Ohio State's Kicker doesn't know anything about Iowa...

Do you guys have a bunch of knowledge other agricultural states with a small population, no major cities, and no mountains or beaches or deserts?

If someone put me on the spot and asked me what I know about the state of Kansas or Oklahoma, I couldn't say much more about the state besides the college sports teams.
Do you guys have a bunch of knowledge other agricultural states with a small population, no major cities, and no mountains or beaches or deserts?

If someone put me on the spot and asked me what I know about the state of Kansas or Oklahoma, I couldn't say much more about the state besides the college sports teams.
Maybe if the guy wasn't a senior for a team that plays in the Midwest...

He wasn't just talking about the state, he also was talking about the team.

Ignorant to say the least.
That speaks volumes about the diploma mill they are running over there. Academically speaking, the Big Ten goes like this:

1) Northwestern
2) Michigan
3) Illinois
4) Who cares?

Irregardless, that guy is about 30 years old and used to play pro ball, so he prolly took a pay cut to go to OSU. I wonder if that quote will qualify as bulletin board material, the Hawks had some great BB material last week and it served them well in the third quarter.
This DB is the Norm! I just moved to Columbus (hell) in July for work from Des Moines. These people are absolutley jaded! They do not care about anything but Michigan week, which they are getting ready for right now(WSYX ABC6 On Your Side Top Story - Beat Michigan Week Kicks Off Friday!) that is all they care about no matter how good that "team up north" is doing. When we were ranked 9th in the nation this year and there was a block party, people would come up to me and ask if we were the "Iowa" family that just moved in with the flag out front. Then they would patronize me and say "You guys have a pretty good team this year don't you? Aren't you ranked in like the top 25?" I wanted to jack em right in the face! I have never wanted to win a game more than this one even with the disappointment of our record this year! On Iowa!
That speaks volumes about the diploma mill they are running over there. Academically speaking, the Big Ten goes like this:

1) Northwestern
2) Michigan
3) Illinois

Since Chicago is part of the CIC I always include them. Michigan's Rackum Graduate School is better than Northwestern's. (I'm also partial to Michigan because my son is completing his doctorate degree at Michigan, so there!) :)

  1. U of Chicago
  2. Michigan
  3. Northwestern
Here is a quiz for all. List the three oldest universities in the Big 10 by date founded. Question two, what are the four Big Ten universities that are not land grant colleges?
This is far from egregious. I live in Illinois and save for my 4.5 years in Iowa I've been here about 15 years now. I know pretty much nothing about Missouri except that there's an arch in St. Louis. All I know about Wisconsin aside from the cheese stuff is that Madison is kinda like Iowa City with lakes. Outside of MPLS, I don't know much of anything about Minnesota. I know Gary has a central time zone and the rest of Indiana doesn't. I also know Larry Bird was from French Lick. That's about it. It's not crazy for somebody not to know much of anything about a state with a small population and no major cities.
This DB is the Norm! I just moved to Columbus (hell) in July for work from Des Moines. These people are absolutley jaded! They do not care about anything but Michigan week, which they are getting ready for right now(WSYX ABC6 On Your Side Top Story - Beat Michigan Week Kicks Off Friday!) that is all they care about no matter how good that "team up north" is doing. When we were ranked 9th in the nation this year and there was a block party, people would come up to me and ask if we were the "Iowa" family that just moved in with the flag out front. Then they would patronize me and say "You guys have a pretty good team this year don't you? Aren't you ranked in like the top 25?" I wanted to jack em right in the face! I have never wanted to win a game more than this one even with the disappointment of our record this year! On Iowa!

get use to it. I did seven years there. there are good and bad things about it. I know a lot of people there that were very well educated on college football as a whole. They all love their team and back it which is great. I wish all of Iowa did that. Lots of hawkeye haters in the state of Iowa. I now live in basketball country and hear nothing at all during football. But thats NC for ya.
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Since Chicago is part of the CIC I always include them. Michigan's Rackum Graduate School is better than Northwestern's. (I'm also partial to Michigan because my son is completing his doctorate degree at Michigan, so there!) :)

  1. U of Chicago
  2. Michigan
  3. Northwestern
Here is a quiz for all. List the three oldest universities in the Big 10 by date founded. Question two, what are the four Big Ten universities that are not land grant colleges?

