daytime population are Linn Co. residents who work at the hospital. Never fun to get caught up in that traffic. Just get them to 380 quicker with some bypasses please.
Better yet fund some high speed rail for that corridor and have the train roll right up to the hosptal. Been to Europe a few times and their rail system puts us to shame.
How did they improve the economy (sorry trickle down guys) during the depression? They put the middle class to work building infrastructure like dams.
Now I live in the middle of nowhere in Iowa, not a wealthy place at all, but I guarantee that if you drove to my house the first thing you would say is wow the roads in your county are great.
Some counties invest in new courthouses and new jails. Not here. But the quality of life seems to be nicer.
This all boils down to who is elected. Who's "in charge".
Because every once and a while you need that one **** sucker that bucks the system. Tells it how it is. Is honest.
I say the lack of people like that are the reason the country has been sliding in almost every measure.