OK...what are you going to complain about this week?

I also complain about his post. I'm on the other end though. Not enough complaints from him. He needs to step it up or move on to another message board. This isn't '02-'04 any more.

I suggest that you and racer take it to the complaint dept. I will even help you two out by telling you the complaint department manager is Helen Waite. Since you have a problem with my post go to Helen Waite.
I hereby complain about the fact that our 3rd down defense is terrible and predictable. I decree that Norm Parker be put to death. He's short a leg anyway. They shoot horses, don't they?

This. Like TM stated 16-22 is ridiculous and then some!!


Iowa still has alot of things that need improving and the injuries aren't helping. However a victory always brings back the warm and fuzzies. I get that.
we went no-huddle, we threw the ball deep, we threw the ball to mcnutt, we went for it on 4th down, we threw the fade, we tried a jailbreak (or were going to), and these are the same coaches that are always "too conservative". If you are going to hate on them when they don't give them credit when they do.
I love the people on here that are getting called out for how they were acting on here last week. It's almost that they are ****** off because the Hawks won, they were wrong and now they have nothing to complain about.
And there it is.

I actually liked that we tried to go for the jugular for once. When we took a 24-17 lead, I was afraid we'd do what we always do, and try to grind it and hold onto that lead. I was thrilled to see us keep the foot on the gas.

When everybody was talking like the game was over with 6 minutes left and we were up by 17, all I could think about was 2005. I just couldn't help it; that game still practically gives me nightmares.

The only thing that I was crazed over was our inability to get off the field on 3rd down. 16-22 is ridiculous.

I undestand what you are saying but a 17 point lead is huge at that point in the game. They needed 3 scores. I was confident the game was over.
This. Like TM stated 16-22 is ridiculous and then some!!


Iowa still has alot of things that need improving and the injuries aren't helping. However a victory always brings back the warm and fuzzies. I get that.

If you factor out the 3rd and very longs, of which I believe there were four of those...of which I think they got one, that put NW at 15 of 18 on third down. That's bending over so far we can put our head in our arses. That's just unacceptable defense. As a matter of fact, I'm sure this is a record for that many third downs and the success rate. I'm sure you probably have to go back to, well, let me see, Iowa - NW in 2010, to get anything close.

At some point, you have to send the kitchen sink on third down...play your safties deep, and man coverage all over. Don't give up the big play right, but at least try to get to the QB before he throws for sure on 3rd down. The result may be the same, first down, but at least you tried to stop it. I just don't know how KF watches this time and time again, against NW without demanding we do something different.

Do you think OSU, Penn State, and MSU, sit back and wait for Persa to pick them apart and move the chains, move the chains, move the chains....no NW's oline is not that great...they will apply pressure until they get turnovers. NW may get a big play here and there, but not the consistent 13-18 play drives they get against Iowa. This simply wears down our D and keeps our Offense from wearing out their D. Two negatives in my book that outweigh the "bend but don't break" strategy. Guess what Norm, NW's QB is good enough to Bend you all the way to the end zone...see 2009, 2010, and 2011 film for proof.

Geez, you think we would change something.
My wife made a ******* awful fruit salad for our tailgate. I don't think a single person finished what they took. It was turrible.
My complaint is that it was warmer at game time than predicted the result of which was that I was over dressed and therefore sweaty which kinda made my balls itch while I was walking back to my car after the game.
I guess my complaint is that there are so many things to complain about we haven't complained about the classic Hawkeye complaint - why don't they put in the second string QB.

BTW, Helen now works for Wells Fargo customer disservice.
For those of you who cry like babies after any loss, who should be replaced this week? Is Ferentz on the hot seat still?

I get this is one win and it was far from perfect but the overreaction is comical with this message board.

I'm sure you'll find something to ***** about because it seems like more people enjoy that. I bet it's almost disappointing to some they can't be the Monday morning quarterback and second guess everything. In fact I bet Jon could attest that there is more traffic after a loss than a win. Human nature I guess.

Don't want to be spoil the mood but you know who you are. It's the ebbs and flows of college football but there is a group of Iowa fans that are ready to scrap the entire season after one Big Ten road loss. Never too high, never too low...

Oh I don't know...maybe it was the 500 yards of offense or the 16-22 3rd down conversions...or the way we had a 17 point lead halfway through the 4th quarter but our coaching staff wanted to throw on first and second down instead of run out the clock or how we let them march down the field TWICE in under 2 minutes to score tds to keep them in the game a bit longer...or how about our offense converting 1 of 7 on third down...or how we came out flat after halftime and failed to put any points on the board in the 3rd quarter. This wasn't a pretty win and giving up 31 points to Northwestern is nothing to write home about. I wish, like you, I could keep my black and gold blinders on and con myself into thinking that everything is okay with this team. We had a full game against ISU, three quarters against Pitt, and a full game at PSU to realize that there are some serious issues with this program.
1 of 7 on 3rd down. Allowing the opponent to convert 16 of 22 on 3rd down. Allowing the opponent to convert 72% of their pass completions. Allowing the opponent to rack up 495 yards and 38 minutes in time of possession. Not being able to close the game out at the 17-0 mark against a team that is notorious for coming back and beating us.
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For those of you who cry like babies after any loss, who should be replaced this week? Is Ferentz on the hot seat still? I get this is one win and it was far from perfect but the overreaction is comical with this message board. I'm sure you'll find something to ***** about because it seems like more people enjoy that. I bet it's almost disappointing to some they can't be the Monday morning quarterback and second guess everything. In fact I bet Jon could attest that there is more traffic after a loss than a win. Human nature I guess. Don't want to be spoil the mood but you know who you are. It's the ebbs and flows of college football but there is a group of Iowa fans that are ready to scrap the entire season after one Big Ten road loss. Never too high, never too low...

oh the irony
How about a defense that gave up 16 of 22 3rd downs to a team that was almost last in 3rd down efficiency before they played Iowa...on the road; and an Iowa offense that was able to manage only one of seven 3rd downs.
we won, i'll take it. enjoy it. win is a win. we played pretty awful vs PItt for a long time, but we won and all that shows now is a W on the scoreboard. We won, lets enjoy and hope we get the Dub this weekend as well.
My complaint is very simple: we still have a very hard time stopping a mobile quarterback and dink and dunk passing. Persa, Colton and Siemien moved the ball on us very effectively, even late in the game. Take away Miller's 98-yard pick six, the winning margin is a field goal. And if you view the return as a 12-point swing (no points for NU when they were in the red zone, six points for Iowa), we lose. Fortunately, JVB was able to exploit NU's secondary on two long passes that went for TDs.

Happy for the win? Absolutely.

But also not totally comfortable with what I saw. On paper, NU dominated.

I'm also hacked off we got beaten by the Clowns, who have proceeded to stink the place up in subsequent games. We never should have lost to them.
For those of you who cry like babies after any loss, who should be replaced this week? Is Ferentz on the hot seat still? I get this is one win and it was far from perfect but the overreaction is comical with this message board.
Poor play calling nearly cost us this game. We were passing when we should have been running....running when we should pass. This all in the 2nd 3rd qtr when the coaches were trying to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.Really? It was the fourth quarter before the offense figured out they could run the ball and control the clock?I'm thrilled with the win but it wasn't a smart, efficient, well coached game.

And I think we should of pulled off a fake point or FG. Becides that great game.
My complaint is that it was warmer at game time than predicted the result of which was that I was over dressed and therefore sweaty which kinda made my balls itch while I was walking back to my car after the game.

You never disappoint.

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