One Win, That's All It Was


Just one win among seven others.

But man, did it mean a lot more than that.

It likely means the difference between more than a few people spending the next nine months being more positive than they otherwise would have been, or looking at the future more positively than they otherwise would have.

I still believe people want to believe in the best of things, and look first for the best in things, and other people. I don't think message boards like this are a true litmus test of what the masses think and feel...this is a place where the most passionate reside, and then even the most passionate of the most passionate post their thoughts.

Most of the people that visit this site (over 125,000 through the first 29 days of December, more than we have ever had in one month, from 117 countries around the world) don't post, by the way.

What Iowa did on Tuesday night is akin to hacking up a golf course for 17 holes then smashing a drive 300 yards down the center of the fairway on the 18th hole, chipping to within 10 feet and hitting a birdie putt on 18. You think, 'I am going to do better next time' tend to forget the 17 holes of mediocrity and focus on the birdie to end it.

No one is going to forget this season, and the lost opportunities. I know I never will. But I think fewer will choose to dwell on it now, given what we saw on Tuesday.

So while it was just one win, a win that counts in the column the same as the EIU win or the BSU win, it carries soooo much more meaning.

Several of the Iowa coaches on the field after the game could be heard saying 'We needed this one.' Chris Doyle said that to me, John Strief said that in a hallway that was overheard by reporters...a few other people closely associated with the program said that to me as well.

Obviously, they needed it. But they really, really needed it in so many ways that it will take nine months to quantify it....and even then, we won't know the significance of this win for years to come, possibly.

I think that win was a potential aversion of disaster....that might be strong, so find a less dramatic word for disaster. Crisis Aversion? The five alarm fire call that put out the flames? We'll see and the future will be the judge on how we view this win in hindsight (chew on that one)
Jon, I am not so sure I would say, "One win, that's all it was", any more than I would discount the 2006 Alamo Bowl loss actually gave us a "losing season". In each case, there are those who will say, "We were only 7-5" or, "We were .500 during the regular season".

This win certainly didn't have the dramatic finish of the 2005 Capital One Bowl, but it certainly had its moments. And like the 2006 Alamo Bowl, I "waited" for the fade at the end.

This game was--possibly--one of those "breakthrough" for both the offense and defense personnel. It proved that we CAN hang in there with a high-power-type spread offense. It showed that we CAN run on good defenses.

We forget that Missouri was highly-ranked on the D side of the ball, and that Stanzi was facing a fast, experienced secondary. And their offense was as fast-paced and gun-happy as any we will face in the Big Ten in any given season.

Did we "need" the win? Of course! I can't remember ever "needing" a loss, especially in a bowl game!

I guess what surprised me most about the game was that we did just enough on the D side to keep Missouri from scoring as much as, or more than, their season average. And for those who have said, "Our offense only scored 17 points!", who cares? I don't remember complaints when scored on blocked punts in the 2004 Outback or the 2005 Cap One bowls, or griping too much when we scored other points on the D side. As you have pointed out countless times, the philosophy of our staff is not "continue to step on the throat" when we get a lead. (Note: The ONE time I can think of that we sort of did that this year lead to a NW INT and changed the tone of the game)

This win was HUGE. First, it has brought out the detractors who want to continue to rag on the staff and program. Second, it showed (as you have pointed out) that the staff has not "lost control" of the program. Finally, it sent 25 seniors out with a win in their last game in a Hawkeye uniform.
It was also how we won. Defense made a play to take the lead, then made a stop when it looked like Mizzou was going to cause a repeat of our 5 losses, followed by the Offense getting first downs to seal the game. Good stuff.
Its like playing golf. I can have the worst 17 holes of my life, swear off the game forever and hit one shot on the 18th that sucks me back in. Iowa just sucked me back in.
Good post Jon. Pretty well sums up what a lot of what Iowa fans are feeling. A win in a bowl game makes people forget a lot of the negatives that happened in the season. I know it makes all the difference in my attitude for the next 8-9 months. (sad commentary on my life.) There is no coaching staff in the country that prepares a team for a bowl game better than Iowa!
Good points Jon.

The Hawks swagger has always been perpetuated by momentum. Despite all the off-field issues, I still think the AZ loss was the biggest momentum-killer of the season and put some doubts in the minds of the players. Perhaps they believed the preseason hype and the air in the balloon started leaking out after the Debacle in the Desert . . . ?

