Ohio State's Kicker doesn't know anything about Iowa...

Look buddy, don't knock the U of Iowa because I am a graduate of that esteemed institution. I'm just pointing out the fact that NU is better academically than all of the other schools in the Big Ten and I also note that it is better in football then Iowa.

Man, you're NW love-fest is starting to get real old. The first few days I could understand. I'm just as upset as the next guy, but it's starting to get to the point where it's just getting ridiculous and just down-right lame. Don't get me wrong, I understand the "satire" behind it, but I'm starting to get the impression that you really have switched over and that you're really not a true Hawkeye.
Man, you're NW love-fest is starting to get real old. The first few days I could understand. I'm just as upset as the next guy, but it's starting to get to the point where it's just getting ridiculous and just down-right lame. Don't get me wrong, I understand the "satire" behind it, but I'm starting to get the impression that you really have switched over and that you're really not a true Hawkeye.

No kidding. I have rarely posted this week and everytime I have wanted to it has been to say something about this. Your joke is not funny anymore. Youre a *******. Go be a Nwern fan. You make HawkfaninTx look like Hayden fry.
No kidding. I have rarely posted this week and everytime I have wanted to it has been to say something about this. Your joke is not funny anymore. Youre a *******. Go be a Nwern fan. You make HawkfaninTx look like Hayden fry.

wow, seriously? your ability to move on amazes me. I am the most ardent Iowa Fan out there, IN HOSTILE TERRITORY! I fight tooth & nail everyday in my black & gold garb. I am in the heart of the glee and joy surrounding TCU and their hopes for the national title, fueled even further by the hopes that Auburn somehow gets banned or loses. I want Wisky to lose out, MSU to lose at PSU, and Iowa to win out. If that happens we play for the roses, and hopefully against TCU.

OoTH please, please, release your grip on your insatiable need to bring up me !!!
Sorry Tex I should have said it different. I was trying to say that if we could have a Coker thread wildfire about your comments make this guy ten times worst. I understand the living situation as I live in sparty land. My bad tex just trying so say how sick I am of this guy.
Michigan, Indiana, Iowa In that order and believe that Michigan and Indiana are much older than Iowa even.

Michigan, Northwestern, Indiana, Iowa

You win Yaman! Michigan 1817, Indiana 1820 and Iowa 1847. Nebraska will be the the 8th land grant school. :)
If someone put me on the spot and asked me what I know about the state of Kansas or Oklahoma, I couldn't say much more about the state besides the college sports teams.

I know this:

(from this)
That speaks volumes about the diploma mill they are running over there. Academically speaking, the Big Ten goes like this:

1) Northwestern
2) Michigan
3) Illinois
4) Who cares?

Irregardless, that guy is about 30 years old and used to play pro ball, so he prolly took a pay cut to go to OSU. I wonder if that quote will qualify as bulletin board material, the Hawks had some great BB material last week and it served them well in the third quarter.

I love the irony of this coming from the guy bringing academics into the conversation, lol.
I know and respect their passion for their team but it is as arrogant as it gets! You should have heard(which I am sure you did when you lived here) the talk radio after they lost to Wisconsin! You would have thought someone shot their dog! Some were ignorant enough to call for Tresels job! I think whats pisses me off the most is the blatent disregard for our recent talent, but I guess until we roll them a few times that will not change and what would be nice is to face them on a consistent basis in the new Big 10 Championship game and give them their whoopin and ruin their title hopes!

I was there the year they hired tressel from youngstown. talk about ****** off fans. "no way should a top five school get a coach from d1aa". He was a great hire. I still remember the front page of the dispatch when iowa smoked osu in iowa city. "Embarrasing"
Too bad they own the big ten. the bastards.
Anyone wonder, how far a N'wstn helmet can go up some-one's anal nether regions?

I'm with most of you, Okeefe4pres it's already gotten old. Either be a Hawkeye or go post on Northwestern's board.
I for one am all in favor of KOK4Pres's schtick. Sure, it isn't funny, but watching the peanut gallery here get red in the face angry about it is more than worth it!
I for one am all in favor of KOK4Pres's schtick. Sure, it isn't funny, but watching the peanut gallery here get red in the face angry about it is more than worth it!

It ain't a schtick - I have faithfully dumped $1500/yr on 2 tickets and parking ever bince they changed the donation system. I'm fed up with watching the same crap from O'Keefe year in and year out when Iowa is playing lesser opponents. 18 points against IUPUI, 17 against NU, 17 against UNI last year, 24 against Arkansas State, I ain't even gonna dig back into the bag of tricks from the years before that because it is too painful.

