Olesani and Katenda to announce

Is Notre Dame after Olaseni?

Katenda and Olaseni's own coach said that the other school was one that no one knew was recruiting Olaseni. The only indication we have is that both are announcing the same day and are friends. It seems like both could be going to the same school, especially when that school (ND) has room on its roster. Another possibility might be Wake. However, everyone seems to think Katenda is going to ND so I'm giving that the most-likely nod.
Katenda and Olaseni's own coach said that the other school was one that no one knew was recruiting Olaseni. The only indication we have is that both are announcing the same day and are friends. It seems like both could be going to the same school, especially when that school (ND) has room on its roster. Another possibility might be Wake. However, everyone seems to think Katenda is going to ND so I'm giving that the most-likely nod.

Olesani was getting recruited by Wichita State and had him in for a visit recently. But they just signed a guy from NY the other day so now they are filled up on scholarships too.

I won't shed a tear if we don't get Olesani.
It could also be a player released for a LOI and they are just working out the kinks before announcing. Then again it may be nothing. SCHUUUUULLTTTZZ! I know nothing, I see nothing! You older fellas would appreciate that seen from "Hogan's Heroes".

Maybe he could be enticed with some strudel.
My guess is that Olaseni signs with Missouri, K-State or Tulsa. For him to visit a mystery school on his own, it had to be within driving distance and I know Missouri has open spots. It wouldn't surprise me if the staff has already moved on, as the kid appears to think he is worthy of some big time offer, yet his stats don't back it up.
The thing with Olaseni is Iowa can use a big and he is/was getting some looks from some pretty high D1 schools... so that's good. However, it seems like Iowa is a fallback choice for him, and that's something that's a bit off-putting. And I am not sure Gabe can contribute immediately out of the prep ranks, as he is still a bit raw (but very athletic). I would be happy with a commit from him, but not concerned if he goes elsewhere.
I think the Hawks get Olaseni. Not based on any insider info, just piecing together bits of info I've seen. Could be wrong, but I'm pretty confident in that.

I think it ends up Wake for Katenda. I'll be surprised if he picks Iowa, but more surprised if he picks ND. But who knows.
Could Olaseni have just been waiting on Katenda so they could announce together? And not dissing us? If he doesnt want to be here and we are a fall back, I dont want him either, but hate to jump all over him if this is whats been going on.
A guy for Shockernet.net just sent out the following tweet...I predict Gabe Olaseni to Wichita State tomorrow afternoon. In fact, I say you can take it to the bank. Not sure about if they have filled their scholarships or not for this year.
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I think the Hawks get Olaseni. Not based on any insider info, just piecing together bits of info I've seen. Could be wrong, but I'm pretty confident in that.

I think it ends up Wake for Katenda. I'll be surprised if he picks Iowa, but more surprised if he picks ND. But who knows.

Agree with both players.

In all honesty I'm not sure why some fans are getting bent right now. Olaseni is taking his time and making a decision that theoretically will last for 4 years. The kid isn't dumb. I'm 100% confident that he knows there are not one but two 7' centers that we are looking at for next years class.

I don't fault Katenda from heading to Wake (if that is what he does) - it would SHOCK me to see him end up at ND or Texas...SHOCK. I also think we still have an outside chance of landing the kid and Olaseni as a package deal.
Like the rest of the board, I doubt the Hawks get either of Olesani or Katenda but . . . what if both did commit, what a transformation that would be.

Daydream's over . . . back to work.
One thing I wonder about the recruits is how much playing time they will get their freshman year. Many will sit on the bench for most of their first year, using a year of eligibility. Perhaps the experience gained in practice will suffice, probably not. At Iowa, qualified players will get playing time. Fran wants to have rested, capable athletes on the floor at all times, wearing the opponents down. The reluctance is much less this year, and will be even less next year when recruits see the results Fran is bringing to the table. Last year we were extremely fortunate to get Melsohn and Bryce, considering the mess Lick left behind. Fran did wonders with Lick's recruits and two of his recruits. This year we have three very capable athletes coming on board, with at least one more Mystery player, who I am certain will be of the same caliber Fran has already recruited. I really hope we get Olaseni, but if we don't, no problem. As many have said, if they don't want to be at Iowa, Adios, Amigo.
For those who think Iowa is in the mix for Kyan.

North Crowley's Kyan Anderson will visit TCU tonight, Virginia on Tuesday and Wednesday and Texas Tech this weekend.
Ok I'm done with the kool-aid, if he wants to go to the Shockers so be it!! I think Jack is right,they will get alot of QUALITY pt here,and we WILL be a better even a good team next year. Fran will get what he needs, no use courting guys who dont want to be a part of it.

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