Once again... Big Jim proves to be king


Well-Known Member
He's been at least three steps ahead in both protecting the financial and athletic interests of his conference. College football is about regional rivalries built over time... He's taking control back from the outsiders like ESPN with other interests. He know has control over the distribution and inventory. He won't be forced into dilutive, destructive ventures... Like a playoff system controlled by the major networks.
He's been at least three steps ahead in both protecting the financial and athletic interests of his conference. College football is about regional rivalries built over time... He's taking control back from the outsiders like ESPN with other interests. He know has control over the distribution and inventory. He won't be forced into dilutive, destructive ventures... Like a playoff system controlled by the major networks.

Personally I feel that a playoff would help the sport, maybe even bring it to the popularity level of the NFL so that makes JD somebody I don't care for too much. I believe he is too concerned with tradition and not willing to look at other options.

But I will give him credit. This was a very aggressive move. College football is not about winning, its about money. And he has done a great job of making sure his conference is making money.
Personally I feel that a playoff would help the sport, maybe even bring it to the popularity level of the NFL so that makes JD somebody I don't care for too much. I believe he is too concerned with tradition and not willing to look at other options.

But I will give him credit. This was a very aggressive move. College football is not about winning, its about money. And he has done a great job of making sure his conference is making money.

Oddly enough I thought College Football was the more popular of the 2. How many NFL teams consistently put 90k+ fans in the seats every week?
Personally I feel that a playoff would help the sport, maybe even bring it to the popularity level of the NFL so that makes JD somebody I don't care for too much. I believe he is too concerned with tradition and not willing to look at other options.

But I will give him credit. This was a very aggressive move. College football is not about winning, its about money. And he has done a great job of making sure his conference is making money.

Its about winning... winning rivalries and regional match-ups. the only thing this detracts against is the BCS championship... I'm not sure we want our college sports to be like professional sports, do we? why not just let the kids go straight to the pros then.
If I could have any change to college football I'd take going back to pre-BCS over going to a playoff system in a heart beat.
If I could have any change to college football I'd take going back to pre-BCS over going to a playoff system in a heart beat.

I'd take that if they set all the bowl games back between Christmas and January 1. I miss wall to wall College football games.
He's been at least three steps ahead in both protecting the financial and athletic interests of his conference. College football is about regional rivalries built over time... He's taking control back from the outsiders like ESPN with other interests. He know has control over the distribution and inventory. He won't be forced into dilutive, destructive ventures... Like a playoff system controlled by the major networks.
Personally I feel that a playoff would help the sport, maybe even bring it to the popularity level of the NFL so that makes JD somebody I don't care for too much. I believe he is too concerned with tradition and not willing to look at other options. But I will give him credit. This was a very aggressive move. College football is not about winning, its about money. And he has done a great job of making sure his conference is making money.

This is good for Iowa. As much as so many people want a play-off system, this move will push other conferences to do the same or similar creating more good, meaningfull out of confrence match ups .

Play off system feeds the fat cats of college football and starves so many others including quality programs like Iowa that are just outside that " Elite" class.

I am so glad to see that they are taking a cue from basketball and doing this.

When the PAC launches their network , they can hopefully package it with the b10 network on reg cable and flip off SECSPN with viewership that will really bite into their viewership.
Personally I feel that a playoff would help the sport, maybe even bring it to the popularity level of the NFL so that makes JD somebody I don't care for too much. I believe he is too concerned with tradition and not willing to look at other options.

But I will give him credit. This was a very aggressive move. College football is not about winning, its about money. And he has done a great job of making sure his conference is making money.

While true, why not have a playoff system? How much money will that make for college football? Much more than the current BCS system, I would bet.

The problem is, for all of his vision, Delany does some stupid stuff like limit baseball scholarships, reduce the amount of recruits that a school can oversign for football, and his rediculous infatuation with the meaningless Rose Bowl.

Dumb, very dumb. As much as I enjoy the bowl games, a playoff system will trump the BCS in every way imaginable.
Jim Delany should have been the one making a dramatic airplane trip to Stillwater, Norman, and Austin two years ago.
Jim Delany should have been the one making a dramatic airplane trip to Stillwater, Norman, and Austin two years ago.

Yeah, how did that work out for your boy Larry Scott? Got shot down in spectacular fashion and ended up settling for two lower class programs in Colorado and Utah.
I see this as a move to delay the inevitable, a playoff, which Delaney strongly opposes. And if you think college is more popular than NFL just look at the TV viewership. NFL playoffs CRUSH bowl games
Jim Delany should have been the one making a dramatic airplane trip to Stillwater, Norman, and Austin two years ago.

You're clearly under the mistaken impression that the B10 was going to absolve its sovereignty in order to allow Texas and Oklahoma to come in and be anointed king and queen.

Texas wants no part of the B10. They wanted no part of the Pac-10. They have the perfect situation running their little convoluted oligarchy in which they retain virtual independent status. Oklahoma keeps coming back like the dependent abused spouse while the other schools are just happy to be surfs in the kingdom.

Texas. Was. Never. Leaving.
I see this as a move to delay the inevitable, a playoff, which Delaney strongly opposes. And if you think college is more popular than NFL just look at the TV viewership. NFL playoffs CRUSH bowl games

NFL>college is a common misconception, making it a popular interview question for sports marketing jobs.

I was in the sports business for 8 years. College football in total has a larger fanbase (177mm+), over double the total attendance (43mm vs. 17mm) and generates more total money than NFL. Licensing alone generates over $4B at retail, surpassed only by MLB (College sports license market tackled by recession | Reuters). This isn't speculation but fact, pick up the Sports Business Journal or talk to any experienced marketer, the data is out there. The reason it doesn't "feel" that way is that the college market is fragmented across conferences and 100's of teams, while the NFL receives focused promotion by the networks.

NFL playoffs get higher ratings than bowl broadcasts but that's a separate issue.
Oddly enough I thought College Football was the more popular of the 2. How many NFL teams consistently put 90k+ fans in the seats every week?

In Iowa and other states without NFL teams college football is more popular.

As a whole, across the nation, its the NFL and its not even close. All you have to do is take a look at the TV ratings. Only two college games are big rating draws across the nation, the Rose Bowl and the BCS championship game.

The New Years Day Bowls moved to Jan 2nd because they know they can't compete with the NFL even though its week 17 and there are only a few games that are meaningful. Basically the biggest college games of the year won't dare to compete on TV against several meaningless NFL games.

As for 90,000 fans not showing up to NFL stadiums, if you know anything about the NFL, you aware that they build their stadiums in the 60-80,000 capacity for a reason. No sellout means local TV blackout. No owner is going to risk that and the NFL wouldn't let them even if they wanted to.

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