Ok so how worried should we be?

This was literally the first high pressure free throws in a game with so much on the line in front of an insane crowd for both of them. I will be shocked if they ever have a repeat performance. Give them and Perkins mulligans for this one. These lads are generational talents.
In all fairness to the missed FT in the clutch moments for the 3 sophomores, they have never been in that kind of environment in those circumstances ever before. Most players piss down their legs until they have been there before. It's called experience. Sure as shit ain't dumping on any of them for that.

I remember Bobby Hanson missing a couple early in his career that would have won a game as well. He turned out pretty well.
Great Players learn by Mistakes huh? Improvement is a learning experience. Even Ronnie Lester not always 100%. Murray Boys waay tough. Like Dad. Peak at Dance time pleese. Energy vital. Staff's most vital Task. Starts with H/c...Next.