Ok so how worried should we be?


Well-Known Member
About Kris going pro too? If he plays like this the rest of the month what's stopping him from testing the waters and going too? Say we go on a run to the elite 8 or dare I say final 4 and he continues to be dominant why wouldn't he go might be the more relevant question. (BTW if we go to the friggin final 4 and it costs us those two studs going pro I'm all about it. As sad and short lived as having them would be I'd still be happy as a clam)
Like you said, worrying about Kris declaring for the draft because he helped lead us to the final four would be a nice problem to have.

Watching the Murrays reminds me of Nevada's Cody and Caleb Martin from about four, five years ago. Not sure if both of them are in the NBA but I know at least one is. I think it was Cody that just got traded to Charlotte.
Kris isn't NBA-ready. He will be, but he isn't yet.

These guys are a dynamic duo...gonna be a great story as IOWA moves deep into the tourney. ;) With the emergence of Perkins, I think Fran has a shot at his first Sweet 16.
We've all thought that so far pretty much. He's still kinda up and down here game to game but he had literally all of the bench points for us yesterday and playing 27 plus mins a game. If he maintains that for the next 3-4 weeks I think the argument about him not being ready yet could be up for debate.

The dude just took it at 2 pretty good bigs that the league has to offer. If he does it again against IL and in the BIG tourny that hype machine could get rolling. Not saying you're hearing this here first I bet others may be putting this out there too. The guy seems capable of it and it'd be fun to see if it does
Like you said, worrying about Kris declaring for the draft because he helped lead us to the final four would be a nice problem to have.

Watching the Murrays reminds me of Nevada's Cody and Caleb Martin from about four, five years ago. Not sure if both of them are in the NBA but I know at least one is. I think it was Cody that just got traded to Charlotte.

Cody was a 2nd round draft pick in 2019 of Charlotte. Still plays for them (averaging 10 points a game this year).

Caleb was a free agent signed by Charlotte in 2019 as well. He was waived in 2021 and signed by the Miami Heat, and he is in the rotation for the #1 seed in the East Miami Heat. He averages 9.6 points/game this year.
I know for a fact that NBA scouts are typically looking for
1. Size
2. Athleticism
and finally
3. How they shoot free throws in the clutch
About Kris going pro too? If he plays like this the rest of the month what's stopping him from testing the waters and going too? Say we go on a run to the elite 8 or dare I say final 4 and he continues to be dominant why wouldn't he go might be the more relevant question. (BTW if we go to the friggin final 4 and it costs us those two studs going pro I'm all about it. As sad and short lived as having them would be I'd still be happy as a clam)

No offense but if Iowa makes the first Elite 8 in 35 years or something this year you take it and let everything else shake out.
He better work on his free throws in the clutch before he declares......

His brother too.
In all fairness to the missed FT in the clutch moments for the 3 sophomores, they have never been in that kind of environment in those circumstances ever before. Most players piss down their legs until they have been there before. It's called experience. Sure as shit ain't dumping on any of them for that.

I remember Bobby Hanson missing a couple early in his career that would have won a game as well. He turned out pretty well.
Please don't take this as a diss of either twin, because I think Keegan is a Top 5 player in Iowa history in my lifetime, and I am 47. I think Kris is ascending to greatness as well. But, when I looked into their eyes as they approached the free throw line, I did not see the eye of the tiger. Just the opposite.

They both seem like very cerebral young men. That is not always a great trait for this game. You want a cold-blooded assassin who wants the ball in his hands with the game on the line. I have seen Keegan want the ball at the end of the game in live action, but he does not look nearly as confident during the quiet, exposed moment on the FT line.

The only hole in Keegan's game is mental, IMHO. That's nitpicky because he is so great, but scouts and GMs will be looking for flaws and that is the one I see.
Please don't take this as a diss of either twin, because I think Keegan is a Top 5 player in Iowa history in my lifetime, and I am 47. I think Kris is ascending to greatness as well. But, when I looked into their eyes as they approached the free throw line, I did not see the eye of the tiger. Just the opposite.

They both seem like very cerebral young men. That is not always a great trait for this game. You want a cold-blooded assassin who wants the ball in his hands with the game on the line. I have seen Keegan want the ball at the end of the game in live action, but he does not look nearly as confident during the quiet, exposed moment on the FT line.

The only hole in Keegan's game is mental, IMHO. That's nitpicky because he is so great, but scouts and GMs will be looking for flaws and that is the one I see.
I totally get what you're saying and see it too. Whatever fire they have they just refuse to show it. And that wasn't a look of cool calm and collectiveness that they showed at the FT line in crunch time. It was more of a they didn't want to be their kind of look.

JBo kinda has that nothing can get him flustered about him. If he could help rub some of that off of onto them that'd be nice. (Probably impossible to do at this point in a season) but yeah if those twins had that to their game they'd be unreal
JBO is the cockiest son-of-bitch I have ever seen, and that is why we all want him on the line at the end of the game. I will take Connor too. Not because he is a great shooter, but because he believes in Connor. JT, Uhlis, and Perkins also seem pretty confident at the line.
The Murrays are still finding their feet. They came in as wildly unheralded recruits. Now they are being asked to carry a team into the tourney as sophomores. If Keegan can develop a killer instinct in all facets of his game, he will be a STAR at the next level.
I guess I'm one of the very, very few who thinks that Keegan could benefit from another year or two at Iowa. He is a so very young and this year is the first year he has been in the spotlight. Also, another year would allow him another opportunity to play with his terrific brother. I know about the risk of injury, blah blah blah but I view that as extremely remote. The money will be there for him.

Just my two cents.
The Murrays are not young. They are three years out of high school and I think they were old coming out. I think they are 22?

I agree that Keegan's game has room to grow at the collegiate level. He could grow into a potential Top 5 pick. But, most projections already have him well within the first round and potentially a lottery pick. He pretty much has to go.
Keegan attempted 171 free throws

Keegan made 124 of them

Keegan's free throw % is 72.5

He was literally exhausted after playing 39 minutes in the game

Extremely Hostile Audience

I am tempted to give him a pass

However, I wouldn't mind Riley at the line because he is hitting
100% of his free throws
