Oklahoma State Predictions?

Your prediction looks a lot closer, to how I would see this turning out, than the other ones. It is going to be a tight match all the way through. Can't wait!
125: Steele can't be too happy with his midlands outcome and his drive its like no others! I think he comes out firing on all cylinders and i hope the meet starts at 125 for iowa's sake. MCD wins by major 4-0

133: Oliver is a stud and whoever he wrestles here will be a win for oky state. i think ramos is liked by most of hawkeye fans but clark is a good wrestler against strong competition and is hard to take down. i think the smart move here to avoid the major is to put clark in there but oliver wins by decision over clark 4-3

141: Kindig is a smooth wrestler with lots of tricks up his sleeve. this match could go either way because i think ballweg can control him with his strength. being as kindig has been spotty this year i'll give ballweg a win in a crazy close match. ballweg over kindig 7-3

149: Parks is a scary opponent for someone like ballweg i think especially on his feet. again i see this match going either way but parks is wrestling just a bit better than ballweg right now and after midlands my faith in ballweg is lower than normal. parks over ballweg 7-6

157: i think this will be a match for dsj to get his mojo back. hopefully his sickness or mental problems are long gone. dsj knows whats on the line for the hawks if they win this dual and pull a great win for him and his team off. dsj over erisman 10-6

165: Janns is back on my favorites list on this team and i have total confidence he will revenge the 1 point loss to bailey. janns wins a great match and puts the hawks up 13-6!

174: benefiel is another oky wrestler that i think has had his ups and downs but don't see ethan winning this one. benefiel will wrestle good at home and get the cowboys back in this dual. benefiel wins 13-9

184: this match is scary for the hawks because he could be bonus points for the cowboys. grant doesn't wrestle perry very well and has been dominated in the past. grant just can't get it together but holds off the major for a critical team points 13-12

197: luke lofthouse isn't one to beat the guys we need him too and foster will be no difference. foster is a great wrestler and the streak is close to being over. foster beats luke to put the cowboys up 13-15

HWT: which rasing will show up that is the question??? if he wrestles like he did at midlands the streak is over but if he wrestles his match WHICH i think he will the streak will continue. boys this one is up to the heavyweights and i hope HOPE they start at 125 to have it come down to this match. rasing wins keeping the streak alive 16-15 :eek::eek::eek:

Pin, I like your predicitions with the exception of 133 and 149. Hopefully your more right than I am. Oliver is going to score at will over either Ramos or Clark. The difference in not getting majored will be getting a cheap takedown at the end while Oliver is gassed. I have more faith in Ramos to pull that off. Clark indeed has the better defense but it's not going to stop Oliver. At 149, I will be surprised if this stayed at a decision. I can't seem to understand how some people are even thinking Ballweg has a chance to beat Parks. The guy wrestles like he has cement blocks for shoes and can't defend his legs at all. I appreciate the fact that he's cutting down to help the team, but I see Parks winning big.
i think the reason why they believe he can beat parks is because he doesn''t always wrestle top notch..but your right parks will have his way no way ballweg wins that match just saying it can go either way to make myself feel better about iowa lol
Oliver is going to score at will over either Ramos or Clark.

Maybe I am just ignorant to the wrestling world outside of IC (do you blame me!) but i was not impressed with Oliver last year at all (against moore or dennis?). So I don't know what has changed between now and then to cause him to be revered as an offensive juggernaut. Please help me out with this one.
Maybe I am just ignorant to the wrestling world outside of IC (do you blame me!) but i was not impressed with Oliver last year at all (against moore or dennis?). So I don't know what has changed between now and then to cause him to be revered as an offensive juggernaut. Please help me out with this one.

A good way to understand might be to think of the difference between McDonough as a High School SR. and then McD last year and his great growth on his way to NCAA Championship. Oliver is looking like I thought he might some time NEXT year. He appears to have made about 2-3 years worth of progress in 1 season. He appears to get takedowns pretty much at will and is going for the pin (cradle) from lots of positions and getting the fall. His opponents have looked pretty much helpless to stop him.

Other than that....no big deal. :)
I take it Marion won't be back for this dual. Anybody know when he will be back in action?
I think Clark is more likely to keep it to a decision at 133, but I also believe Ramos will be the guy at Big-10s and NCAAs, so there is a case to be made for starting him here to get the experience, even if it puts the dual meet win at risk. The dual is important but not as important as NCAAs; if Ramos and Oliver were to meet in the QF I'd like Ramos to have already had a match against him.
Things might have gotten a little tougher as one of the starters got hurt this week and might miss this meet. I'm not going to name any names yet but they should know a lot more later today...
awww come on why do you even have to post that fuls


Sunday meets of interest
Minnesota vs. ISU on IPTV at 2:00
OK State vs. Iowa on ESPNU at 5:30
There is some good news. He is expected to wrestle this weekend and hopefully for the rest of the year. There is going to be some definite pain but should be alright. I'm sure that it won't be too hard to tell who it is on Sunday.

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