I'll always be a Hawk fan, just like my ol' man was before me and his ol' man was before him. Can't change that, but I can change subsidizing Ferentz to keep O'Keefe around to burn timeouts when he forgets we have the ball and can't get the play in or to have no concept of clock management in key scoring situations at the end of games and halves. Coach Fitzgerald is just a better coach and his success with NU is amazing and makes Ferentz look terrible in comparison, thus I am just going on a fan strike until we get an o-coordinator who wouldn't waste the most talented group of receivers we've ever had through massive mismanagement. See, I love the Hawks enough to go on strike, I can't stand watching the train wreck anymore. You people are the kinds of people who drive by motorcycle accidents hoping to catch a glimpse of the victim, but I have enough compassion to turn my head and respect the poor soul's final moments, it's the same with Iowa football, I love it so much that I have to just let it go for awhile.

Ferentz is like a meth addict. The guy knows he needs help but he is too ashamed to admit he made some mistakes and to reach out for that help, but he has lots of people who would support him if he sought help. It is unfortunate. If GarBar would just get us all in a room and have an airing of the grievances and an intervention, I would come back, but I don't see that happening so I'm going on a fan strike. My guess is that when season tickets go on sale next year, it will be apparent that I'm not the only fan on strike, but I am the only one who is willing to admit it publicly and put my reputation on the line.

Seriously, all you proles don't know the crap I've been through. I sat through the Western Michigan game, I've been at every one of Ferentz's choke jobs against Northwestern, that Indiana game in 2007. The list goes on. I've gone to a game with mud butt when I had to take a deuce and there was no TP (and I had to pull a floater because some drunk idiot peed all over the toilet). I've stood in line so long to pee after crushing several Coors Lights that I ended up peeing some blood. I've ridden the MegaBus with tons of proles to get to games. My fanhood should NEVER be questioned.
okeefe4pres...you have entered the "ignore" zone! Adios commrade!

Oh noes, whatever will I do? Some prole put me on ignore because he can't handle the fact that Iowa is poor academically and on par with Northwestern in terms of football power.
It ain't a schtick - I have faithfully dumped $1500/yr on 2 tickets and parking ever bince they changed the donation system. I'm fed up with watching the same crap from O'Keefe year in and year out when Iowa is playing lesser opponents. 18 points against IUPUI, 17 against NU, 17 against UNI last year, 24 against Arkansas State, I ain't even gonna dig back into the bag of tricks from the years before that because it is too painful.

I'll always be a Hawk fan, just like my ol' man was before me and his ol' man was before him. Can't change that, but I can change subsidizing Ferentz to keep O'Keefe around to burn timeouts when he forgets we have the ball and can't get the play in or to have no concept of clock management in key scoring situations at the end of games and halves. Coach Fitzgerald is just a better coach and his success with NU is amazing and makes Ferentz look terrible in comparison, thus I am just going on a fan strike until we get an o-coordinator who wouldn't waste the most talented group of receivers we've ever had through massive mismanagement. See, I love the Hawks enough to go on strike, I can't stand watching the train wreck anymore. You people are the kinds of people who drive by motorcycle accidents hoping to catch a glimpse of the victim, but I have enough compassion to turn my head and respect the poor soul's final moments, it's the same with Iowa football, I love it so much that I have to just let it go for awhile.

Ferentz is like a meth addict. The guy knows he needs help but he is too ashamed to admit he made some mistakes and to reach out for that help, but he has lots of people who would support him if he sought help. It is unfortunate. If GarBar would just get us all in a room and have an airing of the grievances and an intervention, I would come back, but I don't see that happening so I'm going on a fan strike. My guess is that when season tickets go on sale next year, it will be apparent that I'm not the only fan on strike, but I am the only one who is willing to admit it publicly and put my reputation on the line.

Seriously, all you proles don't know the crap I've been through. I sat through the Western Michigan game, I've been at every one of Ferentz's choke jobs against Northwestern, that Indiana game in 2007. The list goes on. I've gone to a game with mud butt when I had to take a deuce and there was no TP (and I had to pull a floater because some drunk idiot peed all over the toilet). I've stood in line so long to pee after crushing several Coors Lights that I ended up peeing some blood. I've ridden the MegaBus with tons of proles to get to games. My fanhood should NEVER be questioned.

They should do an ESPN special on you. I dont know how you made it all these years. Wow you are one special Hawkeye fan. Hang in there buddy. Im sure the team by now knows about your hardships and their gonna win this one for you. After the win they will probably carry you on their shoulders and I bet there wont be a dry eye in Kinnick.
Isn't he from Australia?

On a second note, it's surprising that he doesn't know about Iowa, given that along with Ohio we also have a Dayton, Columbus, and grow potatoes.

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