#1:Northwestern, Michigan and Indiana??
#2: Iowa, Minnesota, Northwestern and ahhhh Michigan?
get use to it. I did seven years there. there are good and bad things about it. I know a lot of people there that were very well educated on college football as a whole. They all love their team and back it which is great. I wish all of Iowa did that. Lots of hawkeye haters in the state of Iowa. I now live in basketball country and hear nothing at all during football. But thats NC for ya.

I know and respect their passion for their team but it is as arrogant as it gets! You should have heard(which I am sure you did when you lived here) the talk radio after they lost to Wisconsin! You would have thought someone shot their dog! Some were ignorant enough to call for Tresels job! I think whats pisses me off the most is the blatent disregard for our recent talent, but I guess until we roll them a few times that will not change and what would be nice is to face them on a consistent basis in the new Big 10 Championship game and give them their whoopin and ruin their title hopes!
That speaks volumes about the diploma mill they are running over there. Academically speaking, the Big Ten goes like this:

1) Northwestern
2) Michigan
3) Illinois
4) Who cares?

Irregardless, that guy is about 30 years old and used to play pro ball, so he prolly took a pay cut to go to OSU. I wonder if that quote will qualify as bulletin board material, the Hawks had some great BB material last week and it served them well in the third quarter.

you still here loser? I thought you were moving to the cathouse with your momma. Beat it turncoat.
Don't let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya
Michigan, Indiana, Iowa In that order and believe that Michigan and Indiana are much older than Iowa even.

Michigan, Northwestern, Indiana, Iowa

Also, to the OP, what do you know about Ohio? I mean, I know Cleveland sucks in general but other than anything sport related I don't know much.

Also, I hate the Buckeyes. Please beat them but beat them bad enough they have a hangover. Don't just **** them off a little.
That speaks volumes about the diploma mill they are running over there. Academically speaking, the Big Ten goes like this:

1) Northwestern
2) Michigan
3) Illinois
4) Who cares?

Irregardless, that guy is about 30 years old and used to play pro ball, so he prolly took a pay cut to go to OSU. I wonder if that quote will qualify as bulletin board material, the Hawks had some great BB material last week and it served them well in the third quarter.

Listen, if you're going to spout off about the merit of academic institutions at least use real words. Irregardless contradicts what you actually mean. I know it is socially accepted, but that doesn't make it correct.
Listen, if you're going to spout off about the merit of academic institutions at least use real words. Irregardless contradicts what you actually mean. I know it is socially accepted, but that doesn't make it correct.

Ladies and Gentlemen, a Rhodes Scholar.
Listen, if you're going to spout off about the merit of academic institutions at least use real words. Irregardless contradicts what you actually mean. I know it is socially accepted, but that doesn't make it correct.

Kinda like saying "I could care less". Implies you care so much that you could literally care less.
Ladies and Gentlemen, a Rhodes Scholar.

The only time I ever say something about that is when you are questioning the merits of some sort of institution or the intelligence of another individual. Typically I don't really care about grammar. It's more the hypocrisy.
The only time I ever say something about that is when you are questioning the merits of some sort of institution or the intelligence of another individual. Typically I don't really care about grammar. It's more the hypocrisy.

Look buddy, don't knock the U of Iowa because I am a graduate of that esteemed institution. I'm just pointing out the fact that NU is better academically than all of the other schools in the Big Ten and I also note that it is better in football then Iowa.
I know and respect their passion for their team but it is as arrogant as it gets! You should have heard(which I am sure you did when you lived here) the talk radio after they lost to Wisconsin! You would have thought someone shot their dog! Some were ignorant enough to call for Tresels job! I think whats pisses me off the most is the blatent disregard for our recent talent, but I guess until we roll them a few times that will not change and what would be nice is to face them on a consistent basis in the new Big 10 Championship game and give them their whoopin and ruin their title hopes!

They were calling for Tressel's job? No one here would ever call for Ferentz's head.

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