Love 5 o'clock Charlie. Those are best when Frank goes off on something and the others joke about it because it's not a big deal.
I had my C5, C6, and C7 fused. I don't know for sure, but I have to think the lower in the spine the issue is, the worse it gets. I was in a crap load of pain before the surgery, but it was all gone after and I haven't had a single issue since. Being a math teacher, the surgeon was worried about me having a disc disorder. Then I told him I played college baseball, coached in college for 2 seasons and HS for the last 31 throwing thousands of batting practice pitches and hundreds of ground balls and fly balls every season. He wasn't worried anymore. I'm stupid though (not a surprise to anyone that knows me). I went back to throwing and swinging this summer. In my stubborn eyes, nobody can do it better.