Regardless, the Mizzery win was huge.
Beating a BCS eligible, 10-2 team that we havent played in 100 years in ARIZONA (which we havent fared well in) at a Bowl is better than any other win of the season IMO. Throw in all the negative press (as recent as the day of the dang game), questions about young players having to step up and you have one of the more important games in the last several years.
Absolutely a huge win for the coaching staff,players,and fanbase....we can all look forward with some juice in our steps,and with hope for the future....cannot be overestimated how big it is from all angles.

This is why I am a staunch supporter of the BCS/Bowl system.
A bunch of programs that would limp into the offseason now get some new juice injected due to the ''meaningless'' bowl win that would go away with a playoff. Then it would be 8 tops and more likely only 2 or 4 programs that really feel good about themselves going into the offseason.
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I think this was a bigger win than the Orange Bowl was last year, simply for the reason that this team was reeling from a string of losses, many (including the players) were wondering if the team had lost the will to win, and most were looking for a possible beat-down from Mizzou.
I think the one thing thing that everyone (the team, the coaching staff, and the fans) can take from this win - and the season - is that the team always fought, always tried to stay strong. We sent a very talented senior squad out on a well-deserved win, and have set the table for what I feel will be some very exciting years to come.
It's understandable that some are less inclinded to make bold predictions about Iowa's football season.

Who knew Iowa's dline would be so "unproductive" this year pressuring the quarterback?
Most of us also know Iowa's first line of pass defense is pressuring the quarterback.

Do you think Iowa's dline will do better next year?
No, I dont think the DL will be better next year. Three huge losses. I know they didnt put up huge individual stats, but we are still talking about the core of the reason why Iowa's defense was one of the 20 or so best in the nation, and one of the Top 10 scoring defenses in the nation and one of the best rushing defenses in the nation
Really NOT trying to be difficult or negative here, but personally, after seeing us beat a top 12 team, running all over, making a big play at the makes me reflect on "What the hell really happened" earlier in the year.
Any time a team wins their bowl game it's a step in the right direction.

What is so frustrating this Iowa team was in every game and could have won any of the 5 they lost, and several of the 5 for that matter.

The difference between the 5 close losses and the close win was just a play or two away in each of these games. Execution is critical to win close games, and yes, a little luck doesn't hurt either.

This bowl win against a top 15 rated opponent will give us fans and the team a little more hope and a little more confidence going forward.
Really NOT trying to be difficult or negative here, but personally, after seeing us beat a top 12 team, running all over, making a big play at the makes me reflect on "What the hell really happened" earlier in the year.

Special teams happened.
Special teams happened.

Bingo! I don't know if this has been mentioned much, but kick coverage was VASTLY improved on Tuesday night. If we would have had that type of kick coverage in several games this year...we'd still be looking forward to a bowl game coming up this weekend or next week. I just don't think people realize how important field position is with Iowa's style of defense. (Not to mention defending a punt when the only thing that could hurt you is a fake, and you couldn't care less about a return....there that feels better...been keeping that one on the inside).
I didn't think it was anything more than a middle of the pack Big 10 team beating a team not built for stopping a power running team.
This win might end up serving as the anti-Outback Bowl (vs. Florida in '06). '05 was a disappointing year, too, and we ended it with a VERY bitter taste in our mouths, and seemed to set the tone for the next two years.

Had we been blown away (which I almost expected, and Mizzou had a few chances to make it that kind of a game), or lost in the scripted manner of this season, I'm not sure we wouldn't see a repeat of 2006/2007 in 2011/2012.

Now, after watching the players of the future make a bigger mark on this game than the stars of the present, who knows? Expectations will be lower next year (they were high in 2006), and that tends to be a recipe for success with us.
Absolutely a huge win for the coaching staff,players,and fanbase....we can all look forward with some juice in our steps,and with hope for the future....cannot be overestimated how big it is from all angles.

This is why I am a staunch supporter of the BCS/Bowl system.
A bunch of programs that would limp into the offseason now get some new juice injected due to the ''meaningless'' bowl win that would go away with a playoff. Then it would be 8 tops and more likely only 2 or 4 programs that really feel good about themselves going into the offseason.


The current bowl system allows for many teams and fans to go out on a winning/building note. I still would like to maybe see a "plus 1".

With being one play away from our wins and losses going the other direction, I think the taste in my mouth for the season is more like, "Oh what might have been". I would rather be us than go out like Nebby did. (Goes without saying). But think of the consequences that were possibly avoided with our W.
I didn't think it was anything more than a middle of the pack Big 10 team beating a team not built for stopping a power running team.

or just another B12 team losing in a bowl game.

If Iowa is a middle of the pack B10 team, what's that make the clownz?

It must suck to be you.

BTW, when did Oklahoma stop running power football? Did they scrap it when Peterson left?

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